Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Severely punish the fraudulent behavior of new energy vehicles and standardize the order of industrial development

Ministry of Industry and Information Technology: Severely punish the fraudulent behavior of new energy vehicles and standardize the order of industrial development

  CCTV News:According to the website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, after the Ministry of Finance publicly exposed some typical cases of serious "fraudulent compensation" of new energy vehicles to the public in September 2016, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology announced the administrative punishment decision on Suzhou Jinlong and other enterprises on the portal website on December 20, giving four enterprises involved in "having a license without a car" such punishment measures as "ordering to stop producing and selling problem models, suspending the application qualification of the recommended catalogue of new energy vehicles, and ordering to carry out rectification for six months".

  Since then, the relevant departments in charge of the promotion and application of new energy vehicles in China have made a clear decision on the handling of the "fraudulent compensation" incident of new energy vehicles that the society is concerned about according to their own functions, conveying the attitude and determination of the state to attach great importance to and seriously deal with the "fraudulent compensation" incident of new energy vehicles, and standardizing the development order and improving the development environment through special rectification work and further improving policy measures and supervision mechanism.

  First, the central and local governments should work together to seriously deal with the enterprises and relevant personnel involved.

  How to deal with the "fraudulent compensation" incident of new energy vehicles in China has been highly concerned by the whole society and even the international automobile industry since the incident was exposed in January this year. the State Council attaches great importance to it and demands serious investigation and punishment of fraudulent compensation. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Finance and other departments and local governments have joined forces to carry out comprehensive and thorough special inspection actions, severely punish enterprises that find problems according to laws and regulations, not only expose the enterprises involved and relevant personnel, but also give punishment measures such as recovering "fraudulent compensation" funds, imposing fines, canceling the qualification of financial subsidies for new energy vehicles, canceling/suspending the production qualification of enterprises and announcing catalogue models according to the seriousness of the circumstances. Those who violate the law shall be investigated for legal responsibility according to law.

  The ministries and commissions will work together to seriously deal with the enterprises involved. From February to March this year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Finance and other four ministries and commissions jointly carried out special inspections on the implementation of the promotion and application of new energy vehicles and the management of the use of financial funds. In late March, Miao Wei, Minister of Industry and Information Technology, publicly stated that the "fraudulent compensation" behavior of new energy vehicles should be dealt with seriously and found to be disposed of together. On March 25th, the CCTV news channel "Chao Wen Tian Xia" reported the investigation of "fraudulent compensation" of new energy, focusing on the alleged "fraudulent compensation" of Suzhou Jim West. At the beginning of September, the Ministry of Finance exposed some typical cases of serious "cheating" to the public. On December 20th, the portal website of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued a decision on administrative punishment for Suzhou Jinlong and other enterprises. The Ministry of Finance and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology have successively issued punishment documents for new energy automobile manufacturers involved in the problems of "no car with a license", "car without electricity" and "inconsistent logo", among which Suzhou Jimixi, who has the most serious fraud, was given the punishment of "canceling the qualification of vehicle production". This is the first enterprise whose production qualification has been cancelled since the implementation of the vehicle production enterprise and product announcement management system. The above measures highlight the country’s rectification of the field of new energy vehicles.Cheat "problem, the determination to standardize the development of the industry.

  The local government followed up and investigated the responsibility of the relevant personnel according to law. In addition to the serious handling of the enterprises involved at the national level according to law, the local government subsequently initiated legal procedures to investigate the responsibility of the relevant personnel according to law according to the verification results. According to the inspection results of the Ministry of Finance, Jiangsu Province further verified and implemented the responsibilities of relevant functional departments and staff, and the personnel involved were handed over to procuratorial organs, public security departments and administrative supervision departments; Responsible persons of relevant enterprises and government workers suspected of committing crimes shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law; According to the law, arrest the relevant personnel of Suzhou Public Security Traffic Police Detachment Vehicle Management Office who are suspected of abusing their powers, and arrest the relevant personnel such as Yang Level, the actual controller of Suzhou Jim West Bus Manufacturing Co., Ltd. who are suspected of fraud; The relevant personnel of Suzhou Jinlong were dismissed and transferred.

  Second, carry out special rectification, and the industry shows a good development trend.

  If the purpose of severely punishing the cheating behavior of new energy vehicles is to eliminate the "black sheep" in China’s new energy vehicle industry, then the special rectification work after the special verification will undoubtedly play a positive role in standardizing and promoting the development of new energy vehicles in China. Based on the development of new energy vehicles in China this year, after this round of rectification, the development of the whole industry has been gradually standardized, enterprises have paid more attention to technological innovation, and the market has maintained steady growth. China’s new energy vehicle industry has entered a more rational and healthy development stage.

  Relevant enterprises actively carry out rectification. Since the special rectification work was carried out, most enterprises that have been punished have set up special rectification teams to carry out comprehensive rectification work. First, pursue the responsibility of the responsible person who caused the problem vehicle; Second, return the financial pre-allocated funds and pay the fine according to the prescribed procedures and requirements; The third is to replenish or replace batteries, motors and other parts for vehicles with problems of "lack of electricity in vehicles" and "inconsistent signs" to make them meet the requirements of product consistency; Fourth, take practical measures to promote idle vehicles to put into actual operation; Fifth, earnestly implement the provisions of vehicle production, strengthen the consistency of product production and the management of motor vehicle factory certificate; Sixth, standardize financial management procedures. At the same time, relevant departments of Chongqing, Zhejiang and other local governments have strengthened the supervision of problem enterprises and urged enterprises to speed up the implementation of rectification requirements to ensure that rectification is in place.

  Strengthen the supervision and inspection of new energy vehicles. From November 21 to 25 this year, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology entrusted experts from the Automobile Association and China Automobile Technology Center to supervise and inspect the production behavior of new energy automobile manufacturers, and conducted on-site inspections on enterprises such as Xiamen Jinlong, Xiamen Jinlv, BYD, Zhongtong Bus, Anhui An Kai and Chery Automobile. The expert group conducted a comprehensive inspection of the certificate management, spare parts procurement, production inspection and financial management of the enterprise by means of seminars and random sampling of sample cars, focusing on checking whether the certificate management is one car and one certificate, and whether it is in compliance, and checking the vehicle products randomly to see that they are consistent with the announcement parameters.

  Enterprises increased investment and the market developed rapidly. According to the investigation of more than 40 new energy vehicle manufacturers by China Automobile Association and China Automobile Technology Research Center, it is found that enterprises have generally increased their investment in technology research and development, operation management and quality assurance, accelerated product upgrading, and enhanced their research and development capabilities. Most enterprises have established a monitoring platform for the quality operation of new energy vehicle products. The energy density of lithium-ion power battery reaches 220 WHr/kg, and the system price drops to 2 yuan/WHr. The power density of the driving motor exceeds 3 kW/kg, which is basically equivalent to the international level; The charging efficiency, power density and output voltage range of the fast charging system have been steadily improved, and the functions of dual-gun charging and mobile payment have been realized, and the cost has decreased by more than 30% compared with 2015. From January to November this year, the production and sales of new energy vehicles reached 427,000 and 402,000 respectively, up by 59.0% and 60.4% respectively, and remained the first in the world.

  Third, improve measures and mechanisms to standardize the order of industrial development.

  While rectifying China’s new energy vehicles, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Finance and other departments in charge of the promotion and application of new energy vehicles have adjusted subsidy policies, strengthened supervision, and further improved the policy environment for industrial development.

  Adjust the financial subsidy policy. In view of the problems exposed in the special inspection, such as excessive subsidy standards for some vehicles, excessive dependence of enterprises on subsidy policies, low technical performance of subsidized new energy vehicles and low actual utilization rate of some vehicles, the Ministry of Finance, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology and other four ministries and commissions put forward a plan to adjust and improve the subsidy policies for new energy vehicles on the basis of consulting relevant enterprises and third-party institutions. First, on the premise of maintaining the overall stability of the subsidy policy from 2016 to 2020, appropriately adjust the subsidy methods for passenger cars and special vehicles, raise the technical threshold, encourage technological progress, set the upper limit of central and local subsidies, and prevent the phenomenon that the local supporting subsidy standards are too high. The second is to improve the allocation method of subsidy funds. From 2016, the subsidy funds for the purchase of new energy vehicles will be changed from pre-payment to post-liquidation, and the review and promotion of local fund application reports will be strengthened. Third, in combination with industrial development and technological progress, we should appropriately raise the requirements of recommended catalogue models, establish a dynamic adjustment mechanism, and give full play to the guiding role of subsidy policies in helping the excellent and the strong.

  Improve the entry threshold for enterprises. As the competent department of industry, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology revised the Regulations on the Access Management of New Energy Vehicle Manufacturers and Products, strengthened safety requirements, raised access thresholds, and curbed the scattered development of the industry. At present, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology has reviewed and approved the Regulations on the Administration of New Energy Vehicle Manufacturers and Products Access, which will be officially released in the near future. The new regulations improve the entry threshold from the aspects of enterprise design and development ability, manufacturing ability, after-sales service ability, product technical performance and quality assurance ability, and strengthen the safety supervision requirements, which can effectively improve product quality and safety level.

  Improve the supervision and management mechanism. In order to ensure the implementation of national policies, prevent the recurrence of "fraudulent compensation" and effectively promote the healthy and sustainable development of new energy vehicles in China, we should improve three major guarantee mechanisms: first, establish a real-time adjustment mechanism for subsidy policies for new energy vehicles, increase the assessment conditions for linking vehicle mileage with subsidies, improve the technical conditions of subsidized vehicles, appropriately reduce the subsidy amount and promote the application of vehicles according to technological progress and market conditions; The second is to establish a real-time monitoring mechanism for the operation of new energy vehicles, improve the monitoring platform at the central, local and enterprise levels, ensure the safety of vehicle use, and strengthen the assessment of vehicle use; The third is to improve the supervision system after the event, implement a unified coding system for power batteries, strengthen market sampling verification of new energy automobile products, and increase penalties for violations of laws and regulations.


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