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Awesome! These five people will go to Lyon, France to compete in the World Skills Competition.

Recently, the State Ministry of Human Resources and Social Security issued the List of Leaders of the Technical Guidance Expert Group of China in the 47th World Skills Competition and the Notice on the List of China Training Teams in the 47th World Skills Competition.

Among them, Zhao Changheng, a professor at the School of Life and Environment of Huangshan University, was selected as the leader of the China Technical Guidance Expert Group for the Horticulture Project of the 47th World Skills Competition, and Liu Yuanyuan, an associate professor at the Art College, was selected as the leader of the China Technical Guidance Expert Group for the Paint and Decoration Project of the 47th World Skills Competition.

Students from the School of Life and Environmental Sciences of Huangshan University, Yan Zhiguang and Gan Zhaoci, gold medalists in horticulture of the 2nd National Vocational Skills Competition, and Zhang Xiaofei, a student from Art College and gold medalist in painting and decoration of the 2nd National Vocational Skills Competition, were successfully selected into the China Training Team of the 47th World Skills Competition to prepare for the 47th World Skills Competition.

It is reported that 335 people were selected for the China Training Team of the 47th World Skills Competition according to the results of the selection events of the 2nd World Vocational Skills Competition in People’s Republic of China (PRC), the ranking of the first stage assessment (national trials of network security projects) of the 46th World Skills Competition and the age requirements of the world skills organizations for the contestants of the 47th World Skills Competition. The 47th World Skills Competition will be held in Lyon, France from September 10th to 15th, 2024. 1,400 contestants from 60 countries and regions will take part in the 47th World Skills Competition and decide the best young skilled talents in the world.

Original title: "Awesome! These five people will go to Lyon, France to compete in the World Skills Competition.

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In the eyes of the ancients, the most beautiful scenery

Where is the most beautiful scenery? Is it the mountains in spring, the water in autumn, the poetry in the distance, or the fireworks nearby? In the poems of the ancients, there is no lack of beauty in the world, and there is no shortage of love and hope. Good scenery is also a good mood, and with a good mood, wherever you go, you feel picturesque.

There are many silk in the sky above the main avenue, it is like the butter – like fine and moist, the overlook grass is vaguely connected, but it appears to be sparse in close range.

This is the most beautiful season of the year, far more than the late spring of green willows.

-Tang Han Yu, "Early Spring is a Member of the Ministry of Water Affairs Zhang Shiba"

Chang’ an street is falling with fine light rain, which is as moist as milk, and the light green grass is connected into one piece. From a distance, if there is anything, there is nothing. The poet’s favorite scenery is this early spring season. Everything has just recovered in the silent drizzle, which is far better than the summer when the city is full of smoke and willow. Indeed, the light rain in early spring nourishes everything and gives people endless hope in a hazy way.

There is also a poet Du Fu who loves spring rain. His praise for spring rain is extremely vivid and delicate.

Good rain knows the season, and when spring happens.

Sneak into the night with the wind, moisten things silently.

The wild path is dark, and the river boat is bright.

Look at the red and wet place, and the flowers are heavy in Jinguan City.

-Don Du Fu’s Delighting in Rain on a Spring Night

Good rain knows the season and comes with spring. With the gentle east wind, it sneaked into the night and moistened everything quietly. The path in the field is covered with thick dark clouds, and it is dark everywhere, while the lights on the fishing boats along the river are particularly eye-catching. When I get up in the morning, I see that the spring flowers are wet after the rain. Jinguan City is full of colorful flowers, but it is full of clear feelings. The poet loves this scenery that has been baptized by the spring rain.

Jiangnan is Bai Juyi’s second hometown, and the scenery of Jiangnan has become a unique beauty in his heart. He is immersed in the beautiful scenery of Jiangnan and is full of love and nostalgia.

The scenery of the south of the Yangtze river is beautiful, picturesque scenery has long been familiar.

When spring comes, the sun rises from the surface of the river, and the flowers on the river are brighter than red, the green river green more than blue grass.

How can we call people not miss the south of the Yangtze river?

-Tang Bai Juyi, "Recalling Jiangnan"

Jiangnan is good, and poets have long been familiar with its scenery and have never forgotten it. As soon as the sun comes out, the river flowers on both sides of the strait are bright red and dazzling. When spring comes, the spring water in the south of the Yangtze River reflects the long blue sky, blue and clear. This vibrant and colorful Jiangnan spring has naturally become a beautiful memory that Bai Juyi can’t give up.

Li Bai loves nature very much. He has traveled through countless places and seen countless landscapes, but there is always a special place that makes people peaceful and leisurely.

I asked Yu what he meant to live in the blue mountains, and laughed without answering my heart.

Peach blossoms are flowing away, and there is another world.

-Tang Li Bai’s question and answer in the mountains

My friend asked me why I like living in Bishan. I just smiled and didn’t answer, but my heart was very leisurely. Peach blossoms fall on the water, and slowly flow away with the blue waves. There is a different world here, which is really not like being on earth. This is my Xanadu, where the scenery is beautiful and the mood is smooth. Where else can it be better than here?

There are so many mountains and green waters, and the beautiful scenery written by the poet is also so desirable.

Xisai Mountain before the white egrets fly freely, the river, plump mandarin fish swimming happily, floating in the water in the peach is so bright and full.

An old man in the bank, wearing a green bamboo hat raincoat, wearing a green raincoat, braved the wind and rain, leisurely and leisurely fishing, he was fascinated by the beautiful spring scenery, even the rain did not go home.

-Don Zhang Zhihe’s "Fisherman’s Song"

There are flocks of egrets flying in front of Mount Cisse, and mandarin fish are at their best in the Bijiang River where peach blossoms are floating. The fisherman is wearing a blue bamboo hat and a green hemp fiber. Although the oblique wind is blowing the drizzle, it doesn’t matter. On the contrary, it adds a different kind of beauty to the scenery. Why rush back? It’s drizzling in the oblique wind, peach blossoms floating on the blue waves, and people who sit firmly in the mountains and rivers are so carefree!

In this world, some people like famous mountains and rivers, but others love the unknown countryside. The scenery is unforgettable, sometimes not just because of the scenery itself.

It was nearly a year before the east hill, and return just caught up with Springfield.

The grass is green in the rain, and the peach blossoms on the water are burning.

You Lou Biqiu studied Confucian classics, and he was a wise man in the village.

Daoxi came out and met me, and laughed heartily before chai men.

-Don Wang Wei’s "Wangchuan Bieye"

I haven’t been to Dongshan for nearly a year, and I came back just in time for spring ploughing. The grass in the rain is green and can be dyed, and the peach blossoms on the water are red and bright, as if to burn. The eminent monks and wise men in the village, who are all good friends of the poet, came to meet each other with joy when they heard that the poet had returned, and they hurried to put on their clothes and even forgot to put on their shoes. Everyone is talking and laughing in front of the firewood. Happiness is so simple, but it is full of sincerity. No wonder the poet is obsessed with Dongshan. The scenery is beautiful, and the world is more affectionate.

I see how charming Qingshan is, and I expect Qingshan to see me as such. This is the most beautiful scenery, the scenery is ruthless, but people are interested.

The birds fly away without a trace, leaving the solitary cloud at ease and ease.

You look at me, I look at you, between each other two, only me and the eyes of jingting mountain mountain.

-Tang Li Bai’s Sitting Alone in Jingting Mountain

All the birds have flown away, and a cloud has drifted away leisurely. Jingting Mountain and I are the only people who never tire of looking at each other. In the arms of Jingting Mountain, I feel clean, kind, peaceful and happy, but I won’t feel lonely.

The most beautiful scenery is actually in a dull life.

I planted beans under the south hill, and the weeds in the fields were full of pea.

Early in the morning get up early to eradicate the weeds, the night falls on the moonlight carry hoe to return.

The narrow path covered with vegetation, and the night dew moistened my clothes.

It is not a pity to wet my clothes, but I hope not to go against my will.

-Wei and Jin Dynasties, Tao Yuanming, "Returning to the Garden, the Third"

Planting beans at the foot of Nanshan Mountain is characterized by lush weeds and sparse bean seedlings. Get up in the morning, clean up the wasteland, and come back with a hoe in the moonlight at night. The road is narrow and lush, and the cool dew in the evening wets my clothes. It doesn’t matter if the clothes are wet, as long as it doesn’t go against the original will, everything is worth it.

Spring flowers and autumn moon, nature and seasons always make us meet with all kinds of beautiful scenery, which is shocking and intoxicating.

The lake and the moon are in harmony, and there is no wind mirror on the pool surface.

Looking at the landscape of Dongting, there is a green snail in the silver plate.

-Don Liu Yuxi’s "Looking at the Dongting"

Lake light and moonlight blend with each other and complement each other. Without a trace of wind, the pool is smooth and seamless, just like an unpolished mirror. Looking at the landscape of Dongting from a distance, the water is bright and clear, and the trees on Dongting Mountain are lush, just like a green snail in a white silver plate, quietly for people to enjoy and ponder. How can we live up to such a beautiful scenery?

When the poet meets the landscape, it completes both the poet and the landscape.

As far away as Hanshan Mountain, the stone path is oblique, and there are people in Bai Yunsheng.

Stop and sit in the maple grove late, and the frost leaves are red in February flowers.

-Tang Du Mu’s "Mountain Walk"

Along the winding path up the mountain, where the white clouds are born, there are several families. I stopped because I like the late scenery of the maple forest. After the wind and frost, the maple leaves are red and dazzling, which is even more beautiful than the spring flowers in February. The poet fell in love with the red maple in autumn and was reluctant to leave for a long time. Thousands of years later, the maple leaf burning like fire in front of his eyes will still arouse people’s yearning and enthusiasm. The red leaf has never faded after thousands of years, and his mood at that time made people feel the same.

The most beautiful scenery in people’s eyes is often because of their love and even their preference.

The flowers withered, the unique plum blossom against the wind swept out, the beautiful scenery of the small park scenery.

"Dappled shadows hang aslant over the clear shallow water, in the evening of moonlight their fragrances peacefully expand."

When the cold bird wants to fly, it first peek at the plum blossom; Butterflies, if you know the beauty of plum blossom, will be enchanting.

Fortunately, there are micro-songs that can be compared, and there is no need for a total of gold bottles.

-Song Lin Bu’s "One of Xiaomei in the Mountain Garden"

Flowers wither, only the poet’s favorite plum blossom blooms alone, occupying all the scenery in the small garden. Sparse plum shadows are slanting in the shallow water. At dusk, the moon rises and the faint fragrance floats in the air. Plain birds want to come down, first take a sneak look. If butterflies in spring know the beauty of plum blossoms, they will be heartbroken and lose their souls. The poet sighed with emotion, fortunately, I can also sing poems to praise the plum blossom, and I don’t need to clap the sandalwood to sing songs, and I don’t need to hold a glass of wine to express my love for the plum blossom. The small garden with faint plum fragrance in winter is the most beautiful scenery in the poet’s eyes, and even the spiritual sustenance.

Some people always think that the most beautiful scenery in the world is far away, but people floating in other places deeply understand that when they look back, their hearts are already full of thoughts, and every grass and tree in their hometown is the most beautiful.

You have just come from our hometown, we must know the ways of the world.

When you came to my home carved decorative pattern of the window, the plant of the plum flowers bloom?

-Tang Wang Wei’s "Three Miscellaneous Poems No.2"

The poet asked: You come from your hometown, so you should know something about your hometown, right? Is that plum tree blooming outside my carved window? The plum tree outside the window once accompanied the poet through countless dull but warm times. During the journey, he looked back more than once and all plants and trees were affectionate. Where there are no plum blossoms, but those in my hometown must have taken root and blossomed in my heart.

As time goes by, winter goes and spring comes, how many endless scenery there are?

Only know the search for the beautiful scenery and forget the cold, I am in the spring breeze in the sunset.

I like that Dongshan sunny after the snow, the light of the red in the light of the mountains of Yinshan.

-Song Yang Wanli, "Four mountains are green after the snow clears, but Dongshan’s all-white fu loves Dongshan’s two quatrains after the snow clears."

Poets only know how to chase beautiful scenery, but forget the cold, standing in the sunset and spring breeze. My favorite is Dongshan Mountain, which clears up after the snow. In the soft red light, there is a surge of silver mountains, pure and dazzling! The poet was shocked by the beautiful scenery after the snow!

Welcome the new in time, miss the old in emotion, and what you can’t give up is the feelings of the past.

Without washing and dyeing the dust tassels, I returned to Fangcaoping.

A vine path is green, and there are ten thousand snow peaks and sunny spots.

-Tang Li Bai’s Winter Returning to the Old Mountain

Before the poet could clean the dust from his hat, he came back with grass. A path covered with green vines is green and welcoming, but it clears up after the snow, and the ten thousand peaks are particularly clear in the sun. Returning to the old mountain in winter, the poet was very happy and his eyes were full of beautiful scenery.

The beauty in the eyes of the ancients tells us where they have been and what they have loved. It is a journey of life, a meeting, a fate, and perhaps helplessness in reality. The beautiful scenery they love is still loved by us today, and ordinary people like us will meet many scenery on the way, just like them in the long river of history. What is the most beautiful? Perhaps it is still two words, love. Whether for people or scenery.


He Yu, a woman who likes poetry, is looking for beautiful details in the four seasons, hoping that time will leave warm memories.

Exercise can really lower blood pressure, and the research has been hammered! 3 kinds of exercise, especially suitable for patients with hypertension.

Hypertension is one of the most common metabolic diseases, and most patients suffer from it. On the one hand, it means taking medicine for a long time or even for life. On the other hand, in life, they need to regulate their own lives and adjust their daily behavior, and then they are subject to many restrictions.

However, in order to control blood pressure and stabilize the disease, these things have to be done, and they must be adhered to in order to get healthy. As for the methods of lowering blood pressure in daily life, most people will think of exercise, but few people know whether exercise can lower blood pressure and how to lower it.

Can exercise lower blood pressure? Look at the answers given by scientific research.

Here’s one for everyone first."reassuring":

Getting into the habit of exercise does have a stable antihypertensive effect.

according toAberdeen Thai university of dundee, UKThe comparative experiment conducted by the research group shows that conveningMore than 6000 elderly people with hypertension were treated.People, after a series of moderate and high-intensity exercises such as pedaling bicycles and jogging,Blood pressure dropped by about 9% on average..

According to the researchers’ further discovery, the tension of the autonomic nervous system is reduced due to the acceleration of metabolism during the exercise of the elderly.catecholamineThe amount of release is reduced, soBlood vessels will also expand reasonably.With the increase of vascular capacity, blood pressure naturally decreases.

Not only that, exercise can also make the bodyMuscle fibers thicken, which in turn makes blood vessels more elastic., can withstand the negative effects of hypertension and reduce the risk of complications.

It can be seen that exercise does have the effect of lowering blood pressure, but although exercise is good, it is not appropriate to take the wrong method, such asExcessive exercise, the choice is not suitable for their own physical fitness.Sports events, etc., on the contrary, it is easy for your bones and muscles to be consumed and worn, increasing injuries and hidden dangers of diseases.

Therefore, for friends who want to rely on exercise to lower their blood pressure, it is very important to choose their own exercise methods. Here are three kinds of exercises recommended, which are especially in line with the physiology and condition of patients with hypertension.

Want to lower blood pressure through exercise? Try these three kinds of exercise.

The first kind: running or jogging.

Running should be the simplest and most obvious exercise mode, as the mostClassic aerobic exerciseExercise intensity is moderate, and it can effectively enhance the body’s blood oxygen content, further improve blood quality, and play a better role in lowering blood pressure.

Of course, running also needs to pay attention to "degree". Generally speaking, patients with hypertensionRun about 1 km to 3 km every day.That is, greed is easy to burden knees and muscles.

The second type: light and moderate resistance exercise.

What is resistance movement? Simply put, it is a way of exercise that will impose a certain burden or oppression on the body, such asDumbbells, sandbags, push-ups, etc, all belong to the typical resistance movement mode.

However, some studies have found that proper resistance exercise canReduce the activity of vagus nerve in patients with hypertension,Down-regulating the sensitivity of peripheral sympathetic nerveTo reduce vascular resistance.Therefore, proper circulatory resistance training has also been written into the guidelines of the European Heart Association in 2020.

The third kind: cycling

Simply put, cycling is one of the typical endurance sports methods.Adjust the leg shape, strengthen the muscles and body shape., has a very good effect.

At the same time, cycling can also play a good role in lowering blood pressure. While riding a bicycle,Because of breathing and wind pressure,The frequency of oxygen we breathe will increase,Increased blood oxygen content. Therefore, the blood circulation in the heart will also be accelerated, which will strengthen the heart and maintain blood pressure.

Not only that, according to research, riding a bike often, justPrevent nerve aging and osteoporosisIt can also help.

To sum up, for patients with hypertension, it is absolutely right to exercise regularly. Choosing the exercise method that suits them best, arranging life plans scientifically and reasonably, controlling blood pressure and stabilizing their condition are actually things that are easy to grasp.


[1] Li Jian ‘an. Exercise and rehabilitation of senile essential hypertension [J]. practical geriatrics, 2001, 15(5):3.

[2] Fang Li, Wang Yejing, Fu Chaowei, et al. Qualitative research on influencing factors of long-term effect of hypertension exercise intervention [J]. China General Medicine, 2006, 9(15):3.

AFC publicly apologized and compensated China: Maintain the dignity of football!

Foreword of football world from a new perspective: Enthusiasm and order interweave. Welcome everyone to enter the football world. Here, we will discuss fairness, order and various stories behind football. I hope you can share this wonderful journey with me.

1. Controversial moment: What’s the meaning behind passion? In an Asian Games, a fierce confrontation between the China men’s soccer team and the Qatari team aroused widespread concern. In that game, the conflict between the two players not only increased the tension of the game, but also became the focus of media attention. In the end, although China successfully advanced, it also paid the price of players’ suspension and injury, and even suffered defeat in the follow-up matches. The AFC imposed a fine on this, and the issue of fine also caused many discussions outside.

2. Reflection on Asian football: Exploration of fairness and order Conflicts and disputes will not only affect the team’s performance, but also affect the fans’ enthusiasm for football. In order to ensure the fairness and order of the game, the Asian football community needs to reflect deeply and take corresponding measures. At the same time, the players should also show a more professional and disciplined attitude on the court to bring more exciting games to the fans.

3. Redefining Fairness: The Choice and Challenge of AFC Recently, AFC cancelled the qualification of direct promotion to the World Cup qualifiers, which caused widespread controversy. Some people think that this decision is more conducive to strong teams, while ignoring those teams affected by various reasons such as the epidemic. Fairness is not only a reflection of achievements, but also various factors behind it need to be fully considered.

4. The charm of football: not only competitive football is not only a competition, but also the intersection of emotions, enthusiasm and dreams. On this pitch, every player is fighting for honor and dreams. As fans, we should understand and support them. Conclusion: enthusiasm in order, order in enthusiasm In the world of football, enthusiasm and order are not contradictory. Every game is an exploration of fairness, discipline and enthusiasm. Let’s look forward to more exciting football.

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Cancelo’s field data: passing and shooting, winning the confrontation 10 times, stealing 5 times and shooting 4 times.

Live broadcast on March 12 th In this round of Bundesliga Bayern’s 5-3 victory over augsburg, Cancelo played well and made contributions. The following are his specific data in this field:

The success rate of air confrontation is 100%

87 touches of the ball

Win the confrontation 10 times.

Eight times the opponent touched the ball in the penalty area.

Seven passes into the opponent’s restricted area

Win back the ball five times

Five steals

Four shots

Second clearance

I have passed twice.

1 goal

1 assist

(Chenpi is not orange)

Comparing the four virtual human companies, who do you choose?

The application of virtual human technology is more and more extensive and mature. Microsoft Xiao Bing, Iflytek, Silicon-based Intelligence and Fengping Intelligence are all highly influential companies in the field of virtual human. Let’s take a look at the outstanding advantages of the four virtual human companies!

Comparison of technical strength and popularity: Microsoft Xiao Bing and Iflytek are leading artificial intelligence companies at home and abroad. They have deep technical accumulation in natural language processing and speech recognition, and have the leading technical strength in the world.

Xiao Bing, as a digital employee, is loved by many users, and also highly praised in the industry, such as the digital employee "Cui Xiaopan".

Iflytek has excellent technical strength in the fields of speech synthesis and speech recognition, and its developed virtual human images, such as the host of the World Artificial Intelligence Conference and the virtual "Wang Bingbing" of the Winter Olympics, are also very popular.

Comparison of application scope: Silicon-based intelligence and leveling intelligence are better in the application scope of virtual human technology. The virtual human applications of silicon-based intelligence and Pingping intelligence have covered many fields such as education, medical care, advertising and e-commerce. In the field of education, virtual people can be used for online education counseling, curriculum promotion, etc. In the medical field, it can be applied to health consultation, medical diagnosis and so on.

Comparison of making and customizing digital people;Silicon-based intelligence and Pingping intelligence have a large number of digital people libraries, which can select digital people with different images to appear in the camera, and can be driven by text and voice. It is also relatively simple to customize digital people’s images. Providing real-life videos can generate digital avatars through modeling.

Price comparison: In terms of price, compared with silicon-based intelligence, Iflytek and Microsoft Xiao Bing, Fengping Intelligence is more affordable and can provide faster digital human production services. Because of its technological innovation and high production efficiency of digital people, Fengping Intelligent can reduce the production cost, introduce a more affordable price scheme and attract more customers.

Generally speaking, Microsoft Xiao Bing and Iflytek have higher technical strength and popularity, while silicon-based intelligence and Pingping intelligence are superior in the application scope of virtual human, and the price of Pingping intelligence is lower. When choosing a virtual human production company, you can choose a company that suits you according to your own needs and budget.

Shanghai International Tourism Resort has also added new projects! Ji Le Tang Million Shudu Street opened

"The former family came to the resort and lived in the Disney Hotel. This time, I found a new spa street, and I tried this. Multi -sclerosis. Tang, who comes from Xishuangbanna, said" All Japanese style, very good Essence ""

On July 23, it was officially opened on the blooming soup million Qifeng Street, and Shanghai International Tourism Resort. As the country’s first "hot spring resort town", it is very suitable for resort to be a unique Japanese style and add unique Japanese style. This also means that most citizen tourists have leisure choices in resort.

Jiletang Million Shudu Street is located in a bookstore shopping village near 99 Shendi East Road. It is located in Shanghai Lavender Park with a total floor of about 18,000 square meters. This is a multi -functional complex integrated leisure, entertainment, catering, shopping.

It is reported that Jile Million Wo Wo Hot Spring Street is a 10-storey-floors. The Japanese hot spring brand "Company Nam Co., Ltd." 10th store in China, it is also its first store "Million Stone" Essence

Unlike the "Urban Hot Spring" models of other BLISS Tangmen stores, Extreme Le Tang Million Peak Street includes Japanese hot spring venues, Japanese cuisine, pure Japanese collapsed rice rooms, Japanese garden landscapes and courtyards, and so on. Bring new foam and holiday experience to consumers.

According to reports, Tang’s water in each soup hall in the temple Tang million SHUM Hot Spring Street is from the "Silver Decoction" natural hot spring water, in Shaxi, Taicang. "Fluoro" hot springs are rich in "iron acid". Happy soup will also be based on different seasons. Give public tourists more experience in bubble soup. Also, 4 private soup rooms were designed. Each decoration style is different. Outdoor scenery, suitable for family, friends gathering.

The person in charge of the headquarters street engineering operation, "One Tie 20" is a holiday method for traditional Japanese hot spring tourism. Refers to one night, enjoy two meals. Therefore, unlike other happy soup projects, this is a "hot spring resort town", which is a "hot spring holiday town". There are a variety of rooms, more than 20 rooms, for tourists to stay here and enjoy the Japanese SPA resort.

Also, "Three Tea Butterfly House" in Kim Experience Store, "Hyja Island" in Japanese restaurants, Japanese brand pharmaceutical cosmetics shop "Loyal Qiliac Tang" and other companies have opened the door. Three tea butterfly huts, tourists can experience various clothes and experience Japanese traditional culture.

Beijing tourist Zhang Yang took away the happy soup million Shi Hot Spring Street. In the first time, my name was "Three Tea Butterfly House". "I wore Disney Paradise to watch the fireworks last night. It was very interesting. I haven’t experienced clothes before going to Japan. This time, I also gave my regret at that time." The leaders of the three tea butterflies told reporters that the Japanese tea ceremony will be launched next year, one Fragrant experience, and so on. Continuous consumer experience.

Fortunately, in Unicolands, they gathered in many cosmetics, special foods, and so on. Bring a one -stop shopping experience to consumers; all -day restaurant administrative kitchen, full Japanese restaurant. Visitors can enjoy pure Japan and concessions.

It is reported that the temple Tang million SHINK Spring Street began on July 15th. However, the hot spring street soup is only open to the accommodation guests. The private soup house is not open.

Hong Wei introduced that during the trial operation, the room was almost every day in the hot spring street. The concept of peace, "sincerity, no stain" standards of "we will use the safety, remember" standards, and various services have been continuously improved, bringing consumers to consumers A better experience. "

The relevant person in charge, Shendi Group, said that the THATEXTREMELY on the street, allowing the Shanghai International Tourism Resort to have a unique Japanese style. "I hope that citizens of the garden, hot spring holidays, such as home Express Hotel, have gained a new leisure and entertainment experience here. Subsequently, we will continue to launch more high -quality projects.

Editor Zhang Qi

Responsible editor Liu Xinwei

Picture source Xinyiqi

View Author: Pudong Observation

Mi Chunlei: 25 -year -old becoming a billionaire.

When it comes to the name of Mi Chunlei, many friends may not be familiar with, but in the real estate circle and financial circle in Shanghai, Mi Chunlei is definitely a "big guy". In addition, Mi Chunlei also married CCTV’s "Huadan" Dong Qing, who has become a hot topic for a period of time.

An announcement of the Shanghai Stock Exchange’s "Prosecution Notice" was announced again, and Michuna pushed Michun to the forefront. According to the company’s board of directors, Michun Lei has been lost for a long time. The 25 -year -old became a "successful person" of billionaires. The road seemed to have reached the end. What about it?

1. Mysterious Midchun Lei

Lanhai Medical was exploded by the Shanghai Stock Exchange’s "Prior Notice of Termination of the Company’s Stock Listing", and*ST Haizheng is about to face the delisting treatment. From the perspective of operating performance, Lanhai Medical has suffered major losses for three consecutive years. At the end of 2019, the net profit after deduction of unless recurring profit or loss was -191 million, and by 2021, the scale of this loss had expanded to -319 million.

It can be said that the delisting of Lanhai Medical is expected, but this incident has led to the "dense spring thunder loss" incident that the public is more concerned about. The chairman of Lanhai Medical Michelon is absent from the company’s annual report meeting. In fact, since the beginning of this year, Mi Chunlei has been mysteriously lost, and the whereabouts are unknown.

It is rumored that Michimi has been taken by the Economic Investigation Department as early as the end of December 2021, so Mi Chunlei could not show up in public. As for why I take control of Miyanglei, it is likely to be related to Shanghai Life, which was established in 2015.

According to data from the "Hurun Rich List" in 2020, Michri’s personal value reached 10.3 billion. In fact, as early as 25 years old, when Mi Chunlei established Shanghai Zhongying Enterprise Development Co., Ltd., his net worth has exceeded 100 million! However, the experience of the billionaire is very mysterious, and I am also relatively low -key. The reason why it can achieve such achievements is generally believed to be inseparable from the support of "noble people". What is the family of Michuna’s birth?

Second, genius entrepreneurs

According to public information, Michuna, born in 1978, is from Shanghai. The family is average. There is no particularly strong background. After graduating from Tongji University’s civil engineering major, the first bucket of gold was accumulated through transportation. And his father invested 50 million in 2003 to establish Shanghai Zhongying, the main business was real estate development.

In Shanghai, which was gold, Michuna quickly accumulated a huge amount of capital through the real estate business, and began to fully expand the company’s business. The business territory of the blue ocean is mainly divided into 3: real estate, medical care and finance.

In 2015, Mi Chunlei established Shanghai Life with Shanghai Electric, Shanghai Urban Investment, and Zhonghai Group. Michimi accounts for 20%of the shares, and continues to open its own investment expansion through huge amounts of funds absorbed by insurance companies. However, due to the phenomenon of unclear equity and business losses at the beginning of Shanghai Life, Shanghai Life has attracted the attention of the Insurance Regulatory Commission in 2015.

Later, the company under Michuna suffered a crisis of funds, and in 2020, it showed a comprehensive expansion. In addition, the news that Dong Qing was listed on the sale of US luxury homes to repay the debt.

So, how does Mi Chunlei and Dong Qing fall in love?

Third, the controversial sister and brother love

Dong Qing was 5 years older than Michun Lei. The first meeting of the two was during the Spring Festival of 2009. At the Shanghai Entrepreneur Association, Dong Qing attracted the eyes of Mi Chunlei as the host. Her pursuit of fiery.

Soon, Mi Chunlei captured the beauty of the beauty, but this relationship was unacceptable. During the pursuit of Dong Qing, Mi Chunlei was married, and his wife Jin Jing was a primary school teacher in Shanghai. In 2013, Mi Chunlei officially divorced Jin Jing and married Dong Qing the following year. On the Internet, he also reported that Dong Qing went to study in the United States in 2014, which was actually a child.

This marriage between the two seemed to be more like a equal transaction from two people of the same status to the outside world. Mi Chunlei fancy Dong Qing’s beauty and fame, and Dong Qing fell in the wealth of Mi Chunlei. Some people think that the two really love each other. There are divergent opinions, but there is no doubt that Dong Qing’s giants and the road may have to draw a sentence.


As a mysterious and low -key entrepreneur, the loss of Michun Lei left a lot of room for guessing the outside world. But it is certain that it must not be a good thing for him. For Dong Qing, if he really fits the wealth of Mi Chunlei with him, her wealth dream may really break.

What do you think about this?