In July, production and sales increased by over 30% year-on-year, and new energy vehicles continued to develop well.

In July, production and sales increased by over 30% year-on-year, and new energy vehicles continued to develop well.

  Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, August 12th Title: Production and sales in July increased by over 30% year-on-year, and new energy vehicles continued to develop well.

  Xinhua News Agency reporter Zhang Xinxin

  According to the data released by the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology recently, in July, the production and sales of new energy vehicles in China reached 805,000 and 780,000 respectively, up by 30.6% and 31.6% respectively, and the market share reached 32.7%.

  Industry experts said that with the support of a series of policies such as excellent supply and consumption promotion, new energy vehicles continued to develop well and supporting facilities were constantly improved. The market penetration rate of new energy vehicles has increased, the technology has been continuously improved, the innovation vitality of enterprises has been further stimulated, and the high-quality development of the industry has been continuously promoted.

  Lantu Automobile recently released brand delivery data, and delivered a total of 3,412 new cars in July, up 90% year-on-year and 13% quarter-on-quarter. Stepping up to 3,000 steps for five consecutive months, "Lan Tu Speed" has the strength of brand’s continuous accumulation, as well as the expanding market scale and comprehensive industrial competitiveness of new energy vehicles. Lu Fang, CEO of Lantu, told reporters that Lantu Automobile has entered a stage of steady growth in sales, and the newly upgraded new Lantu FREE will be listed soon. While constantly exploring the domestic market, the brand is also actively deploying "going out". In the third quarter of this year, it will be officially launched in the Nordic markets such as Finland.

  On July 11th, 2023, at Taicang Port International Container Terminal in Jiangsu Province, a batch of new energy vehicles will be exported by special frame transportation (panoramic photo of unmanned aerial vehicle). Xinhua News Agency (photo by Ji Haixin)

  Since the beginning of this year, China’s new energy automobile industry has galloped all the way. From January to July, the production and sales of new energy vehicles totaled 4.591 million and 4.526 million, up 40% and 41.7% respectively.

  Recently, policies to support automobile development have been launched intensively. China has made it clear that the vehicle purchase tax reduction policy for new energy vehicles will be extended to the end of 2027; The National Development and Reform Commission, together with the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other departments, formulated "Several Measures for Promoting Automobile Consumption"; The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has clearly stepped up the formulation and implementation of the work plan for the steady growth of key industries such as automobiles … …

  "Support measures from both ends of supply and demand further boost market confidence and stabilize industrial development." Chen Shihua, deputy secretary-general of China Automobile Industry Association, said that with the implementation of the new round of automobile consumption promotion policy, the consumption potential of automobiles, especially new energy vehicles, is expected to be further released, which will help the industry achieve the goal of steady growth throughout the year.

  Market expansion drives industrial chain innovation. At the end of June, Dongfeng Weifu distributed wheel drive passenger car started long-term test, adopting pure electric four-wheel drive, high integration technology of wheel motor and controller. Compared with the traditional drive configuration, the whole vehicle accelerated by 42% in 100 kilometers.

  You Zheng, deputy general manager of Dongfeng Company, told the reporter that Dongfeng has continued to promote electrification and intelligent technology across the board, and has achieved independent control in the three power systems and completed the industrial layout. Focusing on intelligence, we have independently created a new generation of centralized SOA electronic and electrical architecture. Relying on technology brands Hydrogen Boat, we will continue to promote the development of hydrogen power. "We will make efforts to fill the shortcomings, seize the new track of intelligent network connection, and use new technologies and new products to build the competitive advantage of new energy intelligent network connection vehicles".

  "In the past, competition relied on special technology. Today, it depends more on ‘ Chain ’ 。” Xu Jun, senior vice president of Zero Run Automobile, said that consolidating and expanding the advantages of industrial chain by relying on integrated innovation is very important for new energy vehicles to achieve "leading" in the future. The industry is also stepping up its efforts, and collaborative innovation modes such as host manufacturers, component manufacturers, software companies and scientific research institutes have become the mainstream.

  The supporting system will be improved to lay a solid foundation for industrial development. According to the data released by China Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Promotion Alliance, as of July 2023, the member units in the alliance reported a total of 2.211 million public charging piles.

  According to the data of the Ministry of Transport, by the end of June, 5931 expressway service areas had built charging facilities, accounting for 89.48% of the total number of expressway service areas in China. The next step will be to further optimize and improve the service charging infrastructure network along the highway in accordance with the principle of "moderate advance".

  Shandong introduced measures from the aspects of charging infrastructure construction and time-of-use electricity price of residential charging piles, and Shenzhen issued the Three-year Action Plan (2023-2025) for Shenzhen to accelerate the construction of a new generation of world-class automobile city … … All localities have launched pragmatic measures according to local conditions to "escort" the development of new energy vehicles.

  Recently, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other five departments have revised the current Measures for the Parallel Management of Average Fuel Consumption of Passenger Car Enterprises and New Energy Vehicle Points, adjusted the calculation method of new energy vehicle points, and established a flexible trading mechanism of points to further help the industrial development.

  The "Guidelines for the Construction of National Vehicle Networking Industry Standard System (Intelligent Networked Vehicles) (2023 Edition)" was recently issued to provide the vehicle networking industry with a more complete framework, more comprehensive content and clearer logic.

  The relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology said that it will guide the industry to be electrified, intelligent and networked through standards, and further enhance the development momentum of the automobile industry. At the same time, it will support key large enterprises to take the lead, large, medium and small enterprises to participate, carry out cross-industry and cross-domain collaborative innovation, accelerate the research and development, popularization and application of new technologies and new products such as high-precision sensors and operating systems, support the development of high-security climate power batteries, heat pump air conditioning, vehicle thermal management and other technical research, and provide policy assistance for the high-quality development of new energy vehicles.


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