It’s broken! Xiaomi car is no longer cost-effective, and Lei Jun personally admitted that Xiaomi car is "a bit expensive"

It’s broken! Xiaomi car is no longer cost-effective, and Lei Jun personally admitted that Xiaomi car is "a bit expensive"

Tomorrow (December 28th), the related technology of Xiaomi Automobile will be announced, and Lei Jun has also revealed some mental experiences of building a car in Weibo in recent days. Although this Xiaomi Automobile Conference only talks about automobile technology, it will not actually release a new car, but consumers are often most concerned about the price issue, and Lei Jun also responded on Weibo.

On December 26th, Lei Jun answered some questions about Xiaomi SU7 at the Weibo. When he mentioned "When will Xiaomi SU7 go on the market and how much will it be priced", he said that Xiaomi SU7 is in the trial production and climbing stage, and it will take several months for it to go on the market officially. There is no final decision on pricing, but Xiaomi SU7 is indeed a little expensive, but please believe that what we are doing is "reasonable and expensive" and the experience will definitely exceed everyone’s expectations.

It seems that it is impossible for Xiaomi SU7 to make friends at a price of 180,000 yuan, but Lei Jun also said that the price has not been finalized, and the possibility of persuading executives overnight is not ruled out.

Undoubtedly, Xiaomi SU7 is definitely not behind some contemporary flagship electric cars in terms of technology. Lei Jun even boasted that Xiaomi SU7 hopes to rival Porsche Taycan Turbo in mechanical qualities such as drivability. Intelligently, I hope to be comparable to Tesla ModelS; At the same time, there is the most advanced technology and the richest ecology, but whether a mule is a horse or not, we have to wait until it is listed and tested before we can draw a conclusion.

When Lei Jun announced that he would build a car, whether it was rice noodles or not was boiling, because everyone knew that the "first new energy vehicle for young people" was coming, and the price butcher was coming. But how to price is a big deal for the brand’s first car, especially for Xiaomi, which is still hitting the high-end road.

However, rice noodle people can understand that the name Xiaomi is always labeled as "low price", "cost-effective" and "flat replacement". They also want to watch Xiaomi go to the high end, but just like the sentence "I am afraid that my brother will have a hard time and my brother will drive a Land Rover", this feeling is very tangled. Who doesn’t want to spend less money on a high-end product, but wants to make more money on that product, which is unrealistic. Cars are also the best proof that a brand shows its strength and impacts the high end. Xiaomi’s investment in SU7 is dozens of times the resources of other car companies, and this kind of effort is also to get rid of Xiaomi’s "low-end image".

Of course, Xiaomi car will definitely not be too scary. It should be impossible to price 400,000 to 500,000 yuan. The target model of Xiaomi SU7 is also the ceiling of electric new energy vehicles, and their price is also the same. Therefore, it is reasonable for Lei Jun to say that "it is expensive for a reason". The reason why Xiaomi’s mobile phone can be sold cheaply is mainly because the mobile phone has a large shipment volume and can share part of the cost, and it is extremely difficult for the car to share the cost through sales in a short time.

All major auto companies of new energy electric vehicles within 300,000 yuan have killed their eyes. Xiaomi SU7 is a difficult start in hell. It is hard to imagine how much pressure it has. Judging from the current news, Xiaomi SU7 is not a low-end car, so it will cost less in cost control and materials, and it is not allowed to lower the gear position too much in brand positioning. Do you want to take a cost-effective approach? I guess it’s a little difficult.


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