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Today, beginning of autumn, this autumn, I wish you all the best.

The wind blows a leaf.
Everything has surprised autumn.
The breeze gently brushed the treetops.
The solar terms in beginning of autumn came quietly.
Data Map: The park is full of green shadows and flowers. Photo by Wang Jiaoni
"Make autumn ten days in advance"
The arrival of this solar term in beginning of autumn
Doesn’t mean the heat is over.
Often have to wait until the "summer" comes.
Is the basic farewell to summer
Beginning of autumn is the first solar term in autumn.
"Li" means "start"
A beautiful and moving autumn picture
Spread out slowly on the earth
Data Map: The picture shows the sky in Daxing ‘anling, Inner Mongolia in autumn. Photo by Li Ming
The summer heat slowly dissipated.
It’s a little cooler in the autumn wind
Crystal clear dew
Dotted with green leaves
Welcome the morning sunshine
Milk crow scattered jade screen empty.
A pillow is cool and a fan is cool.
Beginning of autumn will "chew the autumn" after that.
Some places are also called "biting autumn"
Eat a delicious watermelon.
Welcome the arrival of autumn.
Data map: The picture shows the "autumn" placed by the staff with watermelons. Photo by Chen Chao
It is easy to have a bad appetite in summer
Remember to "paste autumn fat"
Braised pork, hotpot …
Have a good meal.
Reward yourself for your diligence.
The weather is getting cooler after beginning of autumn.
A balanced diet is needed.
Eat less spicy and greasy food.
Eat more lotus seeds, tremella, etc.
Data Map: The picture shows the hot pot in Chongqing. Photo by Liu Xian
"Autumn begins with yin, so everything is harvested."
The prelude to the large-scale autumn harvest opened.
People are filled with joy.
Dry the harvested crops.
Autumn is a poetic season.
When the rice is ripe, the fruits are fragrant.
Once hard work and sweat.
Will be richly rewarded.
Data map: Colorful harvest results such as peppers and corn are placed on the drying rack under aerial photography. Liu Zhankun photo
Autumn is peaceful and quiet.
Clouds and clouds are clear and clear.
Just like life.
After experiencing all kinds of things in the world
Love life more maturely.
He Xiang Xiao wan Xia
Chrysanthemum gas enters the new autumn
Say goodbye to summer
Welcome the picturesque autumn
Data Map: The picture shows the beautiful scenery composed of snow-capped mountains, red leaves, meadows and pines. Photo by Wang Jiang
Beginning of autumn is coming
Willing to work hard for you
Meet all the beautiful things in autumn!
(Reporter Shangguan Yun)
Everyone is searching.
May you harvest in autumn. Autumn is the season of harvest. May you harvest in autumn is the season of harvest. May you harvest in autumn. May you harvest your dream. Autumn is cool. Harvest is just the first sentence of harvesting in autumn.


Xi le nian Hua 3KA

You also reap all the good things! !





Brother Lao Du, Kunming, Yunnan






Yunbai Xiahou 7I

May all our good things come as scheduled!





Mizhenxuan 94

Beginning of autumn is coming
Willing to work hard for you
Meet all the beautiful things in autumn!





Yi yi1236669Y

Illustrated with pictures and texts, they complement each other and are beautiful





Xingxinchang 078

May everything be beautiful in autumn!





Invincible old darling

A touch of autumn dispels fatigue and troubles, a touch of autumn embellishes life, and a little happiness resides in the heart. Beginning of autumn, I wish each of us feel comfortable and happy!





Flower and berry water giant nearly 00

In the harvest season, may the beautiful dream come true.





Ancient poetry fragrance

How time flies! It’s beginning of autumn in a flash!
In the distant mountains, autumn clouds rise at first, and Ping Ye gradually turns yellow. The melon in the yard is ripe and the tea at hand is slightly cold.

Willing to work hard for you

Meet all the beautiful things in autumn!






Return of overseas wanderers





There is no more.

Spring in Ma ‘an Village

Xinhua News Agency, Guangzhou, February 27th (Reporter Wang Ruiping) When the Sanhua plum beside the village road blooms a little bud, Ma ‘an Village is also ushered in spring with more than 30,000 mu of bamboo forests around it.
Ma ‘an Village, Pingtang Town, Xinyi City, Guangdong Province, located in the depths of Yunkai Mountain, is more than 800 meters above sea level and more than 1,000 meters above sea level. The mountains are high and the valleys are deep, and the land is barren. The villagers once used "nothing but steep slopes" to describe their remoteness and poverty.
"I have to walk on the dirt road hanging on the ridge for more than an hour every day when I go to school. I bring my own rice and leftovers. At noon, I use three bricks to build a stove to cook." Zhou Qinglian, born in 2002, recalled that her childhood journey to school was full of bitterness. Today, although her face looks immature, she has been working for almost two years after graduating from college and is a reserve cadre of Ma ‘an Village Committee.
Zhang Yujiao also chose to go back to the village for employment. In 2023, she graduated from Guangdong Ocean University majoring in economics and joined the Ma ‘an village tourism development and operation enterprise, becoming the "new generation" of local rural revitalization. "I used to study hard to get out of this mountain, but I didn’t expect to return to my hometown after graduation." Zhang Yujiao, dressed in fashionable clothes, wore Chinese hairpins and a horse-faced skirt, while receiving tourists, told reporters the story of employment at home.
It depends on the earth-shaking changes in Ma ‘an Village to attract college students to return to their hometowns for employment. In June, 2021, Yunmao Expressway was officially opened to traffic, which ended the history of no expressway passing through the eastern mountainous area of Xinyi City, narrowed the time and space distance between the mountainous area of western Guangdong and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and Ma ‘an Village also ushered in a new life.
The new look of Ma ‘an village (photo taken on February 12, drone photo). Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Ruiping photo
More than 30,000 mu of bamboo forest around Ma ‘an Village is the biggest local feature. In August 2022, the rural revitalization project of "Ma ‘an Zhuhai" officially started construction. As an important node in the "Demonstration Zone of Rural Revitalization along Yunmao Expressway" carefully built by the local government, the project is jointly invested by the government and enterprises with a proportion of 250 million yuan, and the construction and management are not lower than the national 4A-level tourist attractions.
"The first exit of Yunmao Expressway in Xinyi is our Pingtang Town. We have the largest bamboo forest in western Guangdong, with alpine meadows, lakes, clouds and patches of virgin forests."
Xiao Yingbei, secretary of the Party branch of Ma ‘an Village, took the reporter across the rest pavilion hanging with "cooking tea around the stove" from the entrance of the renovated village Committee, along the asphalt road, through the hydrophilic platform with flowing water, climbed up the hotel and homestay in the middle of the mountain, and went around to Zhuhai Square in the middle of the village. As he walked, he introduced that Pingtang Town used to be the "leftover material" of Xinyi City, and Ma ‘an Village was the "leftover material" of Pingtang Town. Now the traffic is good.
The scene of Yunmao Expressway passing through Yunkai Mountain (photo taken on February 11th, photo of drone). Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Ruiping photo
"Just after the Spring Festival, several friends from other places wanted to visit our village and asked me if there was a traffic jam." Yang Xiangwen is usually engaged in logistics and distribution work in Baiyun District of Guangzhou. After dinner with friends, he walked to Zhuhai Square. He took the reporter’s hand and said, "Now I am very proud to tell others about our village. There are many videos of our village on my mobile phone, which others envy!"
Tourists took a group photo in Ma ‘an Village (photo taken on February 12). Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Ruiping photo
In the reception room of Ma ‘an Village Committee, the wall is a new panoramic photo of Ma ‘an Village. Xiao Yingbei broke his fingers and analyzed the situation of the scenic spot after it was opened to reporters. In 2022, the collective income of our village was only about 170,000 yuan, and it has increased to 963,000 yuan in 2023. "Ticket income, house rental, parking fees, operating share of hotels and homestays, plus homestays run by villagers, restaurants and canteens can all increase villagers’ income."
According to the planning of Ma ‘an Village, after the "Ma ‘an Zhuhai" scenic spot is opened normally this year, the per capita annual equity dividend of villagers can reach 2,000 yuan, providing 200 jobs, and more villagers will also find jobs at their doorsteps.
"In the past, the village was a winding mud road, but now it has expanded into a 5.5-meter two-way lane." Zhou Qinglian said that every time the hometown road is widened, the life of the villagers will become better.
Driving from the top of the mountain to Yunmao Expressway, the clouds spread over the bamboo sea from the valley, and countless bamboo shoots were buried in the soil at this time, calling for spring rain. When the spring thunder rings, these spring shoots will bring different spring to Ma ‘an village.

[Network China Festival] Lantern Festival: Regaining the breath of life and waiting for the reunion of thousands of families.

  The stars and the moon are burning in the sky, and there are two yuanxiao on earth. Every year, it’s Lantern Festival again.

  Lantern Festival, also known as "Shangyuan Festival". In this festival, in addition to eating dumplings, enjoying lanterns and solve riddles on the lanterns, there are also countless literati who have left many poetic poems. These poems, or trigger the resonance of missing, or contain similar warmth, as well as countless inner attachments. These beautiful images hidden in ancient poems have amazed the time and the soul.

[Network China Festival] Lantern Festival: Regaining the breath of life and waiting for the reunion of thousands of families.

  Today, let’s walk in poetry and feel the Lantern Festival in poetry.

  Ouyang Xiu wrote in the Northern Song Dynasty: "On the Lantern Festival last year, the flower market was lit like a day. The moon rose above the willow tree, At dusk he had a tryst with me. The lantern festival on the fifteenth day of the first month of this year, the moonlight and the lights are still the same as last year. I didn’t see last year, and my tears wet my spring shirt sleeves. " Just a few crosses create a hazy, quiet, graceful and soft artistic conception, which makes people feel the charm of China’s traditional poems.

  "Jin Li Fang Yan, Lan Hongyan in his early years. The color is far away, and the light is far away. After the Chinese suspect that the stars are falling, the building is like a moon hanging. Don’t have a thousand gold smiles, come and reflect the nine branches. " Lu Zhaolin, one of the four outstanding figures in the early Tang Dynasty, wrote a poem "Watching Lights at Fifteen Nights", which made the colorful Lantern Festival lights unique and brought people into the enchanted fairyland.

  The poet Su Weidao wrote in the poem "The fifteenth night of the first month": "The fire tree and silver flowers are combined, and the star bridge is locked. The crowd surged, the dust float in the sky under the hoofs of the horses; Moonlight all over every corner, where people can see the moon overhead. Prostitutes are all ruined, and songs are all ruined. Jin Wu can’t help but stay up at night, and the jade leaks. " The poem describes the scene of lights scattered and crowds surging on the Lantern Festival night in Chang ‘an, and people still don’t want to leave at midnight. Read it carefully, and you will have a wonderful feeling of being in the capital of Datang and sleepwalking in the sea of people and lights.

[Network China Festival] Lantern Festival: Regaining the breath of life and waiting for the reunion of thousands of families.

  Yuan midnight snack, between the lights. "Find him thousands of baidu in the crowd. Suddenly looking back, the man was there, and the lights were dim. " Xin Qiji, a poet in the Southern Song Dynasty, is well-known for this word in "Qing Yu An Yuan Xi". In fact, in ancient times, Lantern Festival was also a romantic festival. Lantern Festival provides an opportunity for unmarried men and women to get to know each other, and it is also a good opportunity for young men and women to meet their lovers.

  In the Song Dynasty, the anonymous poet "Partridge Sky Shang Yuan" said: "At dusk, we welcome the auspicious to the Royal Return, and the palace flowers carry the brocade in piles. The whip sounded by the bridge in Tianjin, and the shadow was opened in front of Xuande Building. Play Shun music, enter the Yao Cup, and announce that the car will go to Tianjie immediately. The king likes to have fun with the people, and he comes with shock on all sides. " It describes the grand occasion of the Lantern Festival in the capital city of Song Huizong, where the emperor enjoyed the fun with the people, the officials and petty officials swarmed around, and the people flocked to it. Everyone wore all kinds of flowers on his head, and all the way, it was colorful and dazzling, as if it were a sea of flowers.

[Network China Festival] Lantern Festival: Regaining the breath of life and waiting for the reunion of thousands of families.

  Photo by Beijing Daily reporter Pan Zhiwang.

  Tang Bohu, a cynical and talented six-legged layman, also wrote a beautiful work "Yuanxiao". "A moon without lights is not entertaining, and a moon without lights is not spring. Towards everywhere spring comes as seen here with lady fair, Over bright moonlit night flashing lanterns set off the moon as pure silver. All over the street, Zhu Cui swims around the village girls, singing and competing with the social gods. If you don’t show your respect and smile, how can you get rid of this good time? " The Lantern Festival written by him is not only beautiful in artistic conception, but also lively and touching. The lights and the moon are shining, the songs are everywhere, and even the village girls wear red and green to travel. The scene is very spectacular and moving.

  The beauty of poetry lies in its rich flavor of the times and life. The romance of poetry lies in its engraving of human experience and customs changes. Therefore, it can cross the long river of time and let us regain the memory of culture. No matter how time and space change, Lantern Festival is still a spiritual symbol that we can’t give up, and people are still used to reunion in festivals.

  "At the Lantern Festival last year, the flower market lights were as bright as day. On the first night of this year, only the moon remains. " On this day, which should be a family reunion, too many people can’t do so because of the unexpected visitor "COVID-19 epidemic". This sudden epidemic has disrupted the rhythm of everyone’s reunion and disturbed our pace of going home. At this moment, on the Lantern Festival, let’s say a word to the "soldiers" who are fighting against the epidemic: take care and be safe! Say a word to all my family and compatriots: Happy holidays!

  The fight against the epidemic has entered the stage of Armageddon, and we look forward to the early dispersal of the epidemic and the family reunion as soon as possible! (Guangming. com reporter Yuan Qing)

Another first time in 34 years: the Chaozhou opera "Watching Lights" made its debut at the CCTV Lantern Festival.

  CCTV’s 2019 Lantern Festival Gala will be held soon. Southern Reporter learned that Chaozhou Opera, one of the four famous dramas in Guangdong, will be on CCTV Lantern Festival Gala, and Zhang Yihuang, winner of China drama "Plum Blossom Award", and others will show the charm of Chaozhou Opera "Watching the Lights". The famous artists who appeared in this performance are Zhang Yihuang, Lin Chufa, Ant yan dan and Zhang Shutong. Like the Spring Festival Gala, the CCTV Lantern Festival Gala has also attracted much attention. This is another famous Guangdong drama on CCTV Lantern Festival Gala after Guangdong Cantonese Opera on CCTV Spring Festival Gala.


  Chaozhou Opera, one of the four famous operas in Guangdong (Cantonese Opera, Chaozhou Opera, Han Opera and Lei Ju), was named after its formation in Chaoshan area of Guangdong, commonly known as "Chaodiao", "Chaoyin Opera" and "Baizizi Opera". It was widely circulated in Zhao ‘an, Yunxiao, Pinghe, Dongshan, Zhangpu and Nanjing in southern Fujian in the late Ming Dynasty, and was closely related to Liyuan Opera. In 2006, it was selected into the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage list. Known as "southern flowers".

  "Watching Lights" Dressed Rehearsal

  Plays: Meet a beautiful woman under the Lantern Festival, and a beautiful marriage is made by a mirror.

  The performance program is "Watching Lights" from the classic drama "Li Jing Ji" of Chaozhou Opera.

  Li Jing Ji originated from Chaozhou and Quanzhou in southern Fujian, mainly in the form of Qupai (script), and was performed by drama. The Chaozhou opera Li Jing Ji, also known as Chen San Wu Niang, is written in Chaozhou dialect and Quanzhou dialect, which is the earliest publication in Minnan language and the most representative traditional repertoire of Chaozhou opera.

  The story tells that Chen San, a native of Quanzhou, Fujian Province in the Ming Dynasty, sent his brother and sister-in-law to Guangnan to take office. On the Lantern Festival, he passed through Chaozhou, Guangdong Province, and met Huang Wuniang, a rich daughter, at the Lantern Festival. They fell in love at first sight and loved each other. Huang’s father was greedy for money and love power, and allowed Wu Niang to marry Lin Da, a rich man. Wu Niang was dissatisfied and depressed. Chen San came to Chaozhou again and passed by Wuniang Xiulou, where Wuniang threw lychees and handkerchiefs to show her love. Chen San disguised himself as a mirror grinder and entered Fu Huang. When Chen San was grinding the mirror, he deliberately broke the mirror and sold himself into slavery on the pretext of losing the mirror. After twists and turns, Yichun tactfully helped pull strings, and Chen San and Wu Niang finally escaped and eloped back to Quanzhou. This drama has a distinctive color of rebelling against feudal ethics, eulogizing the free marriage of men and women, and breaking the vulgar marriage arrangement of men and women in feudal society. The whole drama has strong local cultural characteristics and has been performed for a long time. Watching Lights, Collecting Books, Keeping an Umbrella and Contracting in the drama have become immortal classics of Chaozhou Opera.

  Fang Zhanrong, a national representative inheritor of Chaozhou Opera and former head of the 2nd Troupe of Guangdong Chaozhou Theatre, introduced that the performance of "Li Jing Ji" and "Watching Lights" at the CCTV Lantern Festival was a brilliant scene and a classic fragment, among which, four professions representing Chaozhou Opera will be presented to the national audience one by one. Fang Zhanrong is a famous and ugly Chaozhou Opera. He devoted himself to its promotion all his life. He said that Chaozhou Opera is more difficult to promote than other local operas because it is performed in dialects. "But this is also our ambition. As an ancient opera, it is great that local operas in languages that are not easy to learn can be put on the CCTV Lantern Festival." Fang Zhanrong introduced that Chaozhou Opera has also been put on the central opera channel many times. He said that CCTV Lantern Festival Gala is a national event.

  Do you know this famous Chaozhou opera?

  Wu Niang Zhang Yihuang


  Zhang Yihuang, who plays Wu Niang in "Watching the Lights" in the Chaozhou drama "Li Jing Ji", is a national first-class actor and a plum blossom award winner. He is currently the vice president of Guangdong Chaozhou Theatre, the top-notch talent in Shantou, the vice chairman of Guangdong Dramatists Association and the chairman of Shantou Dramatists Association.

  Zhang Yihuang, a native of Nan ‘ao, Guangdong Province, graduated from Shantou Opera School in 1989, majoring in Chaozhou Opera Performance, and graduated from China Opera Academy in 2002.

  As a leader in the field of Chaozhou opera performance, Zhang Yihuang has successively starred in more than 30 dramas, such as Yaniang, Dongwu Princess, Fireworks Woman and Champion Lang and Yutangchun, which are deeply loved by Chaozhou opera audiences at home and abroad. In 2001, he went to Japan to hold a concert of Zhang Yihuang Chaozhou Opera, and published Zhang Yihuang Chaozhou Opera Art Album and Masterpiece Golden Melody — — Zhang Yihuang’s Singing Album, Chinese Chaozhou Opera Masters — — Selected Works of Zhang Yihuang’s Singing, etc., are deeply loved by Chaozhou opera audiences at home and abroad.

  Chen San Lin Chufa


  Lin Chufa, played by Chen San, is a national first-class actor, a junior in Guangdong Chao Theatre and a director of Guangdong Dramatists Association. In 1993, he graduated from Shantou Culture and Art School, and in 2002, he graduated from China Theatre Academy. Successfully played more than 30 different characters such as Liu Bei in Dongwu Princess and Zhu Jingwu in Yaniang. In recent years, he has taken many large-scale Chaozhou opera art films and Chaozhou language film and television works, such as "The Legend of the Moon" and "The Bride of the Champion". He has won many awards, such as the second and third drama performing arts competitions in Guangdong Province, the first prize for young and middle-aged singing in Shantou City, and the first prize for young and middle-aged performing arts competitions in Guangdong Chao Theatre in 1998 and 2002.

  Yichun ant yan dan


  Yan dan, the actor of Yichun, is a second-class actor of Guangdong Chao Theatre. He graduated from Shantou Culture and Art School with a major in Chaozhou Opera performance. After graduation, he has been an actor in Guangdong Chao Theatre. Since she was an artist, she has played the role of Chuncao in Chuncao Rushing into the Hall, and the wife on the way home has played the leading role and important role. As a choreographer in many plays and cultural evenings. He has won the bronze prize in the 4th Drama Performing Arts Competition in Guangdong Province, the second prize for young singers, writers, directors and vocalists in Guangdong Chao Theatre, and many other awards.

  Ugly Li Jie Zhang Shutong


Ugly female Li Jie Zhang Shutong (right)

  This time, the role of the ugly Li Jie was played by Zhang Shutong, a group of ugly actors and directors in Guangdong Chao Theatre. He has played the role of Hu Lian in Noisy Chai, Sun Fu in Capture Sun Fu alive, and Li Laosan in Chai Fang Hui. In 2008, he went to the advanced editing and directing class of Shanghai Theatre Academy to study, and then independently directed plays such as Capture Saburo alive, Hu Bugui Weeping the Grave, and All the Children Cry. In 2001, he participated in the basic skills competition of young and middle-aged actors in Guangdong Chao Theatre and won the first prize. In 2006, he directed and acted Saburo alive and won the gold medal in the 5th Guangdong Drama Performing Arts Competition.

  Reporter Li Chunhua

Yinhu welcomes blessings, saying that New Year’s Eve is a happy family.

New Year’s Eve is the last day at the end of the year, also known as New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Eve, New Year’s Eve, and New Year’s Eve. New Year’s Eve is a time to get rid of the old and get new, reunite with the family and offer sacrifices to ancestors. Tomb-Sweeping Day, July 30 and Double Ninth Festival are traditional festivals to offer sacrifices to ancestors in China. It is connected with the beginning and end of the new year, which is called "the end of the poor month and the end of the new year". It is the eve of the new year and an important time junction to get rid of the old and welcome the new year. Because New Year’s Eve often falls on the 29th or 30th day of the twelfth lunar month, it is also called New Year’s Eve. "One night is even two years old, and five hours is divided into two years." On New Year’s Eve, the old year ends here, and the next year will be replaced by a new year. Sticking Spring Festival couplets, observing the New Year’s Eve, and lucky money … all these customs can’t be less!








Spring Festival couplets are also called door-to-door couplets, spring stickers, couplets, couplets, etc. They depict the background of the times and express good wishes with neat, dual, concise and exquisite words, which is a unique literary form in China. Sticking Spring Festival couplets comes from ancient peach symbols. Every spring festival, every household should select a pair of red Spring Festival couplets and stick them on the door to add festive atmosphere to the festival.








The lanterns in China, also known as lanterns, originated in the Western Han Dynasty more than 1,800 years ago. Every year before and after the New Year’s Eve, people hang red lanterns symbolizing reunion to create a festive atmosphere. On New Year’s Eve, red lanterns are hung at the door, the hall is burning with flaming fire, candles or oil lamps are lit, and the family talks around the table.








On New Year’s Eve, eating New Year’s Eve is the most lively and enjoyable time for every household in the Spring Festival. The sumptuous New Year’s dishes are filled with a table, and the family is reunited, sitting around the table and having a reunion dinner. There are big dishes, cold pots, stir-fry and snacks on the table, and the hot pot is boiling and steaming, which indicates that the coming year is booming; "Fish" and "Yu" are homophonic, which not only symbolizes "auspicious and festive", but also implies "annual surplus"; Radish, commonly known as vegetable head, wishes a good head; Frying food wishes the family a prosperous life, such as "cooking oil with fire". Northerners are used to eating jiaozi on New Year’s Eve, which means "making friends at a younger age". And because the white-flour jiaozi is shaped like a silver ingot, a pot of pots on the table symbolizes the meaning of "making a fortune in the New Year, and the ingot rolls in".








Lucky money is given by the elders to the younger generation. After eating the New Year’s Eve dinner, everyone is not allowed to leave at the table. When everyone has finished eating, the elders will give it to the younger generation and encourage their children and grandchildren to learn and improve in the new year. Because "old" and "precious" are homophonic, the elders hope that the lucky money can exorcise evil spirits and avoid disasters, and bless the healthy growth of children. "Lucky money" first appeared in the Han Dynasty, and it is a wearable coin-shaped ornament. During the Republic of China, the lucky money became the "welfare money" given by the elders to the younger generation.


a kind of bamboo






There is a saying among the Han people in China that when the new year comes, the first thing for every household to open the door is to set off firecrackers, so as to get rid of the old and welcome the new with the sound of firecrackers. Firecrackers are a specialty of China, also known as "firecrackers", "firecrackers" and "firecrackers", which have a long history of more than 2,000 years. Setting off firecrackers can create a festive and lively atmosphere, which is a kind of entertainment in festivals and can bring happiness and good luck to people. Today, the concept of "Green Spring Festival" is deeply rooted in people’s hearts, and traditional firecrackers have also been replaced by colored lights, lanterns, electronic firecrackers and other products. As the Spring Festival approaches, the flavor of the year is stronger and fresher.








Shounian, commonly known as "staying up late", waits for the arrival of the new year. "Year" was commonly used with "year" in ancient China. Year is year, and year is year. The custom of observing the age has a long history. In the old twelfth lunar month, on the thirtieth night, after eating the New Year’s Eve dinner, people did their jobs according to their own division of labor. Parents should preside over the worship of gods, buddhas and ancestors to welcome the "lower world of god". Children go outdoors to set off firecrackers and fireworks, while women are busy preparing noodles and stuffing for jiaozi. Busy, the whole family, old and young, sat around the stove, eating dry goods, melons and fruits, talking about the past and the present, playing cards and playing chess, and staying up all night, which is called "guarding the old age." It is said that the custom of observing the age was very popular in the Jin Dynasty.

The customs of the year have been changing.

But what remains unchanged is people’s good wishes.

On New Year’s Eve, the year-old ends that night.

This is the most China day and night.

It is a magical intersection between the old year and the new year.

A year of sorrow and joy will pass tonight.

A unified beginning and a new tomorrow.

At the end of this year

A glass of wine to send the old year.

wake up after a sound sleep

It’s a new day.

It’s another prosperous and auspicious New Year.

Say "Happy New Year" to each other.

Cartography: Anna

Original title: "Yinhu welcomes happiness, saying New Year’s Eve, family fun"

How do senior three students prepare for the exam when the countdown to the college entrance examination is less than 100 days?

  This year, the number of college entrance examination candidates in China is expected to exceed 10 million. Weng Tiehui, Vice Minister of Education, said at the press conference of the joint prevention and control mechanism in the State Council on February 28th that the Ministry of Education will carefully study the implementation plan of this year’s college entrance examination, and relevant work arrangements will be announced to the public in time. The reporter found out that since the resumption of the college entrance examination, the college entrance examination has never been rescheduled for any reason. Even during the SARS period, the original plan was still implemented, one month ahead of the previous year, and it was carried out normally. According to the usual arrangement, the 2020 college entrance examination will officially enter the 100-day countdown on February 28th. How to stay in the sprint stage and get rid of the adverse effects caused by the epidemic has also become a challenge that this year’s senior three students must go all out to face.

  Recording and broadcasting lectures, live answering questions, opening the "online teaching" mode in the third grade of senior high school.

  Wang Yi, director of the third grade of Wuchang Experimental Middle School in Hubei Province, told the reporter that the "online preparation" model carried out by the school has been going on for more than a month due to the epidemic.

  Wang Yi said: "We started our holiday on January 20th. We originally planned to start classes on February 1st, the eighth day of the first month, and the winter vacation lasted for 10 days. Due to the sudden outbreak, online teaching has become a routine mode. Before that, to be honest, most of our teachers, including myself, taught online ‘ Zero foundation ’ . I thought at that time, I would take advantage of the winter vacation to explore. I had a holiday on January 21st, and I started to broadcast live on the Internet on the 22nd … …”

  With the development of the epidemic situation, in late January, the Ministry of Education announced that schools all over the country should "close classes without stopping studying", integrate online learning resources according to their own reality, enrich learning content, and provide suitable home learning methods for candidates.

  Wang Yi led the team to take action formally. He introduced: "On the fifth and sixth day of junior high school, I suggested to the school to hold a video conference through QQ group to let the teachers get familiar with the operation. After four or five meetings, everyone gradually became proficient, brainstorming and communicating with each other, and this kind of teaching channel was gradually established. "

Interactive screenshot of online teaching feedback in Class 5, Grade 3, Wuchang Experimental Middle School, Hubei Province

  Designated e-mail to send and receive grading homework, mobile phone applet to conduct quizzes, and online simulation exam to test learning results … … After two weeks of exploration, the online teaching feedback mode in this special period has been continuously enriched and improved.

  Li Huisuo, secretary of the Party Committee and president of Hebei Hengshui School, introduced in an interview with CCTV News 1+1 that Hengshui School has taken three measures to help senior three students prepare for the exam: 1. All the students participate in student management: a teacher subcontracts several students for video home visits and individual counseling to keep abreast of their situation; 2. Expand the content of education in an all-round way: the cultural class adopts the way of combining recording and broadcasting teaching with live answering questions; Physical education class arranged gymnastics suitable for family exercise; Carry out labor education classes and let students do some housework. 3. Highlight inspirational education in the whole process: record inspirational theme class meetings and inspirational micro-videos to keep students energetic.

  Parents of online exams and home exams turned into "invigilators"

  From January 30 to February 11, the teaching and research staff of senior three in Wuhan began to develop and revise the February research examination questions in Wuhan online, and completed the online and offline versions of 9 sets of papers. On February 26th, relying on the Wuhan Education Cloud Platform, the city’s senior high schools were organized to carry out the online quality testing of senior three English subjects, and the feasibility of online quality testing of senior three English subjects was studied and analyzed, which also provided a practical basis for the online quality testing of senior three English subjects in Wuhan in the future.

  Su Min, the educational director of Wuhan No.11 Middle School, said: "We have designed an online exam, which is called the heart-taking exam, to make students transition from the loose state of holidays to the tense state of study as soon as possible. There is a weekly test once a week to test the learning state of the week. There is a monthly exam once a month to understand the learning status of the whole month. Teachers can fully understand students’ learning situation through testing and adjust their own teaching. Students can also check for gaps and make timely adjustments, and at the same time, they can also conduct sufficient exercises to hone their skills, speed and mentality. "

The cloud system invigilation of Guangqumen Middle School in Beijing

  On March 3rd, the first adaptive test of Beijing New College Entrance Examination was held. Affected by the epidemic, more than 50,000 candidates took the "home exam" for four consecutive days.

  According to the different conditions of each school, the test papers reach the candidates by flash mail, on-site collection by parents, and self-printing by mailbox extraction. Because this test needs candidates to be conducted at home, parents become "invigilators". In order to ensure the effectiveness of the test, schools let parents receive "cloud" training before invigilation through online counseling and "A Letter to Parents" before the test. 15 minutes before each exam, parents remind students to empty their desks, prepare school supplies, mute electronic products such as mobile phones, prepare test papers, answer sheets and barcodes for the subject, and issue instructions such as "The exam is about to begin, please confirm that electronic products such as mobile phones are mute". After the exam is completed, submit the answer sheet by mail or sending pictures according to the requirements of middle school.

  Psychological micro-courses and expert lectures relieve stress and boost morale.

  In the past, the "countdown to the college entrance examination" hanging above the blackboard in the classroom can only "move into" the class groups of online platforms such as QQ and WeChat. Without the teacher around, the pressure and anxiety of many students have increased.

  Xi Huisuo, secretary of the Party Committee and president of Hebei Hengshui School, said that the college entrance examination is a big competition of comprehensive strength, which not only tests knowledge and ability, but also tests students’ psychological quality, will quality, behavior habits and physical health. In a special period, children are prone to anxiety at home, and even have some problems with their parents. At this time, psychological counseling becomes very important. To this end, Hengshui has arranged a special psychological teacher to record psychological micro-courses, and students can watch them on demand according to their own wishes.




The "double points" policy of new energy vehicles will be adjusted again. Can car companies cope with it easily?

  Focused double integral

  The new energy automobile industry in 2019 is doomed to be unsettled. In the post-subsidy era, the double-point policy related to the development of new energy vehicle market will be adjusted again. In early September, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other relevant departments announced the Decision on Amending the Measures for the Parallel Management of Average Fuel Consumption of Passenger Car Enterprises and New Energy Vehicle Points (Draft for Comment). All-media reporters combed the new "double points" draft for comments and found that this time it mainly involved a number of content adjustments, including changes in the calculation method of points, redefining traditional energy passenger cars, and clarifying the definition of low-fuel passenger cars, which brought new changes to new energy vehicles.

  Text, photo: Guangzhou Daily all-media reporter Deng Li

  Break the rules!

  Pure electric vehicles no longer share the integral pressure of high-displacement vehicles.

  The adjustment of pure electric vehicles in the new "double integral" draft for comments has attracted much attention. For example, Article 10 is added: "The actual value of average fuel consumption of traditional energy passenger cars in enterprises refers to the actual value of average fuel consumption of enterprises in which new energy vehicles do not participate in accounting." This new regulation means that the new energy and traditional energy passenger cars of car companies will be accounted for independently in the future. It is widely believed in the industry that this will break the rules that pure electric vehicles share the fuel consumption points of large-displacement fuel vehicles.

  Cui Dongshu, Secretary-General of the National Passenger Car Information Association, said that before, some traditional fuel car companies actively laid out new energy fields in response to the "double-integral" policy, so as to achieve the effect that high-displacement vehicles rely on pure electric vehicles to share the pressure of double-integral, and this method will not be feasible in the future. The new "double-integral" draft for comments allows new energy vehicles not to participate in the average fuel consumption accounting of traditional energy passenger cars, which will help new energy vehicles to further accelerate their development.

  Hybrid benefits!

  Encourage the development of low fuel consumption vehicles.

  In the new "double integral" draft for comments, there is also a regulation that is regarded as affecting the development trend of new energy vehicles. That is, Article 16 is added: "When calculating the integral standard value of new energy vehicles of passenger car enterprises, the production or import of low-fuel passenger cars shall be calculated according to 0.5 times of its quantity." According to the current understanding, all vehicles whose fuel consumption meets the standard under comprehensive working conditions can be considered as low-fuel passenger vehicles, such as hybrid vehicles with obvious fuel-saving effect. Therefore, industry experts generally believe that this is to strongly encourage the development of low fuel consumption models.

  All-media reporters noticed that on July 9 this year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology had publicly solicited opinions from the public on the amendment (draft for comments) to the Measures for the Parallel Management of Average Fuel Consumption of Passenger Car Enterprises and New Energy Vehicle Points, and proposed for the first time to give preferential treatment to non-plug-in hybrid vehicles. This has benefited the hybrid models of Japanese companies such as Toyota and Honda. For the new adjustment, the relevant car companies said they were waiting to see. For example, Honda China said that it is studying and studying the revised opinion draft, and has not made any product adjustments for the opinion draft.

  The weight of cruising range decreases.

  The energy consumption requirements of pure electric vehicles are improved.

  The new "double points" exposure draft adjusts the calculation method of new energy passenger car models, and reduces the impact of cruising range on new energy vehicle points. In terms of the lower limit of pure electric passenger cars, the revised draft stipulates for the first time that all passenger cars with cruising range below 150km will be accumulated according to 1 point; At the same time, the upper limit of fuel cell vehicle points is increased by 1 point compared with the current regulations. At the same time, based on the current pure electric vehicle with a cruising range of 350km on the market, according to the previous "double points" policy, the maximum accumulated points can be 5, and if calculated according to the adjusted double points policy amendment, only 2.5 points can be obtained.

  Insiders said that on the one hand, through the adjustment of the integral calculation formula, it will link up with the existing policies in terms of vehicle technical indicators and guide the technological progress of the industry; On the other hand, optimize the index system and strengthen the requirements for energy consumption and other indicators that reflect the advanced nature of the whole vehicle.

  Modify points trading rules

  Increase by 2% every year.

  The second paragraph of Article 22 in the new "Double Points" exposure draft is amended as: "The positive points of new energy vehicles of passenger car enterprises can be freely traded according to these Measures. The positive points of new energy vehicles generated in 2019 and beyond will be carried forward in accordance with the following rules, and the validity period of the carry-forward will not exceed three years.

  All-media reporters noticed that the new "double points" exposure draft gave clear carry-over rules for the new energy points, and additionally stipulated that it could be carried over in 2019. Previously, the "double points" policy stipulated that the positive points of new energy vehicles should not be carried forward, and the adjustment plan not only encouraged traditional energy passenger car enterprises to actively reduce fuel consumption, but also encouraged enterprises that only produced new energy vehicles, which could bring more new energy points to the points trading market.

  In addition, the second paragraph of Article 17 in the new "Double Integral" exposure draft is amended as: "In 2021, 2022 and 2023, the integral proportion of new energy vehicles is required to be 14%, 16% and 18% respectively. The requirements for the proportion of new energy vehicle points in 2024 and beyond will be announced separately by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology. " Compared with the current "double points" policy, the proportion of new energy points in 2019 and 2020 is 10% and 12% respectively, and the "double points" of new energy will increase at an equal rate of 2% every year from 2019 to 2023. The industry believes that most car companies can easily cope with the "double points" policy.

  Methanol and other fuel vehicles

  Incorporate into traditional passenger cars

  It is worth noting that the new "double-integral" draft revised the third paragraph of Article 4 as follows: "The traditional energy passenger cars mentioned in these Measures refer to passenger cars (including non-plug-in hybrid passenger cars) that can burn gasoline, diesel, gas fuel or alcohol ether fuel, etc., except new energy passenger cars." Alcohol ether fuel refers to methanol, dimethyl ether and other clean fuels for replacing gasoline and diesel. If it is included in the category of traditional passenger cars, it can realize the maximum clean and reasonable utilization of coal resources. In other words, diversification of vehicle fuels and ensuring energy security are being put on the agenda.

  [market observation]

  Conducive to the healthy development of the industry

  According to the previously published Evaluation Method and Index of Passenger Car Fuel Consumption, by 2025, the average fuel consumption index of Chinese automobile enterprises will be 4L per 100 kilometers. To achieve this target, we need a balanced development of the market. Cui Dongshu said: The new version of the "double integral" amendment provides a more relaxed environment for the development of new energy automobile industry, and on the other hand, it also takes into account the development needs of energy-saving vehicles, which will play a good guiding role in the development of the industry. The new adjustment of the "double integral" policy has attracted the industry’s most attention to the integral calculation method proposed for low-fuel consumption vehicles, which means that the requirements for new energy integral are also reduced, which can be expected to promote the popularization of energy-saving technologies and hybrid technologies for fuel vehicles, such as 48V micro-mixing, idle start-stop and other energy-saving technologies will be better promoted.

  At the same time, Japanese companies with obvious advantages in hybrid technology of oil and electricity are also welcoming vitality. In this way, it can also reduce the "virtual fire" caused by the development of pure electric vehicles in the market, and traditional car companies do not have to rush to abandon the internal combustion engine technology and concentrate on the new energy field. This is conducive to the balanced development of the automobile market, so as to achieve the goal of 4L with high quality.

  For joint ventures and foreign brands, it is also very beneficial to include hybrid models in the assessment; Especially for the major domestic automobile groups that rely on joint venture brands to contribute profits, slowing down the market in the automobile market can be described as a timely help.

  All-media reporters noticed that although the new "double points" policy is still being solicited, joint venture car companies have accelerated in the field of new energy vehicles, especially hybrid models. For example, BMW, Dongben, Lincoln, Jeep, etc. have launched new hybrid models. Generally speaking, the constantly adjusted "double integral" policy is also exploring the most suitable development route, but the general direction of energy saving will never change.

Haze weather in Huanghuai and other places in North China continues to be rainy and snowy in Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia and Northeast China.

  Yesterday, light to moderate haze weather occurred in most parts of Hebei, Beijing, Tianjin, northern Shandong, eastern Henan, eastern Hubei, central and western Jilin, southwestern Heilongjiang and other places, with severe haze locally. This morning, fog with visibility less than 1 km appeared in Beijing, Tianjin, eastern and south-central Hebei, and visibility in some areas was less than 200 meters.

  It is estimated that from October 30 to November 2, the atmospheric diffusion conditions in central and southern North China and western Huanghuai are still poor, with mild to moderate haze weather, and some areas in central and southern North China have severe haze. From the night of November 2, affected by cold air, the atmospheric diffusion conditions in the above areas gradually improved, and the haze weather weakened and dissipated.

  Monitoring shows that yesterday, heavy rains occurred in parts of southeastern Guangxi, southwestern Guangdong and Hainan Island, and local heavy rains occurred; There was heavy rain in Tacheng, Xinjiang, sleet or moderate to heavy snow and local snowstorm in Altay. It is estimated that in the next three days, the rainfall in South China will obviously weaken, mainly cloudy with light rain in some areas. In addition, the rain and snow weather in Xinjiang, Inner Mongolia and Northeast China will increase, so the public should pay attention to the adverse effects on traffic and travel that may be caused by rain and snow.

  It is expected that in the next three days, there will be rainy and snowy weather in northern Xinjiang, with small to medium snow or sleet in high altitude areas and heavy snow in northern Altay; There is light snow or sleet weather in northeastern Inner Mongolia, western Heilongjiang and western Jilin, with moderate to heavy snow in some areas.

Counting the big show, the fragrant-shouldered dice queen Ada incarnates the amorous feelings of "female gambler"

As a sequel, the comedy fantasy film produced by Cinema Media, Anle Film and Blue Star Film was released in Chinese mainland on the first day of the New Year’s Day. It was released for seven days, and the cumulative box office has exceeded 1.719 billion, bringing joy to tens of millions of families. Starring Tony Leung Chiu Wai, Bai Baihe, Jing Bo Ran, Chris Lee and Ada, the film mainly tells the story of Tianyin and Xiaolan’s family reunion in Hu Ba.


Ada became a "female gambler" with a variety of amorous feelings.


In the film, Ada, a popular actress, plays a master of enchanting beauty and incarnates into a "female gambler" with all kinds of amorous feelings. She confronts Tu Sigu, played by Tony Leung Chiu Wai, and presents a very gorgeous fancy gambling. She wears a thin pink blouse with a sapphire skirt, half veiled and half fragrant shoulders, and her elegant collarbone sets off her breasts, which is domineering and provocative. Fans who have seen the film pointed out that Ada’s "goddess of gamblers" is very similar to Raquel’s role as the Queen of Dice in the film and Japanese actress Michiko Nishiwaki, who also played the King of Dice in Hong Kong’s hot movies in the early years.


Raquel’s eyes are full of murderous look.


In the movie "storm riders in Macau", Raquel, a 90-year-old girl in Tsing Yi, also plays the "female gambler" dice king. She confronts the pony played by Nick Cheung. She is dressed in a black and red kimono, with a small dew shoulder and a variety of amorous feelings, and her over-the-shoulder dragon tattoo is the most amazing highlight of the audience. When confronting Nick Cheung at the gambling table, Raquel’s eyes are full of charm and murderous look. Although there are not many appearances, it is the most memorable role in the film.


Michiko Nishiwaki modeling becomes the designated action of rolling dice.


In the early years, in the classic movie "God of Gambling", Japanese actress Michiko Nishiwaki also played the role of "God of Gambling", also wearing a kimono. When the dice were about to be rolled, she tore off her button and exposed her tattooed shoulders. This scene can be called the most classic scene in "God of Gambling", which is still memorable after many years. So far, this shape has also become a roll in the film.


Later, Raquel’s dice queen model in the movie storm riders, Macau and Ada’s beauty master model in Catch the Demon 2, all three of them also play a variety of female gamblers, who are equally skilled and show off their shoulders, and also compete with the film’s male actor. The difference is that their shapes in the film are more amazing and more brilliant than each other. Please pay attention to Catch the Demon 2.

Light up the urban culture and enjoy the beauty of culture in Guangzhou on New Year’s Day | 2024 New Year’s Day Cultural Travel Activities

Southern Network News (Reporter/Zhou Cun Correspondent/Sui Wenguang Travel Announcement) During the New Year holiday, Guangzhou organized and planned a series of public cultural activities to celebrate the arrival of the 2024 New Year. Public cultural places at all levels bring splendid cultural feasts to the citizens, including exhibitions, lectures, courses, reading clubs, cultural performances and other forms, enriching the cultural life of citizens and tourists on New Year’s Day holidays.
Under the careful planning of cultural centers and libraries at all levels in Guangzhou, various theme exhibitions during New Year’s Day presented the beauty of culture from many angles, bringing cultural feasts to the citizens.
Among them, in 2023, the joint exhibition of Guangzhou Library and Guangzhou Cultural Center, a public welfare work of aesthetic education in Lingnan, which is a non-genetic study, focused on the theme of Guangfu folk custom, paper-cutting, arcade culture, South Lion and other non-legacy projects, focusing on the achievements of voluntary service of aesthetic education and cultural tourism. "Beauty of Porcelain"-Wenchuang Art Exhibition integrates modern elements through the re-innovation of ancient porcelain, showing the integrated beauty of decoration, use and appreciation of ancient porcelain.
During the New Year’s Day holiday, a group of people’s favorite cultural activities to benefit the people were staged wonderfully. For example, the 11th China (Guangzhou) Street Dance Trend Culture Season and the 2023 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao City Street Dance Competition, the "Dream in the Garden, Anime Adventure"-Anime Culture Carnival, and the "Chaoxuan Haizhu Dancing Teenager" 2023 Haizhu District Campus Street Dance Competition, which are deeply loved by young people, not only incorporate the trend elements, but also bring different experiences to young people and trend lovers. In addition, cultural parks, Lihu, Zhucun, Changling, Guanzhou, Lianma and other places held performances to benefit the people on New Year’s Day, creating a happy and peaceful New Year atmosphere.
During the New Year’s Day holiday, major libraries enrich the cultural service experience in the form of classic reading sessions, poetry reading sessions, and experience sharing sessions, so that citizens can share the pleasure of reading. Panyu 365, with a long rhyme, welcomes the new year —— Panyu 2024 New Year Music Poetry Club, which integrates the concept of "Guangdong Music+",combines traditional culture with New Year’s festive elements, and displays the cultural atmosphere of every family in Panyu reciting poems in a parent-child way, making the local accent "new" and "heart-warming". The 2024 Welcome Poetry Meeting of Huangpu District Library "Innocent Children’s Rhyme with Fragrant Snow" will greet the new year with poems recalling innocent childhood memories.
Guangzhou also organizes various cultural interactive experience activities for citizens to personally participate in and feel the charm of traditional culture. Health preserving in TCM-making experience of Chinese herbal sachets, fruitful welcome to the New Year-activities such as colorful drawing experience, reading Huangpu creative handmade DIY New Year greeting cards, weaving Chinese knots to send blessings on New Year’s Day, and professional experience camp for little librarians were launched one after another during New Year’s Day, creating a strong festive atmosphere.
It is reported that in order to meet the diverse reading needs of citizens and tourists, libraries at all levels in Guangzhou provide citizens with more convenient reading services and richer reading resources during the New Year holiday. For example, Guangzhou Children’s Library’s Shuxiangmen "hands in" and enjoys reading-"Booking books to deliver books to your door" New Year’s Day activities can deliver books to your door for free. Huangpu District Library integrates public cultural services into all kinds of high-tech enterprises through the brand activity of "Huangpu has a story", and invites relevant experts, scholars and entrepreneurs to enter the library to share their work experience, social experience and life sentiment in Huangpu and show Huangpu’s unique cultural heritage.
Photo courtesy of correspondent