
Go their separate ways after three months? Meme teamed up with the 300th assists of the king’s career.

After cleaning icardi and Sarabia, Paris’ goals this season depend entirely on NMM Trident. Now that Neymar has been reimbursed for the serious injury season, Paris can only rely entirely on Messi and Mbappé. In the face of Bayern, the overall strength of Paris is obviously insufficient, and Messi and Mbappé failed to create miracles. When facing brest tonight, the familiar Meme’s flirtation appeared on the pitch again. Thanks to the excellent performances of Messi and Mbappé, Paris won a 2-1 away game.

The first goal in Paris belongs to Sohler, but the real heroes are Messi and Mbappé. Paris’s conventional offensive means can’t break Brest’s iron drum array. The key to breaking the game is the two superstars on the front line. Messi made a breakthrough on the right. After attracting many people to defend, he sent the ball to the top of the arc in the penalty area, and Mbappé was in a defensive vacuum. Mbappé’s subsequent long-range shot, though at a positive angle, was surprisingly powerful. Bizot managed to save the ball and finally got rid of it, which led to Sohler’s follow-up shot.

After the Paris defence unexpectedly gave gifts again, Meme made a pass to help the French leader score the winning goal in the 90th minute. This goal stands out as a clean one. When receiving a direct pass from the backcourt, Messi shook his left ankle slightly on the right side of the midfield, while Mbappé pressed the offside line in the middle to start the sprint. When Mbappé got the ball, he didn’t have any defenders around him, only the goalkeeper Bizot was left in front of him. Mbappé easily broke through Bizot with a vertical acceleration, and the Frenchman then pushed the ball into the empty net. In a flash, Messi and Mbappé decided the trend of the whole game.

This goal is the 3000th goal of Paris in the top league. This assist is the 300th in Messi’s career. He assisted 269 times in Paris and 29 times in Paris. In the five major leagues this season, Messi has assisted 13 times, and he beat Braune to lead Europe. This goal is Mbappé’s 40th goal in the club and national team this season. Mbappé has scored 40+ goals in four seasons, and he is the first French player to do this in five major leagues. Mbappé scored 138 French goals for Paris, tied with cavani for the first place in history, and tied Lille striker David with 19 goals in the French top scorer list.

After nearly two years of cooperation, Messi and Mbappé obviously have a better understanding. However, judging from the current situation, the probability of disintegration of NMM Trident in Paris after three months is quite high. Messi’s contract is about to expire, and at present he prefers not to renew it. Mbappé and Real Madrid had an affair again, and Neymar was pushed into the transfer market for the nth time. This group of tridents, which had high hopes, failed to achieve the expected success because of the top-heaviness in the Paris lineup. Paris missed the quarter-finals of the Champions League for two consecutive seasons, and this transcript is not a pass anyway.

Cancelo’s field data: passing and shooting, winning the confrontation 10 times, stealing 5 times and shooting 4 times.

Live broadcast on March 12 th In this round of Bundesliga Bayern’s 5-3 victory over augsburg, Cancelo played well and made contributions. The following are his specific data in this field:

The success rate of air confrontation is 100%

87 touches of the ball

Win the confrontation 10 times.

Eight times the opponent touched the ball in the penalty area.

Seven passes into the opponent’s restricted area

Win back the ball five times

Five steals

Four shots

Second clearance

I have passed twice.

1 goal

1 assist

(Chenpi is not orange)

Build a "national minority" for Tianjin in ten years

On the court, the dream-chasing football teenager showed his style with flexible dribbling, sharp breakthrough, powerful assists, wonderful shooting and persistent defense. Think about how happy children are now to be able to play in such a professional venue-even if they lose the ball in the game, the coaches on the sidelines are actively encouraging them … In recent seven years, Tianjin Football Association has focused on youth training, which has achieved increasing results.

A few days ago, the 2022 Tianjin Youth Football Top 100 "Stars of Hope" Awards Conference hosted by the Municipal Sports Bureau and hosted by the Municipal Football Association was held in the lecture hall of the Municipal Sports Bureau. This is the seventh consecutive year that Tianjin has organized the "Stars of Hope" selection activities.

In the selection and testing of "Stars of Hope" in 2022, the Municipal Football Association selected 167 people to participate in the selection according to the performance of municipal youth football matches throughout the year, and finally selected 100 "Stars of Hope" in the year through physical special tests and group competition tests.

"Star of Hope" has set a benchmark and an example for football teenagers in Jinmen and inspired many teenagers to dream of greenery. Through the selection of "Star of Hope", a football youth training system with Tianjin characteristics has been formed, which has further promoted the training of Tianjin youth football reserve talents, laid a solid foundation for the development of Tianjin football youth training, and inspired all sectors of society to pay more attention to and support Tianjin football youth training.

Since 2016, Tianjin has held 7,692 youth competitions, with a total of 54,801 participants and 4,434 teams. In the past seven years, a total of 700 players have emerged as the "promising stars" of Tianjin youth football. Starting from 2017, the Municipal Sports Bureau and the Municipal Football Association will also select the "Star of Hope" team to go to Spain, Serbia, Brazil and other football countries to carry out training competitions and exchange studies, feel the football atmosphere, receive on-site guidance, encourage young players to strive to improve their technical and tactical level, and enhance their determination and confidence to strive for Tianjin football.

Although Tianjin has been changed into a city of volleyball, we are delighted to see that Tianjin Football Youth Training has not been depressed, but the system has been continuously improved and developed, which has consolidated a strong population base of Tianjin mass football. More and more rich events make the coverage of local youth football increase, the competition system improve and the competition level improve. Maybe in the near future, we can really get out of a few young players with national prefixes.

These seven years are seven years in which the staff of Tianjin Football Association have worked overtime and worked hard. It is a 7-year joint struggle of Tianjin Football Associations at all levels and districts; It has been seven years of joint popularization and promotion by schools, parents, coaches and other enthusiastic football professionals. These seven years are also seven years of self-dedication of many retired footballers Do not forget your initiative mind. It is the joint efforts of friends from all sides that have promoted the development of Tianjin youth football training in a professional, high-level and deep-seated direction, and vigorously cultivated many excellent reserve football forces.

Chong Yong, vice chairman of Tianjin Football Association, thanked all the friends who loved football and contributed their strength. He told Xibaile Football that with the support of the leaders of the Municipal Sports Bureau, Tianjin Football Association will intensify its efforts this year to make every holiday and weekend a stage for amateur mass football, and strive to set several representative youth training echelons as benchmarks to inspire everyone to make persistent efforts.

He believes that it is equally important, and even more important in a sense, to popularize the youth football population while doing a good job in cultivating football elites. "So we should focus on the cultivation of competitive elites and popularize the football population at the same time, which is the long-term solution for the cultivation of football talents."

Miguel has made an appointment with all the teams in Tianjin.

[Year-round Games] Every Saturday from 2 pm to 4 pm

Nine-player system

[Cost] AA system with referee

[April 22nd] 5Monthly simultaneous reservation

In the years of development, Tianjin Football Association regards improving players’ skills, grasping basic skills training as the "top priority", and taking "practicing all-round skills, practicing all-round skills, and practicing skills in running and confrontation" as its team training purpose, and constantly improving players’ development concepts, competition concepts, training concepts and coaching concepts. By hosting various football matches, Tianjin Football Association is committed to popularizing football, promoting scientific and healthy football development concepts, promoting the establishment and development of grass-roots football social organizations, and expanding the football population through matches. Nowadays, echelons of all ages have performed well.

"It’s very nice here. The coach is very professional and the venue conditions are good. The supporting guarantee during children’s training is also very well done. " Xiao Pang has been one of the top 100 teenagers for years, and his father is particularly proud. As a participant and witness of Tianjin youth training, he told Xibaile football reporters that he especially supported the Football Association in promoting teaching by competition, promoting learning by competition, creating a training atmosphere combining theory with practice, and promoting the integration of training and competition, and the children all benefited a lot.

Xiao Guo was elected for the first time this year. He said that he could wake up happily in his dreams. His parents agree with Pang’s point of view. He said that during the training and competition, he saw many small players around him improve their technical and tactical level and gain their own breakthroughs and progress.

Yang Cheng, Bo Yue, Bo De … The future football youth training in Tianjin can be expected. Wait, the future u20, Tianjin doll will take the lead.

Without authorization, other media may not reprint it.

Comparing the four virtual human companies, who do you choose?

The application of virtual human technology is more and more extensive and mature. Microsoft Xiao Bing, Iflytek, Silicon-based Intelligence and Fengping Intelligence are all highly influential companies in the field of virtual human. Let’s take a look at the outstanding advantages of the four virtual human companies!

Comparison of technical strength and popularity: Microsoft Xiao Bing and Iflytek are leading artificial intelligence companies at home and abroad. They have deep technical accumulation in natural language processing and speech recognition, and have the leading technical strength in the world.

Xiao Bing, as a digital employee, is loved by many users, and also highly praised in the industry, such as the digital employee "Cui Xiaopan".

Iflytek has excellent technical strength in the fields of speech synthesis and speech recognition, and its developed virtual human images, such as the host of the World Artificial Intelligence Conference and the virtual "Wang Bingbing" of the Winter Olympics, are also very popular.

Comparison of application scope: Silicon-based intelligence and leveling intelligence are better in the application scope of virtual human technology. The virtual human applications of silicon-based intelligence and Pingping intelligence have covered many fields such as education, medical care, advertising and e-commerce. In the field of education, virtual people can be used for online education counseling, curriculum promotion, etc. In the medical field, it can be applied to health consultation, medical diagnosis and so on.

Comparison of making and customizing digital people;Silicon-based intelligence and Pingping intelligence have a large number of digital people libraries, which can select digital people with different images to appear in the camera, and can be driven by text and voice. It is also relatively simple to customize digital people’s images. Providing real-life videos can generate digital avatars through modeling.

Price comparison: In terms of price, compared with silicon-based intelligence, Iflytek and Microsoft Xiao Bing, Fengping Intelligence is more affordable and can provide faster digital human production services. Because of its technological innovation and high production efficiency of digital people, Fengping Intelligent can reduce the production cost, introduce a more affordable price scheme and attract more customers.

Generally speaking, Microsoft Xiao Bing and Iflytek have higher technical strength and popularity, while silicon-based intelligence and Pingping intelligence are superior in the application scope of virtual human, and the price of Pingping intelligence is lower. When choosing a virtual human production company, you can choose a company that suits you according to your own needs and budget.

In the two months since ChatGPT exploded, artificial intelligence has also become a "hot word of digital practice" in 2023.

Produced by: 36Kr Digital Time Krypton, 36Kr Enterprise Service Comments

Author: 36Kr figures when kryptonite Arjun.

Technical Support: 36Kr Enterprise Service Review Zhang Xuehui


What exactly is "digitalization"? A thousand people may have a thousand answers in their hearts.

What is the characteristic answer of 36Kr? We imagined a variety of schemes to describe digitalization, and finally chose this scheme now-tracking the public publicity reports of 662 listed companies and counting the "hot words of digitalization practice" involved.

These "hot words of digital practice" also reflect these well-known companies’ understanding and practical choices about digitalization to a certain extent: behind every practice is the real investment of manpower, material resources and financial resources, and every report often means that these digital practices are positively and negatively related to the company’s business or brand. It is for this reason that this series has the value and significance of continuous observation.

This article is the statistics of related data from January to February, 2023.

According to the statistical data of 36Kr, the most noteworthy trend in January and February is that ChatGPT and artificial intelligence, which continue to explode, have also affected the digital practice propaganda of these well-known enterprises, and many companies have also begun to publicize the application or influence of artificial intelligence in company digitalization. It can be seen that the word frequency of last year’s hot word champion "Metauniverse" dropped rapidly in January, but "artificial intelligence" showed a growing trend.

But this does not mean 100% that large enterprises are "chasing the wind". On the one hand, the practice of digital intelligence often takes a certain period. In recent years, AI has gradually matured in the industry. Some enterprises did adopt artificial intelligence technology in their previous digital intelligence practice, which is why they have propaganda materials. On the one hand, it also fully shows that large enterprises and the capital market behind them attach importance to artificial intelligence. In addition to the 662 companies under our monitoring, many companies have also announced artificial intelligence-related businesses or cooperation, especially ChatGPT-related businesses and cooperation.

Monthly frequency change of hot words

According to statistics, from January to February, 2023, the Top 10 of "digital practice hot words" was:

  • artificial intelligence
  • AR(Augmented Reality)
  • VR(Virtual Reality)
  • mix reality
  • Metaverse
  • 5G
  • big data
  • cloud computing
  • industrial internet

January-February, 2023 "Digital Practice Hot Words" TOP 10

According to the previous related research (160,000 public articles in 10 years, we found the digital secrets of 662 most valuable companies in China), Metauniverse, Artificial Intelligence and Augmented Reality became the most popular digital practice technologies for large enterprises in 2022), we can find that the Top 10 of "digital practice hot words" is relatively stable.

Since 2017, some mainstream technical terms, such as augmented reality, 5G, artificial intelligence, virtual reality, etc., have basically maintained a high ranking and popularity, and have remained in the top 20. As shown in the figure below, before, we counted the annual word frequency ranking of some popular words, which basically showed this stability.

From the eighth place, the number of word frequencies plummeted. This shows that large companies are willing to try some new technologies, but their investment is not sustainable and stable. This also shows on a certain side that it is often not easy for startups in the field of enterprise services to expand large companies.

(End of this article)

If you are interested in more concrete data of practical hot words, you are welcome to contact us (cdomkt@36kr.com) for relevant data or charts.

China Artificial Intelligence Industry Trend Report in 2023

This report analyzes the key elements of various trends from three aspects: infrastructure, algorithm model and industrial application of artificial intelligence industry, and deeply analyzes the development nodes and core driving forces of trends. Yiguan believes that artificial intelligence will accelerate into thousands of industries, deeply participate in the construction of digital China and become one of the core driving forces of high-end industries, and the industrial structure of artificial intelligence will also usher in rapid changes.

TA: Benzema is in poor physical condition this season because he has participated in more competitions.

Live broadcast on March 10 th According to The Athletic, Benzema’s physical condition has been very bad because he participated in more competitions this season.

When Ancelotti and his coaching team coached Real Madrid in 2021, they noticed that Benzema’s training state was different from that when he coached Real Madrid before. The 35-year-old player has been plagued by injuries since last December, and Benzema also missed FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022 because of a hip injury.

Javier Atalaya, who has worked with Benzema for eight years, compared the player to a bull. He told The Athletic that Benzema’s physical condition has been very bad because he has participated in more competitions this season. In addition to the League, the King’s Cup and the Champions League, Real Madrid also participated in the World Club Cup and the European Super Cup this season. Despite the injury problem, the team still thinks that his strength is equivalent to that of last season. So far this season, Benzema has averaged 4.4 shots per game, which is the highest since the 2015/16 season, while his average expected goal in Spain is 0.58, which is also the highest since the expected goal statistics.

Benzema, on the other hand, performed well both on and off the court. Atalaya said that unless Real Madrid had a game in the middle of the week, Benzema trained with him for two days a week for an hour of extreme training, which was equivalent to five hours of regular training. He believes that Benzema and Carlo Ancelotti will arrange the players’ game time, and Carlo Ancelotti will not risk the recovery time of the injured.

The source said: "Benzema is very independent, which is why he has extra training with his trusted physiotherapist and physical fitness coach outside the Real Madrid training base. The players are very focused on the match between Real Madrid and Europe. "

Although the player’s contract will expire this summer, he has not discussed the future with other clubs. They will play Liverpool at 4 am on March 16th, Beijing time, and he will prove the doubters wrong in the game.

China Information Technology (08178.HK and Autostereoscopic 3D signed a memorandum of understanding on cooperation.

The above objectives will be achieved by the following activities: (i) The company will provide the company’s proprietary AI technology and supporting technologies integrated with the 3DT value chain; (ii) 3DT will provide 3DT’s proprietary 3D stereo technology, which will be integrated with the company’s AI solution; And (iii) the company and 3DT will work together to combine their respective technologies and products in a way and method (subject to further agreement).

Boshi Publishing House: Journals that don’t charge page fees can submit manuscripts related to computers.

Journal of Computational and Cognitive Engineering

Journal of Computational and Cognitive Engineering (Computer and Cognitive Engineering) is an international interdisciplinary journal with peer review, which publishes cutting-edge articles on the latest trends of computational and cognitive engineering. The goal of this journal is to spread the research and practice of emerging disciplines in the fields of computing and cognitive engineering, so as to solve real-world problems. The journal welcomes contributions from scholars engaged in various computational and cognitive modeling methods in health, education, finance, environment, engineering, commerce and industry.

Periodical characteristics
Strict review All articles will undergo strict international peer review, and you can get fair, just and high-quality review opinions from peer scholars.
It is highly visible that your article will be included in DOAJ database and Google Academic, and will also be included in the major databases in the research fields in the future, and can be searched and queried by researchers in related fields.
Permanent reading All articles support Gold Open Access. After the paper is published, its final version can be read immediately, freely and permanently.
Publishing academic articles submitted quickly will quickly enter the review stage, ensuring that the final decision of the journal is obtained within 40 days after submission.
Copyright All articles are published under the CC BY 4.0 agreement, and the copyright of the articles belongs to the author.

Scope of soliciting contributions and preferential policies The scope of accepting contributions for this journal includes but is not limited to the following fields: Machine Learning, Data Mining, And Big Data Processing machine learning, Data mining and big data processing network intelligence and mobile computing network intelligence and mobile computing explainable Artificial Intelligence explainable artificial intelligence artificial intelligence artificial intelligence Cognitive Enginee Ring cognitive engineering Deep Learning computational cognitive neuroscience computational cognitive neuroscience Fuzzy Logic and Neural Networks fuzzy logic and neural network Robotics, IoT, AIoT, And Autonomous Systems robotics, internet of things, Artificial Intelligence Internet of Things and Autonomous System Intelligent Control and Decision Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision Pattern Recognition and Computer Vision Blockchain Technologies and Applications Blockchain Technology and Application Decision-Making Theories intelligent and knowledge-based system intelligent and knowledge-based system Fuzzy Decision-Making Theories Natural Language Processing natural language processing H. Cognitive Psychology of ybrid and Nonlinear System mixed and nonlinear system

Preferential policy: For articles submitted and accepted before December 31st, 2023, the author can enjoy the preferential policy of free publication fee (APC).

AI server burst into red, China Taiwan Province industrial chain benefited.

The growth rate of global server industry’s shipments this year is approaching the "Guarantee 1" war. However, with the rise of self-driving, AIoT and edge computing and the explosion of artificial intelligence (AI) chat robot "ChatGPT", AI servers will become a pioneer in the growth of server niche this year. It is estimated that the annual growth rate of shipments will reach 8%, and Taiwan Province supply chains such as TSMC, Weiying and Quanta are expected to benefit.

According to the report of TrendForce, a research institute, under the leadership of emerging application themes in 2018, many large cloud operators began to invest heavily in the construction of AI-related equipment. By 2022, it is estimated that the annual shipment of AI servers equipped with GPGPU(General Purpose GPU) accounts for nearly 1% of the total server.

It is estimated that in 2023, with the application of chat bots, it is expected to stimulate AI-related fields again. It is estimated that the annual growth rate of shipments will reach 8%, and the compound growth rate from 2022 to 2026 will reach 10.8%.

In 2022, the proportion of AI server procurement is dominated by Google, AWS, Meta and Microsoft, the four major cloud providers in North America, accounting for 66.2%. In recent years, with the intensification of localization in mainland China, the wave of AI construction has warmed up, and ByteDance, Tencent, Alibaba and Baidu are the providers with large purchases.

In terms of computing specifications, ChatGPT is mainly based on NVIDIA A100 and exclusively uses Microsoft Azure cloud service resources. If other Microsoft applications are merged, the annual demand for Microsoft AI servers is 25,000. Baidu Wenxin adopts NVIDIA A800 in a word and combines other applications. The annual demand for Baidu AI servers is about 2,000 units.

Taiwan Province AI server supply chain includes TSMC, IC design factory Creative and Purui -KY, server foundries Quanta, Weiying and Inventec. The market is promising. With the contrarian growth of AI servers, the supply chains of related factories are expected to benefit.

Among them, whether it is AI computing or data center, most of the back graphics cards are manufactured by TSMC, especially on the AI chips led by Nvidia, including GPU A100/H100. Related accelerators and chip design applications are mainly produced by TSMC’s 5-nanometer family process.

Wei Ying pointed out that in 2022, AI servers will be less than 20% in terms of shipment or revenue. At present, more than 50% of newly opened cases are AI-related servers.

Quanta has invested in the field of AI servers many years ago. Although the revenue proportion of AI servers has not been announced, the legal person pointed out that the unit price of the main board of AI servers is twice as high as that of standard products, and it is difficult to manufacture, and the gross profit margin is rising, which is beneficial to the improvement of product portfolio.