The second batch of theme education is nearing the end and Fuyang has held a special "achievement exchange meeting"

The second batch of theme education is nearing the end and Fuyang has held a special "achievement exchange meeting"

Chao News Client Reporter Li Rui Sharing Alliance Fuyang ying chen Li Xiaopeng
The second batch of theme education is nearing the end. Recently, Fuyang, Hangzhou held an exchange meeting on the research results of the theme education of the district Committee.
Leading cadres in this area reported the exchange results with their own leading educational research topics, and discussed the positive cases and related negative cases of "accelerating the development of strategic emerging industrial clusters", and made practical strategies and measures for Fuyang industrial strong area from different perspectives by means of "dissecting sparrows".
Since the theme education was launched, it has insisted on asking for the needs of the people, asking questions for the people, and asking for the benefits for the people. Fuyang has iteratively upgraded the working mechanism of "investigating one thing", and gradually formed a closed loop of the whole chain of "visiting day and talking at night", "double-line linkage" and "responding to people’s needs", which effectively improved the accuracy, pertinence and targeting of the transformation and application of research results, and formed a number of practical achievements, theoretical achievements and systems.
At the same time, Fuyang requires each district leader to carry out in-depth "research on one thing", lead one or two research topics in combination with the work in charge, find problems through research, analyze problems, seek countermeasures, and finally solve problems and improve work.
Holding this special "achievement exchange meeting" at the end of the year is not only a "look back" on the achievements of theme education, but also a plan and prospect for the next stage of work.
Next year is the tenth anniversary of Fuyang’s withdrawal from the urban area, and it is also a crucial period for the establishment of modern industries in this area. At the exchange meeting, how to accelerate the development of strategic emerging industrial clusters became the focus of discussion. The main person in charge of Fuyang District Committee made an exchange speech in combination with the research topic of "Thinking about the Path of Building" Zhejiang Optics Valley Fuchun Core City ".
In the development of strategic emerging industrial clusters, Fuyang’s "light" industry has a solid foundation and started early. In recent years, Fuyang has further promoted the project of "integrating Hangzhou into a corridor", actively participated in the industrial division of metropolis, gathered a large number of photoelectric enterprises, and is gradually forming a whole industrial chain system with coordinated development of the upper, middle and lower reaches.
"We must grasp the precious window period, speed up the climb and strive to seize the highland in the competition of industrial clusters." The person in charge said that Fuyang should clearly define its industrial orientation, identify the subdivision track, implement work measures, and accelerate the creation of "Zhejiang Optics Valley Fuchun Core City"; At the same time, it is necessary to improve the innovation ecology, focus on the industrial division of labor, adhere to the project as the king, promote the integration of production and city, and build a strategic emerging industrial cluster.
At the exchange meeting, everyone held a thick research report in their hands. Some focus on the opportunities of the Asian Games and put forward the goal of "revitalizing the city of sports and leisure"; Some set their sights on the incubation system of entrepreneurial innovation and put forward a series of valuable and operable policy suggestions …
Outside the exchange meeting, a large number of practical cases, which come from all over Fuyang, originated from investigation and research, and matured in theme education, have really brought to the people, such as speeding up the development of building economy, guarding empty nesters living alone, preventing poverty from returning to poverty due to illness, creating a distinctive commercial display, promoting the auto parts industry to "share resources", innovating "Fuchun Little Brother Code" to create a new service mode for new employment groups, and launching the "Longyang Auntie" domestic service brand.
"In the next step, Fuyang will transform and apply the research results with high standards and high quality, do in-depth research on the second half of the article, and drive’ solving a class of problems’ through’ dissecting a sparrow’ to continue to promote the theme education." The person in charge said.
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