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"Far ahead" Tan Sir’s experience: Thoughts on M5 Zhijia Edition

   When intelligent driving covers complex urban roads from expressways and loops, high-precision maps are far from being used. Facing the changing road conditions every day or even every hour, it is necessary to get rid of high-precision maps, which is also the key for manufacturers to win.

  So, there is such a dialogue — —

  "You don’t pay attention to the traffic lights when driving, so what do you pay attention to?" "You said that he didn’t pay attention to the head shape, but he didn’t pay attention to safety, which would be wrong!" Sir Tan, an old traffic policeman who has served the police force for more than 30 years, has always broken his heart for everyone’s driving safety. The good news is that Mr. Tan’s heart disease for many years has been completely cured! What is the panacea so effective? The answer is the "double wisdom ceiling" that has just been officially listed — — AITO asks the world M5 Huawei Advanced Intelligent Driving Edition.

  HUAWEI ADS 2.0, the high-level intelligent driving level of zero takeover impressed Tan Sir.

  In the actual test drive experience in Shanghai, Yu Chengdong personally drove the M5 version of Zhijie, carrying Mr. Tan to experience HUAWEI ADS&ensp in the most prosperous and complicated urban area of Magic Capital Shanghai;   2.0 advanced intelligent driving system, the perfect performance of the M5 intelligent driving version shocked the safety experience officer Tan Sir. Tan Sir was deeply impressed by the high-level intelligent driving level of zero takeover, and even shouted the classic golden sentence — — "Far ahead".

  At the intersection where people and vehicles are mixed, the M5 Intelligent Driving Edition will automatically recognize the traffic lights, and can read the remaining time information of the traffic lights to start and stop autonomously. When vehicles in other lanes intrude, take the initiative to yield to ensure safety. After the high-order intelligent driving pilot is started, the M5 intelligent driving version can easily realize unprotected left turn, U-turn and road avoidance in urban areas, the steering control is very linear, and the details are quite in place.

  Excellent hardware and software blessing, excellent actual performance.

  Tan Qiao and Yu Chengdong talked about the safety topic of intelligent driving during the test drive, and Tan Sir felt sorry for HUAWEI ADS    2.0 is like an old driver with millions of kilometers of driving experience. He is completely autonomous and has delicate and steady driving skills, which can always ensure driving safety. Yu Chengdong said that the excellent performance of the M5 Intelligent Driving Edition is the foundation of excellent software and hardware and the blessing behind Huawei’s self-developed algorithm.

  Based on the fusion of BEV(Bird Eye View) network to identify white list obstacles such as cars and people, GOD(General Obstacle    Detection general obstacle detection) network, which can identify a variety of objects outside the general obstacle white list. Based on multi-sensor fusion perception system, combined with road prediction neural network, it can realize traffic element association, road topology reasoning, navigation map matching with real road, etc., and realize that cars can "see" complex road conditions and drive with or without maps.

  When vehicles enter and leave the tunnel, they can identify the special obstacles inside and outside the tunnel, and they can not be afraid of light and shade changes. According to the actual road conditions, they can give early warning and make deceleration or avoidance actions, effectively preventing accidents and greatly improving safety.

  It is worth mentioning that with the continuous increase of the mileage of high-level intelligent driving, Wenjie M5 Intelligent Driving Edition continues to learn advanced with cloud big data AI training, and the ability of high-level intelligent driving will become stronger and stronger, which can cope with more complicated road conditions.

  Huawei’s first intelligent driving interactive game algorithm perfectly solves the problem that intelligent driving encounters difficult road conditions in complex scenes where people and vehicles are mixed, solves the problem of taking over more than 70% of interactive scenes, shortens the transit time by 40%, and makes intelligent driving behave more like an "old driver".

  The perfect high-level intelligent driving performance of the M5 intelligent driving version in the world conquered the safety experience officer, Sir Tan. Before the test drive is over, Mr. Tan said that he has put the M5 version of the intellectual drive in the shopping cart, which is enough to show that Mr. Tan is interested in the M5 version of the intellectual drive and HUAWEI    Absolute recognition and full trust of ADS 2.0 advanced intelligent driving.

The performance continued to increase, and the smart driving business ushered in overseas breakthroughs.

  Desai Siwei (002920)

  Event overview

  Desai Siwei recently released its 2023 annual report. In 2023, the company achieved an operating income of 21.908 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 46.71%, a net profit of 1.547 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 30.57%, and a net profit of 1.467 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 41.47%.

  Intelligent cockpit and intelligent driving with two-wheel drive, single Q4 gross profit margin was repaired from the previous month.

  On the revenue side, thanks to the two-wheel drive of intelligent cockpit and intelligent driving business, the company achieved revenue of 21.908 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 46.71%. Among them, 1) the intelligent cockpit business realized revenue of 15.8 billion yuan, up 34% year-on-year, higher than the industry level. We believe that the continuous high growth of cockpit business is mainly due to the volume of new products such as domain controllers and the expansion of overseas customers. 2) The smart driving business realized a revenue of 4.5 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 74%, mainly due to the large-scale volume of high-end smart driving.

  On the profit side, the company realized a net profit of 1.547 billion yuan, up 30.57% year-on-year, slightly lower than the growth rate of the income side, mainly due to the downstream price pressure transmission and the low gross profit margin (16.2%) of the smart driving business. However, in Q4 alone, the company’s gross profit margin was 21.54%, an increase of 2.83pcts from the previous month, showing an obvious recovery trend. In addition, the scale effect of the company began to appear. Specifically, the company’s management/sales/R&D expense ratio in 2023 was 2.3%/1.4%/9.1%, respectively, which was 0.3pcts/0.2pcts/1.8pcts lower than that in the same period of last year, indicating that the company has passed this expansion stage and started to enter the harvest period.

  The annualized sales of new project orders totaled over 24.5 billion, and the smart driving business ushered in an overseas breakthrough.

  According to the annual report, the annual sales of new project orders exceeded 24.5 billion yuan in 2023, of which the annual sales orders of new cockpit business projects exceeded 15 billion yuan, and new products such as the fourth-generation cockpit HUD and LCD instruments were designated by the project; The intelligent driving business exceeds 8 billion yuan, and the high-end intelligent driving platform has won new project orders from more than ten car companies, such as Ideality, Guangzhou Automobile Ai ‘an, Geely, Great Wall, Lotus, and Extreme Krypton, which is a strong guarantee for sustained growth in the next year. In addition, the company’s overseas business is progressing smoothly, with revenue of 1.64 billion yuan in 2023, up 48.1% year-on-year, higher than the overall level. It is worth noting that in addition to the cockpit business continuing to receive new orders, the company also obtained the smart driving business project designation of overseas core customers for the first time, and the smart driving business ushered in overseas breakthroughs, and the growth space was further opened.

  Investment advice:

  The company is the core target of automobile intelligence, with obvious advantages of card position and clear logic of subsequent growth. We are optimistic about its expansion from intelligent cockpit to intelligent driving, and its transformation from automotive electronics supplier to automotive intelligent enabler. We estimate that the company’s revenue in 2024-2026 will be 283.9/354.1/42.26 billion yuan, and the net profit attributable to the mother will be 2141/2860/3782 million yuan, respectively, maintaining the Buy -A investment rating. Due to the company’s leading position in the industry and the long-term space for automotive intelligence, we will give a net profit of 40 times PE in 2024, corresponding to a target price of 154.4 yuan in June.

  Risk warning: 1) The risk that the smart car market will not develop as expected; 2) The risk that the supply chain repair is less than expected due to the intensification of the epidemic; 3) The risk of increasing upstream chip shortage; 4) The risk that the company’s intelligent driving business is not progressing as expected; 5) Risk of intensified market competition.

Artificial intelligence is an opportunity and a challenge. Experts suggest that supervision should be strengthened from all aspects.

CCTV News:As an important part of Cyber Security Publicity Week, the 2023 Cyber Security Expo is being held in Fuzhou. The reporter noted that how to better develop the artificial intelligence industry attracted the attention of the participants. Many experts believe that although generative artificial intelligence can greatly facilitate and improve human life style, it also poses a new challenge to network security and needs to strengthen supervision from all aspects.

Experts pointed out that any technology has two sides, and there are a series of security risks hidden behind generative artificial intelligence, which pose new challenges to national security, social security, network security and data security.

In terms of security, experts pointed out that excluding human intervention, the security problem of artificial intelligence itself is also obvious.

China computer federation (CCF) Computer Security Professional Committee Member Degree:First, at the source, the data may be poisoned and polluted, so the original training data may have problems. Second, when training, there may be a big data discrimination algorithm in it, and it may not be a fair algorithm, which will lead to problems in the results. Thirdly, there will be a feedback mechanism in the final output stage, and the feedback mechanism may inject some malicious data or samples, which will also lead to the deviation of the answers obtained by this model.

So, how to deal with the hidden dangers of artificial intelligence? Experts said that this requires joint efforts from the supervision, practitioners and enterprises.

Li Xinliang, Expert of Guangdong Digital Government Network and Data Security Emergency Response Expert Group:In view of the security risks that AI may bring, I personally feel that it is necessary to speed up relevant legislation at the national level and formulate relevant industry standards as soon as possible. In addition, for AI practitioners, it is necessary to strengthen the corresponding training so that they can carry out it at the level of national laws and regulations when using AI technology. From the enterprise level, we must fully consider the compliance of collecting citizen information, and at the same time, we must strengthen the relevant actions of data protection in the transmission and storage of these collected data.

Dunhua News Network transformed consulting rooms in 14 hospitals and sent 38 bloggers for physical examination. Xiaohongshu launched a friendly action for women’s physical examination.

Such as writer Susan • Sontag wrote in Metaphor of Disease that everyone may face the disease, but in thousands of years of culture, some diseases have been labeled, making it difficult for people suffering from the disease to face themselves.

On the occasion of International Women’s Day on March 8th, Xiaohongshu Health launched the activity of "It doesn’t matter if there is something wrong", which helped more people to eliminate their sense of shame and anxiety through online topics and practical actions such as knowledge popularization and physical examination of 38 bloggers, and held the "It doesn’t matter meeting", which provided a place for public discussion on the topic of gynecological diseases that was originally shy. It is also to send care to women through the transformation of offline hospitals.

Susan • Sontag said, it doesn’t matter, the disease is just a disease, not a disaster from heaven, so don’t be ashamed to say it.

And Xiaohongshu also wants to tell you that there is something wrong with it, and it doesn’t matter. Action is the certainty of physical and mental health.

 From slogan to action "it doesn’t matter"

China Reproductive Health Research Report 2022 shows that among more than 3,100 women in 31 provinces and cities, 71% have gynecological symptoms such as irregular menstrual cycle, abnormal vagina and leucorrhea, but only 57.5% choose to see a doctor after gynecological symptoms appear.

Most of the shackles of women’s fear of illness and medical treatment come from the metaphorical "shame" and "fear" of illness. In addition, the uncertainty of diagnosis and the worry about future results have also discouraged many patients.

How to liberate from the metaphorical pressure brought by the disease, Susan • Sontag gave the answer: to get rid of these metaphors, we can’t just avoid them, they must be exposed, studied and exhausted.

In the online activity of "There is something wrong, it doesn’t matter", Xiaohongshu invited doctors as white coat friends to promote knowledge and ideas. And encourage more users to share the most authentic medical experience. Promote action with popular science, radiate the whole people from women, and reduce the anxiety and shame of ordinary people about diseases.

At present, there are 210 million exposures and 1.76w notes on the series of topics with # small problems and small methods. In addition to inviting many gynecologists and surgeons such as Dr. @Jojo to conduct popular science on women’s health; Xiaohongshu also launched the # It doesn’t matter action with 38 bloggers for physical examination. At present, many bloggers, such as @ Lahongshang @vivi Keaduo @ Sophie and Azhe, have shared the experience of gynecological examination, which is a name for gynecological diseases. Driven by them, more female users are willing to overcome shame and make changes for their health.

At the same time, on March 7th, Xiaohongshu also held a "Never mind meeting", inviting female characters from different fields, including doctors, writers, talk show actors, screenwriters and so on, to share their experiences and stories of coexistence with Xiaoxiao.

In gynecological examination, many women will be afraid of pain, and even wonder if they are too "melodramatic". In fact, individuals’ feelings of pain vary from person to person. As Si Wen said, we should respect the threshold of self-pain. Courageously expressing your pain during the examination is also a key step to face up to the disease.

From Online to Offline Friendly Clinic: A Closed Loop of Community Care

In recent years, the popularization of health knowledge is also driving the change of social concepts and promoting the public to face diseases and daily life with a correct attitude.

The fear and shame before seeing a doctor can be dispelled through popular science and experience sharing, but the discomfort in the actual examination is easy to leave a psychological shadow on women.

Ding Ding, director of the Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology of Huashan Hospital (Baoshan Campus) affiliated to Fudan University, told reporters that in terms of physiology, the discomfort caused by gynecological examination may be the feedback of most people, especially in the first or unfamiliar environment. "Some patients will also tell me that they don’t know what examinations to do, or what items to do in the routine physical examination of gynecology, and how often to do them … …”

It is not difficult to see that, in addition to professional medical advice, women also expect a warm and comfortable medical environment. Based on this, Xiaohongshu linked Ruijin Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine, Huashan Hospital affiliated to Shanghai Fudan University (Baoshan Campus), Second Affiliated Hospital of Zhejiang University School of Medicine, Union Medical College Hospital affiliated to Tongji Medical College of Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Xiangya Second Hospital of Central South University, Henan Provincial People’s Hospital, Obstetrics and Gynecology Hospital affiliated to Fudan University (Red House), Hunan Provincial People’s Hospital, Shanghai Tongren Hospital, Shanghai Jiading Central Hospital, Chengdu Women and Children Central Hospital, Changsha Central Hospital (Red House)

Taking Huashan Hospital as an example, Director Ding Ding revealed that through the warm environment transformation, such as relaxing and encouraging floor stickers, gynecological examination posture wall stickers, "it doesn’t matter doll" decoration, and men’s stop to set up illustrations, we strive to create a "it doesn’t matter, relax and friendly clinic" to alleviate everyone’s fear and worry about gynecological examination and treatment and convey the warm concept of "it doesn’t matter, relax".

In order to optimize the experience of women’s physical examination, many warm-hearted copybooks have been posted in the waiting area of the gynecological clinic of Huashan Hospital, such as "Don’t worry, the little problems on your body will always get better slowly" and "If you don’t take good care of yourself, just say sorry to your body, and it will definitely tell you that it doesn’t matter."

The examination bed or chair in the clinic is the place where the patient’s fear concentration is the highest. In order to ease the tension, Xiaohongshu United Hospital posted the slogan "Never mind, relax" on the ceiling, "Speak out if you feel uncomfortable, and the doctor will accompany you" and other encouraging slogans.

In addition, for women’s concerns, such as "will gynecological examination hurt?" "How to check the posture?" There are also wall stickers and signs to help patients who enter the clinic for the first time quickly understand how to cooperate with doctors for examination. After the examination, "it doesn’t matter" accompanying dolls, including cute cartoon immune cells, uterus, stomach, etc., will be sent as long-term companionship to bring emotional value to patients.

It is worth mentioning that all warm-hearted and encouraging slogans come from the notes sharing of real users in Xiaohong Bookstore. In this process, Xiaohongshu realized the real concern for women from online to offline.

According to feedback from many hospitals, these improvements have been well received by many patients, and "fun" and "warm heart" are their most direct feelings. When waiting for treatment, many patients punch in and take pictures next to the floor stickers and wall stickers. A doctor admitted that she saw more patients’ smiles in the reformed clinic.

Xiaohongshu hopes that through the activity of "It doesn’t matter if there is something wrong", the public’s concept of diseases and women’s health problems can be changed, and the social value as a lifestyle platform can be highlighted.


The spy war drama "Battlefield Lost Love": Do not forget your initiative mind, Remember the Mission.

  Since August 15th, the TV series "Battlefield Fantasy" started broadcasting on CCTV 8, and the viewing performance broke through 1%, and it has been rising all the way since then. Directed by Hai Yi and starring Apollo, Wu Qianyu, Gao Shuguang and Liu Dekai, the play tells the story of the life-and-death struggle between the young revolutionaries headed by He Wenqing and the Kuomintang and the Japanese around the economic war after the failure of the Great Revolution.

  The hero, He Wenqing, was originally a battalion commander of the Northern Expeditionary Army. Later, he was imprisoned by the enemy and released from prison with recommendation. However, he was still wrongly handled in the organization and expelled from the party during the White Terror period. After leaving the organization to become a businessman, He Wenqing still carried out the instructions of the Party to the letter, faced the strong enemy with dauntless spirit, and solved problems with perseverance and wisdom. According to the director, the original intention of "Battlefield Fantasy" is to create a communist party person who is "Do not forget your initiative mind and mindful of his mission": the protagonist He Wenqing did not go to extremes or indulge in ordinary things after being expelled from the Party, but "saved the country by curves" and continued to realize the revolutionary ideal with excellent business talents.

  In terms of cast, Apollo, who plays He Wenqing, is a powerful actor familiar to the audience. In the 2001 martial arts TV series Xiao Eleven Lang, Apollo played the role of "Lian Chengbi", which has remained in the hearts of many post-80s audiences. In recent years, he has performed well in costume dramas such as Shui Yue Dong Tian, Qin Shi Ming Yue, and General on the Top. In 2011, Apollo starred in CCTV-8 TV series "Soul of the Sea", which got good ratings. Wu Qianyu, a young actress in Hong Kong, is one-eighth of Chinese-French mixed blood. In the play, she plays Fan Fengjin, an overseas Chinese with a background of studying abroad, but her temperament is very consistent.

  In the last century, Liu Dekai, who entered the dreams of thousands of families and countless young girls with Qiong Yao dramas such as "A Curtain of Dreams", is still old and handsome as Fan Rongnan, a patriotic overseas Chinese. Gao Shuguang, an actor, changed the positive image of the past, and performed a wily Fuxing Club leader.

  It is reported that although "Battlefield Romance" is a red theme, it has some light comedy elements. In particular, the emotional line between the man and the woman, from tell it to the judge to the partner who fought side by side, their love stories are intertwined in the tense spy front, which has played a role in relaxing the atmosphere and changing the rhythm.

  Different from the general fictional spy war drama, the plot of the spy war in this drama is basically based on the real historical events in the 1930s, which restores the customs of the underground party, overseas Chinese and business circles in Fujian, and to some extent, sees the big picture from the small, which truly reproduces the scene of that year. The play jumped out of the same theme, and the story line closely revolved around the historical truth of how the Red Army crushed the enemy’s economic blockade. According to the director, he hopes to explore these unknown details of real history through the hero’s special experience of using shopping malls as battlefields.

Guangdong’s "Football Aid Xinjiang" ignites Kashgar’s youth football dream.

  Tianshan Net News (Reporter Fan Guobin reports) Recently, in the final of the second "Pomegranate Seed Cup" Youth Men’s Football Championship (junior high school group) in Shufu County, Kashgar, the middle school football team in Langan Town of the county won the championship and took the stage to receive the award. At that moment, the little players hugged each other tightly with their coaches and teachers and cried with joy.

  The "Pomegranate Seed Cup" youth football match is one of the "works" of Guangdong football aid to Xinjiang. The name of the competition is "Pomegranate Seed", which means that children of all ethnic groups hold each other tightly through football. Over the past two years, this competition has attracted more than 800 students and teachers from more than 20 schools.

  Guangdong’s aid to Xinjiang innovation puts forward "football aid to Xinjiang"

  Football aid to Xinjiang is a sports concept first put forward in 19 provinces and cities in Guangdong Province. Since its launch in February 2017, Shufu County, which is supported by Guangzhou counterparts, has taken the lead in setting up 10 middle schools and 12 primary schools as outlets for youth football, building football venues, providing basic equipment and equipment, and carrying out campus football training, so that more and more teenagers in Kashgar like football.

  In Kupuse Village Primary School in Saybagh Township, Shufu County, every day after school, a group of students will play football in the artificial grass football field, sweating like rain. "There are 346 students in our school. A year ago, all the children played football in the clay court. Now they are playing football in the artificial grass football field. They are happy." Yong Kaiyuan, the principal of Kupuse Village Primary School, said that children can use the advanced football field thanks to the football aid policy of Guangdong Province.

  At present, No.3 Middle School, Mingde Primary School and Saybag Township Central Primary School in Shufu County have become the teaching practice bases of the Football College of Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education. Ten middle schools and 12 primary schools in Shufu County have been included in the football training system, and more than 500 young people of all ethnic groups have received professional football training all the year round.

  The second "Pomegranate Seed Cup" Youth Men’s Football Championship in Shufu County. (Image courtesy of the Autonomous Region Sports Bureau)

  In 2018, the Guangdong Provincial Sports Bureau issued the "Guangdong Football Aid Xinjiang Work Plan" to integrate strength resources and increase investment in football aid Xinjiang. In that year, the Guangdong Provincial Sports Bureau invested 2 million yuan in aid to Xinjiang, which was used for the reconstruction of the basic football field and the construction of facilities in the aided areas.

  "Our goal is to strive to build four to six artificial grass football fields for sevens and related supporting projects in Kashgar within three years." Wang Weidong, deputy inspector of Guangdong Sports Bureau, said.

  Not only that, Guangdong Football Aid to Xinjiang also helps Xinjiang to build a football training structure, competition structure and transportation system. Through campus football training, youth men’s football championships, campus leagues covering Shufu County, Jiashi County and the Third Division of the Corps, and sending talents to football schools in Xinjiang and Guangdong, the youth football cause in Kashgar has been gradually promoted in depth.

  The second "Pomegranate Seed Cup" Youth Men’s Football Championship in Shufu County. (Image courtesy of the Autonomous Region Sports Bureau)

  Plant a seed of hope

  In February 2017, Wang Liang of the Football Center of Guangdong Provincial Sports Bureau came to Kashgar as a professional football technician to participate in the aid work in Xinjiang.

  Since coming to Kashgar, Wang Liang has spent half his time teaching football in rural primary schools. "Every time I go to school, the children are waiting for me at the school gate. Everyone is vying to help me with my football equipment. I can really feel the children’s love for football."

  Sepura Nurmaiti, a 10-year-old fourth-grade student of Mingde Primary School in Shufu County, loved playing football since childhood. Recently, he got a brand-new football donated by Guangdong Sports Lottery Management Center, and then received football shoes from Wang Liang. He was very excited.

  Sepura’s parents are not around, and she is one of the few boarding children in Mingde Primary School. She is usually taciturn. After Wang Liang went to Mingde Primary School to carry out football training, he teamed up to play football. Sepra’s "Football Dream" was activated. He was originally shy and introverted, and now he plays football on the court with his classmates every day, learning the national common language and learning cultural knowledge together.

  "With football, he is like a completely different person, positive, sunny, cheerful and lovely. The purpose of football aid to Xinjiang is to plant a seed of hope in the hearts of children and bring about positive energy changes. " Seeing that his efforts won the harvest, Wang Liang showed a gratified smile. 

  In July 2018, the Guangdong Provincial Sports Bureau and the Guangdong Frontier Command organized a 24-member Kashgar youth football team to go to Guangdong Province for a 17-day competition exchange. 

  In order to participate in the competition, the little players braved the heat to practice their skills, while studying hard the classroom knowledge and learning the national common language.

  In the end, each of the 24 children got the opportunity to go to Guangdong to participate in the competition and exchange. When the little player boarded the flight to Guangzhou, everyone was very excited, and a happy smile permeated everyone’s face.

  The poverty alleviation research group of Guangdong Provincial Sports Bureau donated campus football activities to Tuoyun Ranch School. (Image courtesy of the Autonomous Region Sports Bureau)

  There are successors in the development of football in Xinjiang

  In addition to Wang Liang, in the past two years, Guangdong Province has continuously sent football coaches to Xinjiang for team formation, coaching and referee training to help cultivate local football talents.

  Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education and Guangzhou Fuli Football Club have set up three football teaching bases and youth training cooperation institutions in Mingde Primary School, No.3 Middle School and Saybag Township Central Primary School in Shufu County. Three experts from Guangdong Provincial Department of Education and Guangzhou Institute of Physical Education went to Kashgar to hold a training course for coaches and referees, with 70 trainees. Among them, Imran Tursun of Mingde Primary School stood out from the selection of Fuli Chelsea Football School and entered the school in September 2018. Evergrande Real Madrid Football School has 97 Xinjiang children, most of whom are from Kashgar.

  Seeing that my younger brother, Imran Tursun, has been admitted to R&F Football School, my older brother, Imran Mohammad Aili, who is now in the sixth grade of Mingde Yu Primary School, said with envy: "I want to study hard and play football like my younger brother to realize my ‘ Football dream ’ 。”

  Backer Batur, the captain who led Langan Town Middle School to win the second "Pomegranate Seed Cup" youth football team championship, has a greater ideal. "I want to redouble my efforts, learn the national common language well, learn cultural lessons well, become an excellent athlete when I grow up, compete in domestic and international competitions, and win glory for my country."

The shadow of the snowstorm in Hangzhou gradually passed and Spring Festival travel rush began to improve.

Topic: 2008 Spring Festival travel rush

Special topic: all parts of the country are United in freezing disaster



  On the afternoon of January 30, at a temporary stop near Hangzhou Railway Station, the medical staff of the medical rescue station were examining the stranded passengers. Recently, due to the heavy snow, the railway and highway traffic in China has been blocked or interrupted, and a large number of returning passengers have been stranded in Hangzhou Railway Station and major long-distance bus stations in urban areas. It is reported that since January 27, Hangzhou has opened a number of temporary residence points to provide living security and warm services for stranded passengers in various forms. By the afternoon of January 30th, it had received nearly 100,000 people. China News Agency issued Jong Li photo

  Long-distance bus tickets can be signed at any time.

  Hangzhou Railway Station resumed ticket sales, and Xiaoshan Airport operated normally.

  There is good news to tell you. Although many trains stopped on the Hangzhou Railway yesterday, because a large number of passengers responded to the government’s call and chose to refund their tickets for the New Year in Hangzhou, the passenger detention at Hangzhou Railway Station finally began to improve last night, and Hangzhou Railway Station will resume selling train tickets from today. At the same time, the news from the highway and civil aviation departments is that the operation order is gradually improving, and Hangzhou Spring Festival travel rush is getting out of the shadow of the snowstorm day by day.


  Inter-provincial buses are gradually becoming normal.

  The reporter learned from the bus stations in the southeast and northwest that at 9: 00 am yesterday, all the buses at the East Station and the South Station were running normally. The West Railway Station resumed the inter-provincial buses from Hangzhou to Quzhou, Kaihua, Longyou, Tonglu, Xin ‘anjiang, Lin ‘an and Changhua, and the inter-provincial buses from Jingdezhen, Wuyuan, Jiujiang and Nanchang in Jiangxi. Shuttle buses such as Changsha and Wuhan gradually resumed operation. Nearly 60 inter-provincial buses from North Station to Nanjing have been dispatched at one time, which were taken away by police cars, and other inter-provincial buses are ready to start.

  As of 16: 30 pm, it was learned from the bus stations in the southeast and northwest that all the buses at the East Bus Station and the South Bus Station were operating normally. Shuttle buses from West Bus Station to Quzhou, Kaihua, Longyou, Tonglu, Xin ‘anjiang, Lin ‘an and Changhua are running normally. Inter-provincial shuttle buses to Jingdezhen, Wuyuan, Jiujiang, Nanchang and Yushan in Jiangxi are currently operating normally, including 23 flights to Nanchang yesterday; Sent to Jingdezhen class 18; There are as many as 100 shuttle buses to Tunxi and Shexian in Anhui. Other inter-provincial lines such as Changsha and Wuhan are currently suspended. The bus line from North Bus Station to the province is basically normal. The service in Suzhou, Jiangsu Province is basically normal. The shuttle bus to Nanjing runs 67 times in the morning, but it stopped again after 12 noon due to road congestion. Due to the closure of Xuancheng-Guangde Expressway, classes of lines in Huangmei and Wuhan in Hubei were diverted to Hangzhou-Jinhua-Quzhou Expressway and bypassed by Jiangxi Province. Anhui, Henan and other inter-provincial lines continue to stop.

  Long-distance bus tickets do not expire.

  Yesterday, the Spring Festival travel rush Office of Hangzhou released a message that from now on, Hangzhou Changyun will introduce a permanent and effective measure for bus tickets during the Spring Festival travel rush period. As long as the line is opened, ticket holders can go with them as soon as they arrive. That is to say, instead of waiting at the bus station, they can go to the bus station at any time.

  At the same time, the four major stations have also opened the ticketing service telephone number 86981111 and the service consultation telephone number 86046666, providing consultation service 24 hours a day, and adopting the method of multi-point ticketing, all the ticketing windows of the four major bus stations have been opened to serve passengers.

  The bus station will open a temporary waiting area.

  At present, the situation of roads around Hangzhou has improved, and a large number of passengers will flock to the station. At present, the transportation department of Hangzhou has set up departure points outside the station according to the actual situation, in which the temporary waiting point of the West Coach Station is located in the nearby Armed Police Command School, and the temporary waiting point of the North Coach Station is located in the nearby Motor City. Once the station is overcrowded, these places will also be used as temporary departure points, where passengers can wait and get on the bus.


  The detention situation at the railway station has improved.

  As the disastrous rain and snow weather continues, the number of trains stopped at Hangzhou Railway Station has increased. On the 30th, 18 pairs of new trains were stopped, bringing the total number of stopped trains to 38.

  However, due to a large number of passengers returning their tickets at the station according to the outage situation, nearly 40,000 tickets were refunded at Hangzhou Railway Station and Hangzhou East Railway Station in only three days from January 28 to 30. In addition, some passengers responded to the call of government departments and stayed in Hangzhou for the holidays, which made the passengers stranded in Hangzhou Station basically delivered by 30th, and the train operation order was adjusted accordingly due to the suspension. It is expected that the train operation order from Hangzhou to Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and Guangzhou will be gradually restored after today. The situation of Hangzhou’s delay in going to Xi ‘an, Taiyuan, Datong, Fuyang and Hefei has been greatly improved, and the operation order has basically recovered.

  To this end, the ticket offices of Hangzhou Railway Station and Hangzhou East Railway Station will resume the sale of train tickets to all parts of the country within three days from today, and the ticket outlets in the city will still sell train tickets to all parts of the country within 11 days. In the early stage, due to the serious delay of trains in the direction of Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and Guangzhou, passengers who have not yet refunded their tickets and are still waiting for news, if they still need to continue to take the bus, Hangzhou Station and hangzhou east railway station can go through the formalities of changing the corresponding trains to late boarding according to passenger demand and train operation and transportation capacity. From today, Hangzhou Railway Station will set up a special window for changing tickets in the North Ticket Office to handle the corresponding change procedures for passengers who hold train tickets for Yunnan, Guizhou, Sichuan and Guangzhou from the 27th to 31st. All refunds will be made in the lobby of the North Ticket Office.

  Increased train stops

  The newly stopped trains confirmed yesterday are: 29: 2997 from Hangzhou to Nanchang; 30th: 1213 trips to Hainan-Guiyang, K539 trips to Hangzhou-Guiyang and 2927 trips to Hangzhou East-Nanchang; 31st: 1213 trips to Hainan-Guiyang, K422/3 trips to Ningbo-Chengdu, K539 trips to Hangzhou-Guiyang, K149 trips to Hainan-Zhanjiang, K71 trips to Hainan-Chongqing North, K111 trips to Hainan-Guiyang, 5125 trips to Hangzhou-Wenzhou, L129 trips to Hangzhou-Nanchang and Suzhou-Ganzhou. February 1st: K149 trips to Hainan-Zhanjiang, K537 trips to Hainan-Nanning, K584/1 trip to Ningbo-Nanning and 5125 trips to Hangzhou-Wenzhou.

  Passengers with the above train tickets should go to Hangzhou Railway Station and Hangzhou East Railway Station for full refund immediately. When refunding tickets, please go to the refund window of Hangzhou Railway Station and Hangzhou East Railway Station. Don’t trust the lobbying of suspicious people, and don’t refund tickets to these people at will, so as not to take advantage of the loopholes for ticket sellers or cause unnecessary losses.

  There are more and more waiting passenger settlement points.

  With the strong support of government departments, armed police officers and soldiers, an army unit stationed in Hangzhou, Hangzhou Volunteers Association and other social circles, the railway department has properly arranged about 30,000-40,000 train passengers who are delayed every day. At present, the resettlement sites that have been used and are in use include: leisure waiting room of Hangzhou Railway Station, 4 self-provided garages under the railway building, 20 military tents under Qingtai overpass, Hangzhou Railway Station, hangzhou east railway station Square, Red Star Theatre, Zhongmin Building, Hangzhou Gymnasium and Peace International Convention and Exhibition Center.

  In these places, community workers, medical staff and local police officers provided a series of services such as water, food, heating, mobile toilets, security, medical treatment and psychological intervention for migrant workers who were late for the train, and tried their best to serve and appease the stranded migrant workers.

  civil aviation

  Xiaoshan airport is back to normal.

  Because the snow caused the airport to close for six hours, the flight delay at Xiaoshan Airport on the 29th was very serious. By 10: 00 pm on the 29th, there were more than 100 flights that day, accounting for nearly half of the total number of flights. Xiaoshan airport was brightly lit all night, and people came and went, which was very lively. The latest flight didn’t end until 6: 00 a.m. on the 30th.

  On the 30th, the rainy and snowy weather for several days came to an end temporarily, and the flights at Xiaoshan Airport finally returned to normal. At 7 o’clock in the morning, flights began to take off one after another, and the flights were orderly, and the crowd waiting in the terminal was not as crowded as it was a few days ago.

  After several days of continuous closure, Changsha Airport has accumulated a large number of flights to be flown, so there are strict restrictions on receiving inbound flights, basically one every two hours, so the waiting time for flights from Hangzhou to Changsha is longer. Air China flight CA1789, which originally left in the morning, has not taken off until five o’clock in the afternoon. Guiyang airport was closed before 9: 00 in the morning, so Air China flight CA1751 from Hangzhou to Guiyang was delayed until 10: 59.

  According to statistics, there were about 30 flights delayed at Xiaoshan Airport yesterday, mainly due to flow control. Generally speaking, the airport flight operation has basically returned to normal. Next, it will be the rush hour in Spring Festival travel rush, and the number of flights has increased a lot these days. It is expected that the daily average number of flights at Xiaoshan Airport will exceed 320 in the next few days.

  National airport flights began to resume.

  Two days ago, the bad weather in a large area of the country caused many airport flights to be abnormal, and delays and cancellations were very common. Since yesterday, flights at airports around the country have been gradually on the right track, because many flights were cancelled two days ago and many make-up flights were left behind. In addition, it is the rush hour in Spring Festival travel rush, and the daily flight volume of major airports has reached saturation. Because the air traffic is too large, there is traffic control in many directions, especially in Guangzhou, Beijing, Shenzhen and other directions. Because these directions have traffic control more or less, most of the delayed flights on the 30th are in these directions. (Xia Chun Gao Yun Yang Hanyu Li Yanzhou Gao Yanhua)

Editor: Zhou Zhongxiao

How does the market guarantee supply? How to promote holiday consumption? -Multi-sectoral interpretation of measures to promote consumption during the Spring Festival

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, February 6th Question: How does the market guarantee supply? How to promote holiday consumption? -Multi-sectoral interpretation of measures to promote consumption during the Spring Festival

Xinhua News Agency reporter Wei Hongyi

The Spring Festival is the traditional peak season for consumption. At the press conference of the State Council Office held on the 6th, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the State Sports General Administration and other departments introduced relevant information and answered reporters’ questions on ensuring the supply of the Spring Festival market and promoting holiday consumption.

The national consumer market was stable and orderly before the holiday.

Sheng Qiuping, Vice Minister of Commerce, said that on the occasion of the Spring Festival in year of the loong, commercial departments at all levels continued to improve various measures to strengthen the production, marketing and supply of people’s livelihood commodities during the festival. Generally speaking, the operation of the pre-holiday consumer market presents the following three characteristics:

Sufficient supply. Large-scale wholesale markets of agricultural and sideline products around the country have sufficient stocks of daily necessities such as grain, oil, meat, eggs, milk, fruits and vegetables, and the stocking of daily necessities in key wholesale markets and supermarkets is 10% to 30% higher than usual. Major e-commerce platforms continue to provide distribution services during the Spring Festival.

The price is stable. Relevant statistics on February 5th show that the average wholesale prices of grain, edible oil, beef and mutton in 100 large-scale agricultural and sideline products wholesale markets in China have remained stable since the beginning of February, and vegetable prices have shown a seasonal increase.

Sales are booming. With the growing flavor of the year, major shopping malls, supermarkets and online platforms have ushered in sales peaks. In late January, the sales of retail enterprises monitored by the Ministry of Commerce increased by 19.9% month-on-month. In January, sales of key monitoring e-commerce platforms increased by 20% year-on-year.

Ensuring that the supply in the holiday market is not out of stock and uninterrupted is the key point of ensuring the supply and price stability in the market. In terms of strengthening the construction of the system of ensuring the supply of daily necessities, Xu Xingfeng, director of the Department of Market Operation and Consumption Promotion of the Ministry of Commerce, said that the Ministry of Commerce will constantly improve the three networks of "monitoring, dispatching and storage" to keep abreast of the basic situation of the production, circulation and consumption of key varieties of daily necessities, improve the emergency response capability, increase the commercial inventory according to the times and circumstances, and ensure that the reserved commodities are "adequately stored, transferred and used".

Multi-departmental measures to promote consumption during the Spring Festival

With the change of people’s lifestyle, China’s consumer market presents many new features. Xu Xingfeng said that these characteristics mainly include four aspects: more pursuit of green health, more prominent personality diversity, more prominent cultural characteristics, and more favor for scientific and technological intelligence.

Based on these characteristics, many departments have launched targeted measures to promote consumption-

The Ministry of Commerce promotes the linkage between urban and rural markets, online and offline, and jointly organizes online Chinese New Year Festival, "Happy Shopping in Rural Areas" and other activities, and organizes a series of activities such as sales promotion, rural tourism, skill display and cultural communication, and carries out a series of thematic activities around new consumption such as digital, green and health.

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism organizes cultural and tourism activities on the theme of "Happy New Year". Miao Muyang, Director of the Industrial Development Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, said that related activities include launching a special program of "Literary China" in the Spring Festival, launching a series of "Village Evening" exhibition projects in conjunction with various localities, and launching a series of special courses, boutique routes and theme activities for study tours to make the festival more festive and cheerful.

Wang Xiaopeng, head of the Sports Economics Department of the State Sports General Administration, said that the State Sports General Administration will focus on the consumption characteristics of "green health" and do a good job in deepening the integration of business travel, culture and sports through a series of events of the "outdoor sports vitality landscape" action plan.

Continue to meet the consumer demand of the people

Sheng Qiuping said that the Ministry of Commerce has designated 2024 as the "Year of Consumption Promotion". The Ministry of Commerce will adhere to the "policy and activity" two-wheel drive, run a series of consumption promotion activities well, and introduce more policy measures to promote consumption from post-epidemic recovery to continuous expansion.

Sheng Qiuping introduced that the Ministry of Commerce will achieve "there are themes in the season, there are activities in the month, and there are scenes in the week". Four major theme activities will be held throughout the year, and 12 key activities will be carried out, including a series of activities such as the National Consumption Promotion Month and the International Consumption Season. Optimize consumption supply and innovate consumption scenarios to fully meet the diversified consumption needs of ordinary people.

In addition, around the goal of actively cultivating the consumption growth point of domestic products, the Ministry of Commerce will focus on time-honored brands and organize a series of activities to promote the consumption of domestic products. At the same time, taking the pedestrian street as the carrier, we will guide the pedestrian streets, business districts, and quarter-hour convenient living circles around the country to combine the peak consumption season and strengthen the promotion of domestic "trendy products" according to local conditions.

Wang Xiaopeng said that in order to promote the quality and efficiency of the ice and snow industry and meet the diversified consumption needs of the people, the State Sports General Administration will hold high-level competitions and accelerate the improvement of ice and snow services to provide more and better quality services for the people to participate in ice and snow sports.

In view of the phenomenon that culture and tourism consumption have continued to be hot since New Year’s Day in 2024, Miao Muyang concluded that it is necessary to persist in exerting efforts at both ends of supply and demand, promote overall planning, strengthen the construction of a service-oriented government, and adhere to the concept of sharing between host and guest. It is necessary to expand the supply of high-quality products to meet the consumer demand of the masses, innovate products and services in line with the consumer demand of the masses, consolidate the guarantee system of cultural and tourism policies and systems, standardize and rectify the order of cultural and tourism markets, and improve the supply quality and service level of cultural tourism.

Why run?

This work was recommended to me by my good friend. At that time, I signed up for a relay race together, and he mentioned it to me. However, after watching three episodes, I didn’t have much interest. It seemed to be just an ordinary straightforward account, so I shelved it.

Later, before the relay race, he mentioned this work to me again. At the end of the relay race, I once again recalled and thought about my relay race (I won the fifth place in the team, barely ranked, and the top six had certificates)

So, I started from episode 4 and kept watching; At the same time, I started running, aiming at 5 km PB.

Watch the fan and run, simultaneously.

I thought that running was just an ordinary sport. After these dozens of days, I have experienced a lot of thinking, and I have improved a lot in psychology, physique and all aspects. Of course, any sport is not simple, and it is extremely worthy of respect. Let’s talk about several animation scenes that I feel deeply:

Running is a wonderful thing to imagine. Even so, we have to face all kinds of affairs in life, even some annoying and frustrating things. These will affect our mood and our willingness to run.

Naked king

What Grey Er said made me think for a long time. I have always liked running, and I am not slow. However, in the first 11 months of 2021, I only ran 92.86km. This is really too little, the daily average is only 0.28km, too little. Maybe I will blame the study task, etc. Many things are meaningless. I just want to ask myself, why not go running? Most of these running distances are also about people to run. Why don’t I run myself?

On the other hand, my running amount in the last 30 days is 90.05km, which is 11 times of the previous one. And I consciously control the amount of running, and I have run once every 1~2 days. I don’t know that this period of time is full of final exams, and it is unheard of to practice running in the final week.

To sum up, everyone’s situation is different, but for me:It’s good to run with reality.

This training form, I am very concerned about:

Training table

Perhaps, of course, everyone should have everyone’s personal tailor training, but it is not possible for ordinary players. In the animation, the track and field teams and high school teams of other universities, every ordinary person can only practice with the big troops. In my experience in junior high school and senior high school, there has never been a scene of special guidance.

From this, it can be seen more.Grey’s good intentionsIt is reasonable for everyone to improve their grades. (I have to mention that everyone’s meals are also handled by the gray two! )

Many people will be confused. Why do they like running?

In fact, if you don’t like it, you don’t like it, but it’s hard to give an exact reason for liking it. You may say "running is good for your health" and "running is very comfortable", but this is not very convincing and does not touch the essence. So in this regard, I can only give the reason of "simply liking", although it seems to be unknown so. In the animation, the prodigy said this:

The words of a prodigy

So, during this time, so have I. What is like? Or, what is love?

Like is serious.

When I carefully run every step, warm-up and stretching, related equipment, water supply, energy supply, pace frequency, stride length, breathing, posture, pay attention to every detail, be serious and unfocused, so as to enjoy it more and like it more.

Going to the kitchen is ecstatic!
Grey said to Ah Zou

This reminds me of the sentence "Go slowly and enjoy!"

Although running is running, it is not just running.

JOJO terrier

Is the prince a success? Not necessarily, depending on the specific definition of "success" here.
Is the prince a hard worker? There is no doubt that it is.


What is the prince trying to tell us? His achievements are unremarkable, but we see the significance of hard work from him. Without hard work, he can’t stand on the track in Hakone, and he can’t experience twists and turns, so beautiful as he wants.

KING’s monologue, in my opinion, is the most perfect monologue in this work, which perfectly interprets the spirit of this work.

KING’s monologue

This is the meaning of Hakone’s biography in this work. Why are 12 players allowed, but Grey II only found 10 players? Grey II tells us what the close relationship between individuals and groups should be.

Are you ready to press the answer key?

Successful people, without exception, are working hard. -the prince
It is arrogant to think that you can do everything by hard work. -Grey II


Hard work is not a guarantee of good grades. The real experiences of Hirosuke and Fujioka tell us this.

There is no need to answer.

Volleyball synthesis: the men’s volleyball team beat Japan 3-2 to qualify in a favorable position.

  Xinhuanet Beijing August 14th Olympic Special (Reporter Shi Chundong Yi Ling) On the evening of 14th, China men’s volleyball team beat the old enemy Japanese team 3-2, occupying a favorable qualifying position in the group.

  Twenty years after bidding farewell to the Olympic Games, China Men’s Volleyball Team entered the Olympic Games directly as the host. At present, the Japanese team ranks 12th in the world, and the China men’s volleyball team ranks 21st. In recent years, the records of the Chinese and Japanese teams have been evenly divided.

  The 12 teams of men’s volleyball team in Beijing Olympic Games were divided into two groups to compete. Of the six teams in each group, the top four entered the top eight.

  In Group A, China’s men’s volleyball team won the Venezuelan team narrowly, and only after winning the Japanese men’s volleyball team can it be expected to qualify. If you lose this game, it will be extremely difficult to win against the United States and Italy.

  The game started at 20 o’clock that night, and more than two hours before the start of the game, the audience poured into the Capital Gymnasium. China men’s volleyball team was so powerful at home that it was deafening with the support of more than 12,000 spectators.

  The starting lineup of China Men’s Volleyball Team is Shen Qiong, Cui Jianjun, Bian Hongmin, Yu Dawei, Yuan Zhi and Jiao Shuai.

  The China team didn’t start as nervous as expected. Yuan Zhi’s diagonal smash and Cui Jianjun’s serve scored the goal, and the team entered the state quickly. In the second timeout, China led by 7 points. The Japanese team wanted to defend on the Internet, but the opponent’s heavy artillery was too strong. Japan made a mistake of 12 points in the first game. On the 16th, Yujie Ishishima served out of bounds and introduced the game into the game. Japan made another mistake: 25: 20.

  China continued to exert his strength in the second game. In the second timeout, China led by two points. In this game, all the points of the China team were fully alive, and many good balls were played, and the players were very excited. China led by 3 points into the inning, but the Japanese team almost caught up with it by one point. Experienced Zhou Jianan called for a time-out to curb the opponent’s counter-offensive momentum. Yuan Zhi brought the game into the inning, and Yu Dawei took the lead at No.2: 25: 23.

  The Japanese team that lost the game didn’t sink. In the third game, it changed its passivity, strengthened the supervision of China’s main attack and response, and focused on man-to-man interception. Score 7 points in a row in the middle game. As long as the China team attacked, they were stopped by their opponents, and Ren Qi, a free man, flew to save the ball, which was very tragic. Fourth inning: 17: 25.

  In the deciding game, Zhou Jianan arranged for the new face to attack Fang Yingchao and the veteran to attack Shi Hairong in the third and fourth games. The score was 2: 3, and Chinese captain Shen Qiong killed again at No.4, followed by a one-man block. The China men’s volleyball team suddenly burst into unprecedented strength. Fang Yingchao became a top player on the Internet. At 9: 8 stalemate, his 3-position fastball and serve directly stimulated the team’s fighting spirit. The China team completely controlled the opponent with three blocks, and at 14: 10, Fang Yingchao’s 4-position winner sealed the victory.

  "Win China! China will win "cheers, China boys embrace together, excited to shout.

  Zhou Jianan, head coach of China Men’s Volleyball Team, said in an interview with Xinhua News Agency: "Today, the China team played its best level since the team was formed, and walked out of the strange circle of winning first and then losing for many years. The fighting spirit has been played out. At a critical time, I boldly launched a new face, which made my opponent very uncomfortable. This is also a reason for winning. "

  China men’s volleyball team will also play against the United States and Italy in the group stage.

Editor: Wang Yuxi