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World Cup+Golden Ball! In just one year, Messi opened Ronaldo: the era of double arrogance officially ended.

Chatelet Opera House, Golden Globe Festival. When Beckham handed the Golden Globe Award to Messi, the audience stood up and gave applause!

This is a tribute to the ball king. During the performance inspection period of the 2023 Golden Globe Awards (from August 1, 2022 to July 31, 2023), Messi contributed 42 goals and 26 assists, as well as the World Cup champion, World Cup MVP and Ligue 1 champion trophy. The 8 th Golden Globe Award is in hand, and Messi leads alone in the century-old football.

Messi smiles and accepts the award, and we will think of Cristiano Ronaldo, one of the peerless double arrogance.

38-year-old Cristiano Ronaldo, will he feel "injured"? Cristiano Ronaldo is really a little injured-Cristiano Ronaldo, who played successfully in Riyadh, suffered a slight bruise on his ankle, which did not affect his play. The Golden Globe Award is 5-8 behind Messi, and Cristiano Ronaldo, who is competitive, is hard to quiet inside.

Sports media all over the world gave the front page headline of the cover to Messi, who was holding the Golden Globe Award, and the praise was overwhelming. At this time, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia is already late at night, and Cristiano Ronaldo may have fallen asleep, preparing for the quarter-final of Saudi Arabia’s "Guardian Cup of Two Holy Temples" on the second day, or the quarter-final of Saudi Arabia’s King’s Cup, without much attention.

At this moment, we can feel the fact more: the dispute between the peerless and arrogant has ended.

On December 10, 2022, Portugal was eliminated in the quarter-finals, and Cristiano Ronaldo said goodbye with tears; On December 18, 2022, Messi won the sacred World Cup under the crowd, and the global media all exclaimed that "the new ball king was born". In just 8 days, the peerless double pride has embarked on a different track, and its historical position has been frozen.

In the twilight of his football career, Messi made a great leap to lift the World Cup and achieve the greatest goal. C Ronaldo left regrets and explained disappointment and unwillingness with tears. On the night of the Golden Globe, Messi was crowned with the Golden Globe Award for the eighth time-this is the continuation of Messi’s joy and Cristiano Ronaldo’s sadness in the World Cup, which really ended the dispute between the two arrogance.

The era of double arrogance PK has ended, and the era of Messi and Ronaldo has also ended.Messi in Miami and Cristiano Ronaldo in Riyadh are veterans running in the afterglow of sunset, and the direction of sunset is the time to hang up your boots. This day will come eventually, and watch and cherish it.

The future belongs to Bellingham and Harland. Premier League, Champions League, La Liga, this is the sun-like stage, the center of world football. The dispute between Messi and Cristiano Ronaldo is no longer the mainstream-although the two veterans can still contribute to the monopoly level of heat and topic, the gods also have the end of the day, and next year’s Golden Globe Award is likely to completely turn over the page of double arrogance.

On February 2 nd, "Dragon Food" sold well, royal banquets became commonplace, and folk snacks were innovated.

The year 2024 is year of the loong, and dragon-related food is naturally highly respected. But whether it is year of the loong or not, the "dragon food" will become the focus every year on the second day of the second lunar month. Chen Liansheng, a leading snack expert and Beijing snack expert, said that "the dragon looks up" is also called Spring Farming Festival, Farming Festival, Qinglong Festival and Spring Dragon Festival. On this day, people’s eating should be related to dragons. For example, eating spring cakes is called "eating Long Lin", eating noodles is called "eating dragon whiskers", eating wonton is called "eating longan", eating jiaozi is called "eating dragon ears", cooking noodles and wonton together is called "taking dragon beads", and eating onion cakes is called "tearing dragon skin".

Every year, "February 2nd" is a very busy day for the snack origin shop in Huguosi. Several long queues are almost arranged from the counter window to the dining area, all of which are customers who come to buy "Gentiana". This kind of excitement will start almost a week before February 2, and it can even reach more than 4,000 on February 2.

"Gentian" is actually a fried cake with stuffing. In some areas such as Beijing and Tianjin, it is customary to eat "Gentian" on February 2, probably because the fried cake is golden in color and similar in appearance to the "Gentian" that everyone imagined. The "Gentian" fried cake in Huguosi snack origin shop pays attention to the production of millet flour. In addition to the most traditional red beans and jujube paste fillings, in recent years, lotus seed paste, sea salt cheese fillings and chocolate fillings have been newly developed, and "Gentian" has also been transformed into a "flowing heart" through technological improvement. Steamed millet noodles and fried fillings have introduced various new tastes that young people like, which is also an "attack" for Beijing snacks to adapt to the development of the times.

"Gentian" is fried cake with stuffing. Photo courtesy of respondents

Before February 2nd this year, I just finished the third solar term of the traditional 24 solar terms in China. There is also a dragon-related food-"lazy dragon" on the day of "Jing Zhe". It is a season of high vitality and enterprising spirit in a year when the spring thunder begins to sound and everything recovers. Small hanging pear soup, which focuses on Beijing cuisine, is always full of diners who come to eat "memory lazy dragon" during the "shocking" season every year. Liu Zheng, the brand official of Xiaotiao Pear Soup, said that in Beijing’s folk customs and food customs, "lazy dragon" means to get rid of "lazy spirit", cheer up and work hard to refuel.

"Lazy Dragon" is a kind of steamed pasta, which has a sweet mouth and a salty mouth. It can be added with different fillings such as bean paste, sesame sauce and pork. It looks like a long dragon, and the method is not complicated. It is a very grounded old Beijing cuisine. Many children in Beijing, whether at home or in kindergarten, always have a memory related to the "lazy dragon": the elders rolled the dough into a big piece, then evenly spread the mixed meat into it, and then rolled it into a roll and put it into a steamer like a dragon. At the moment when the pot is steamed and uncovered, the kitchen is full of steaming heat. The "lazy dragon" is plump and white. When it is slightly cooled on the curtain, adults will cut it into sections, and the children holding plates next to it will be drooling. The gravy soaked in soy sauce flowed out and soaked in the white flour roll, and it was full of satisfaction.

◆ Ancient and modern "dragon food"

China’s cuisine pays attention to the culture of not eating from time to time, the concept of balance between Yin and Yang, harmony of five flavors, the technique of reverence for heaven and earth and respect for ingredients, and "what to eat" has always been deeply linked with long-standing folk customs. From the twenty-four solar terms, known as "the fifth invention of China", to the Chinese Zodiac, which is given to 1.4 billion people in China, there are delicious foods endowed with food culture, prayers and folk legends.

Zodiac is a long-standing symbol of folk culture. "What to eat in what year" is the expectation, hope and blessing of people for the new year, just like issuing zodiac stamps, zodiac commemorative coins and derived zodiac mascots. Eleven of China’s 12 Zodiacs are real animals, and only "dragon" exists in legends. The food related to dragon has more symbols and meanings: pictograms combine wishes and symbols combine expectations, and the culture and interest contained in "dragon food" become more and more prominent.

From Palace Cuisine to "Homemade Edition" of "Oolong Spitting Beads"

The dragon exists in the myth of China, whether it is the ancient Nu Wa who tried to mend the sky by refining stones "killing the black dragon to help Jizhou" or the Four Seas Dragon King in The Journey to the West, which is well-known by women and children. This kind of animal is "a mixture of a serpent as the main body, a horse’s head, a raccoon’s tail, a deer’s horn, a dog’s paw, a fish’s scales and whiskers".

"Dragon" was also related to emperors in the past, so the food related to "Dragon" should naturally appear in the "Imperial Diet" menu. In Beijing Beihai Park, Fangshan Restaurant was founded by chefs Zhao Renzhai, Sun Shaoran, Wang Yushan, Zhao Chengshou, etc. in the imperial dining room of Qing Palace, with a history of 99 years. Xu Xianlin, the current director of the kitchen administration of Fangshan Restaurant, has been working in Fangshan for 32 years. In his memory, Fangshan not only launched the "Man-Han Banquet" for the first time in China in 1979, but also had a "Dragon Banquet". However, with the society paying more and more attention to food civilization and deepening the concept of wildlife protection, many dishes on the "Dragon Banquet" have stopped cooking. Except for some "dragon dishes" presented in the form of setting plates and modeling, it is still the signature dish of Fangshan restaurant, and there is only one "Wulong Tuzhu".

"Wulong Tuzhu" is a traditional Qing court dish, which belongs to Shandong cuisine in terms of cuisine. At first, on the imitation food menu, the name of this dish was the more "luxurious" "Golden Dragon Spitting Beads". The staple food "Oolong" is actually sea cucumber, one of the "Eight Treasures of the Sea" in the "Man-Han Banquet". The "Oolong" is quail eggs, and Xinfeng Building, one of the "Eight Buildings" in that year, upgraded quail eggs to pigeon eggs. Xu Xianlin said that the "Wulong Tuzhu" of imitation food uses 9 pieces of 40 sea cucumbers with good color, and the whole root can reach about 20 cm after hair production. Then, with broth and special cooking sauce, it is repeatedly simmered and slowly stewed. Finally, 9 sea cucumbers symbolizing the "Ninth Five-Year Plan" can be served with quail eggs. The combination of the two ingredients brings out the best in each other, with fresh and strong taste and soft waxy teeth.

Today, "Oolong Tuzhu" is still the top three specialty dishes of Fangshan restaurant, and it simplifies the more economical "home-cooked version". Xu Xianlin said that although the "home-cooked version" of "Oolong Tuzhu" replaces the whole ginseng with a broken sea cucumber, it will not be as serious as a banquet, but there are many production processes and the taste is not bad. Sea cucumber is no longer an unreachable delicacy in the past, and "Wulong Tuzhu" has also changed from royal meals and banquet dishes to people’s daily meals. In many consumers’ comments on it, just like comments on home cooking, they think it is "delicious" and "nutritious".

"Home-cooked version" of "Oolong Spitting Beads". Photo courtesy of respondents

A dragon that Emperor Guangxu punched in.

A dragon restaurant, which opened in 1785, is more historic than the "dragon dish". In 1785, it was fifty years since the reign of Emperor Qianlong. It was impossible for a restaurant to be named after the word "dragon". At that time, a dragon was called "Nanhengshun Mutton Restaurant", and it was just a small shop dealing in mutton and biscuits. It was not until August 1921 that the inscription "One Dragon" was inscribed by Yang Duosheng, the former Qing Dynasty Ministry of Industry.

According to legend, one day in the late spring of the 23rd year of Guangxu (AD 1897), two customers like master and servant came to Nanhengshun. Like a servant, the host ordered hotpot, halal dishes and several halal snacks. Like the host, he told the Korean shopkeeper who stood by while eating, boasting that the meat and tender vegetables were fragrant and delicious, and giving directions to the dishes, but he didn’t have the money to pay the bill after eating. The clerk was just about to collect the bill. The shopkeeper saw that these two people didn’t look like people who ate food, so he smiled and said, "It doesn’t matter, just bring it when it’s convenient for you." Then he taught the clerk: "Didn’t you hear his comments just now? His suggestions for improvement are also enough for meals. Remember to improve according to what the guests say, no more words. "

The next day, a little eunuch in the palace sent the money, and everyone knew that the one who looked like the master the day before was Emperor Guangxu. The shopkeeper immediately consecrated the stools and used hot pots that the emperor had sat on the day before as "treasures" and wrapped them in yellow silk, and no one was allowed to use them again; At the same time, according to the "oral instructions" of Emperor Guangxu when dining, I consulted the chef in the imperial dining room of Qing Palace for many times, and improved the flavor of hotpot and the color, flavor and shape of dishes. The story of "the real dragon emperor" eating in Nanhengshun soon spread in Beijing, and people called Nanhengshun "a dragon". Since then, a small mutton restaurant has become famous. Apart from its delicious taste, it has to be said that this is not unrelated to the shopkeeper’s open-minded and kind management.

Now, the plaque of "Mutton Restaurant" and the copper pot used by Emperor Guangxu are still in the store. Although the old shop has experienced several twists and turns, a dragon that returned to Qianmen Street in 2008 still has the characteristics of "fine selection of materials", "fine processing", "complete seasoning" and "fragrant staple food". A dragon’s mutton is specially selected from the "Tan Sheep" in Gansu, which has a small skeleton, pink meat and white waist, and is tender and tender. Cut the meat by hand, and make a frozen meat roll by "cold pressing" process to remove the fat and keep it tender. A variety of meat-washing and dipping materials are blended with dozens of raw materials. At the same time, the sesame cakes that inherit the palace characteristics are exquisite in technology, tender in the outside, distinct in layers and crisp in taste.

Beijingers love to eat hotpot, especially in the dead of winter, when relatives and friends sit around a table, they feel extremely comfortable. Many old diners of a dragon recalled that in the past, materials were scarce and wages were not high. If they could earn more occasionally, they would like to go to a dragon to eat once. At that time, the feeling was that "there was not enough meat to eat", which was actually related to "less oil and water" and "less money to earn". "I haven’t finished this meal yet, so I will lick it next time." Today, a 239-year-old Longmen store is still steaming. In the copper hot pot on the guest table, tender meat and fresh vegetables roll together. The difference is that in the past, I was short of money, but now I am dripping with joy.

Bolong and Ma Xiaoer, another kind of "dragon" in ingredients.

The name of the dish with "dragon" is mostly the product of adding legends and people’s good expectations and integrating them into reasonable imagination according to the shape. The most representative of the "dragon" in the ingredients is lobster. This animal has a thick shell, so it is named because it looks like a mythical dragon. Although they are all lobsters, there are 11 genera of lobsters, with a total of about 46 species. China has also found 8 species of lobster, including Jinxiu lobster, China lobster and ripple lobster.

With the continuous improvement of people’s living standards, lobster consumption is increasing day by day, and the market prospect is quite broad. According to media reports, in 2018, Boston lobsters imported from Canada sold more than 2 million in Box Horse. In addition to going to a restaurant, you can order a cheese-baked bologna, turn on your mobile phone and place an order, and a fresh Boston lobster will be delivered to your home. Whether it is steaming, frying or baking, it is simple and fast. It is an indisputable fact that the "high-end consumption" in the past has become the "daily routine" today.

More grounded than Boston lobster, it is spicy crayfish, which is called "Ma Xiaoer" by Beijingers. Crayfish is not a "lobster as a child", but belongs to freshwater crayfish. The meat is tight, the taste is spicy and delicious, and it is not full of people and exciting enough, which has become the best choice for classic nightingales.

The fire in Guijie Street in Beijing is largely related to crayfish. In the early 1990s, Sun Yuzhen wholesaled aquatic products in Dazhong Temple and brought Anhui crayfish into Beijing, becoming the largest supplier in Guijie. In 1998, she founded Hu Da Restaurant. The earliest spicy crayfish was the "main melody melody" for northerners who were accustomed to heavy tastes. In about 2004, crayfish became the "explosive product" of catering in Beijing, and reached its peak in 2008. Guo Dong, general manager of Hu Da Restaurant, recalled that there were more than 100 restaurants in Guijie Street at that time, and 70% of them were selling crayfish. The sales peak of Hu Da restaurants can sell 15,000 Jin a day, and the number of people queuing lasts from noon to midnight, reaching more than 2,000.

On the New Year’s Eve at the turn of 2023 and 2024, crayfish in Hu Da sold 7,400 Jin, and many diners even finished "bidding farewell to the old year and welcoming the new year" in line. Nowadays, the hardware facilities of Guijie Street have been upgraded several times, and the catering on Guijie Street has also experienced several rounds of "big waves and sand scouring". The format of this street is more abundant: people spend leisurely and equal time in cafes, drink beer and peel crayfish in the dim night, and hold milk tea and skewers in a relaxed atmosphere. "The more beautiful the night is, the more beautiful it is." "Crayfish" is an indelible impression on people here, and "lobster red" is still the most enthusiastic main color here.

Beijing News reporter Wang Ping

Editor Wang Lin

Proofread Sissi

Air China flight CA1524 flew normally today after the clear sky turbulence, and the model was changed to Boeing 747.

  Air China flight CA1524 flew normally today (July 11th) after the clear sky turbulence, but the aircraft type changed.

  The Paper reporter learned from Fei Changzhun platform that on July 11th, Air China flight CA1524 will still fly normally, and it is scheduled to take off from Shanghai Hongqiao Airport at 14: 45, and it is expected to land at Beijing Capital International Airport at 16: 36, with Boeing 747-89L.

  Fei Changzhun flight status of CA1524 on July 11th. Fei Chang Zhun screenshot

  On July 11th, Air China flight CA1524 was operated by Boeing 747-89L. Fei Chang Zhun screenshot

  On July 11th, China International Airlines issued a notice in its official Weibo: On July 10th, 2023, Air China flight CA1524 (Shanghai-Beijing), model A330-300, was suddenly bumped by the clear sky during the flight, and the crew and crew handled it according to the procedures, making every effort to safeguard the safety of passengers, and one passenger and one flight attendant were injured in the process. The flight landed normally at 17: 18, and Air China arranged a special person to accompany the injured passengers and flight attendants to the hospital for treatment.

  Air China official micro-release notice Weibo screenshot

  On the 11th, the band @SummerVapour Summer Solstice Dream released Weibo, saying that he was on flight CA1524 at that time, and he personally experienced the thrilling scene of the plane bumping. According to its profile in Weibo, SummerVapour Summer Solstice Dream Band consists of three people.

  At noon on the 12th, Weibo replied to the The Paper reporter that the passengers were blinded at first when the plane was bumpy, and only after the plane was stable did everyone slow down and start looking for things, and young people helped the elderly with mobility difficulties. "Thanks to Air China flight CA1524, the professional crew, and the passengers who abide by the regulations, everyone was surprised and had an unforgettable flight."

  In addition, Weibo also shared some warm-hearted clips at the time of the incident. After the turbulence, the crew broadcast for medical practitioners. The fans of star @ Kid-Lil Ghost had medical qualification certificates, and stood up first to help the injured passengers. When landing, @ Boxing World Li Jingliang soothed the passengers around and took everyone to applaud the crew. After landing smoothly, the musicians of various bands on the plane got up and squatted to help some people with mobility difficulties find lost mobile phone headphones and other items.

  This incident has caused many netizens to pay attention to the word "clear sky bumps".

  According to @ Central Meteorological Observatory, clear-sky turbulence usually occurs on sunny days, which is caused by clear-sky turbulence. Turbulence is caused by the irregular flow of the atmosphere. When encountering turbulence, the plane will bump rapidly, and in severe cases, the plane may temporarily lose control. Because it is not accompanied by obvious weather phenomena, it is difficult to observe and detect, which poses a great threat to flight safety.

  According to the Beijing Evening News, in June, 2017, China Eastern Airlines flight MU774 from Paris to Kunming, China, also had a clear sky bump, causing dozens of passengers on board to be injured to varying degrees. At that time, Wu Mingxiang, a senior captain of Shenzhen Airlines, said: "We can only make a comprehensive analysis of the forecast through the high-altitude weather map before taking off, but the accuracy is low. In fact, flying to an area that may be bumpy is not necessarily bumpy, and it is also related to the flight altitude, so ‘ The clear sky is bumpy ’ It is not easy to predict. It is recommended that passengers fasten their seat belts when sitting in their seats. After all, the flight situation is complicated. Planes are different from cars, and the impact force before and after is not as big as that up and down, so wearing a seat belt can prevent people from flying and being injured. Generally speaking, people who are injured by bumps in the air are not wearing a seat belt. "

  According to a recent report by Xinhua News Agency, a British study shows that in recent decades, the probability of aircraft encountering clear sky bumps during flight is increasing, which is inseparable from global warming under climate change.

  Chen Jianguo, a senior pilot, told The Paper that there is no need to panic excessively in the event of bumps. Remember that keeping your seat belt fastened on the plane is the safest preventive measure, regardless of whether the seat belt indicator is on or not.

On March 3rd, the 11th World Wildlife Day entered the Wildlife Park.

This article was transferred from tianshan net;
March 3rd, 2024 is the 11th World Wildlife Day. Xiao Bian of tianshan net Popular Science Studio walked into Karamay and visited Karamay, a "wildlife paradise" in early spring through the lens.

Karamaili, located in the east of Junggar Basin, is the native place of wild wild horse Platts, the largest wild habitat and breeding ground in the world. In addition to the rare wild horses of Platts, which are rarer than giant pandas, there are also rare and endangered wild animals such as Mongolian wild donkey, goose throat antelope, argali, lynx, red fox and sand fox, which is a concentrated distribution area of ungulate wild animals in low-altitude desert in China. It has many types of desert vegetation, such as Haloxylon ammodendron and Calligonum mongolicum, and is a typical representative of desert ecosystem in temperate arid regions of the world. There is also a unique natural landscape of clastic rock landform represented by Yadan landform in arid areas.
It is understood that there are 392 species of wild plants and 260 species of wild animals in Karamay.

In April, 2022, the application for the creation of Kalamaili National Park was approved. The creation area consists of three protected areas: Kalamaili Mountain ungulate wildlife nature reserve, Qitai Silicified Wood-Dinosaur National Geopark in Xinjiang and Qitai Silicified Wood desert park in Xinjiang.
Today, Karamay has been upgraded from the traditional "human eye view" to the "celestial eye view", and it has achieved "global patrol and adjustment at any time" from "local patrol". Heavy-duty pan/tilt, infrared camera, unmanned aerial vehicle and satellite communication make it full of scientific and technological sense.
Planning: Ding Tao Yang Tao Ding Wen
Photography: Niu Tai
Text/clip: Ding Wen
Tianshan net popularization of science studio Aisen film
Joint production

Why run?

This work was recommended to me by my good friend. At that time, I signed up for a relay race together, and he mentioned it to me. However, after watching three episodes, I didn’t have much interest. It seemed to be just an ordinary straightforward account, so I shelved it.

Later, before the relay race, he mentioned this work to me again. At the end of the relay race, I once again recalled and thought about my relay race (I won the fifth place in the team, barely ranked, and the top six had certificates)

So, I started from episode 4 and kept watching; At the same time, I started running, aiming at 5 km PB.

Watch the fan and run, simultaneously.

I thought that running was just an ordinary sport. After these dozens of days, I have experienced a lot of thinking, and I have improved a lot in psychology, physique and all aspects. Of course, any sport is not simple, and it is extremely worthy of respect. Let’s talk about several animation scenes that I feel deeply:

Running is a wonderful thing to imagine. Even so, we have to face all kinds of affairs in life, even some annoying and frustrating things. These will affect our mood and our willingness to run.

Naked king

What Grey Er said made me think for a long time. I have always liked running, and I am not slow. However, in the first 11 months of 2021, I only ran 92.86km. This is really too little, the daily average is only 0.28km, too little. Maybe I will blame the study task, etc. Many things are meaningless. I just want to ask myself, why not go running? Most of these running distances are also about people to run. Why don’t I run myself?

On the other hand, my running amount in the last 30 days is 90.05km, which is 11 times of the previous one. And I consciously control the amount of running, and I have run once every 1~2 days. I don’t know that this period of time is full of final exams, and it is unheard of to practice running in the final week.

To sum up, everyone’s situation is different, but for me:It’s good to run with reality.

This training form, I am very concerned about:

Training table

Perhaps, of course, everyone should have everyone’s personal tailor training, but it is not possible for ordinary players. In the animation, the track and field teams and high school teams of other universities, every ordinary person can only practice with the big troops. In my experience in junior high school and senior high school, there has never been a scene of special guidance.

From this, it can be seen more.Grey’s good intentionsIt is reasonable for everyone to improve their grades. (I have to mention that everyone’s meals are also handled by the gray two! )

Many people will be confused. Why do they like running?

In fact, if you don’t like it, you don’t like it, but it’s hard to give an exact reason for liking it. You may say "running is good for your health" and "running is very comfortable", but this is not very convincing and does not touch the essence. So in this regard, I can only give the reason of "simply liking", although it seems to be unknown so. In the animation, the prodigy said this:

The words of a prodigy

So, during this time, so have I. What is like? Or, what is love?

Like is serious.

When I carefully run every step, warm-up and stretching, related equipment, water supply, energy supply, pace frequency, stride length, breathing, posture, pay attention to every detail, be serious and unfocused, so as to enjoy it more and like it more.

Going to the kitchen is ecstatic!
Grey said to Ah Zou

This reminds me of the sentence "Go slowly and enjoy!"

Although running is running, it is not just running.

JOJO terrier

Is the prince a success? Not necessarily, depending on the specific definition of "success" here.
Is the prince a hard worker? There is no doubt that it is.


What is the prince trying to tell us? His achievements are unremarkable, but we see the significance of hard work from him. Without hard work, he can’t stand on the track in Hakone, and he can’t experience twists and turns, so beautiful as he wants.

KING’s monologue, in my opinion, is the most perfect monologue in this work, which perfectly interprets the spirit of this work.

KING’s monologue

This is the meaning of Hakone’s biography in this work. Why are 12 players allowed, but Grey II only found 10 players? Grey II tells us what the close relationship between individuals and groups should be.

Are you ready to press the answer key?

Successful people, without exception, are working hard. -the prince
It is arrogant to think that you can do everything by hard work. -Grey II


Hard work is not a guarantee of good grades. The real experiences of Hirosuke and Fujioka tell us this.

There is no need to answer.

Tips: Go to work tomorrow! Don’t panic, there are still these holidays in 2024.

These days of vacation
Did everyone have a good time? Did you enjoy your meal?
Are you tired of visiting relatives and friends?
Xiaobian is coming to tell you a message:
I will go to work tomorrow!
The Spring Festival holiday is coming to an end.
If there’s something you want to do, you haven’t done it yet
Just hurry!
Stay at home leisurely for half a day
Ask your parents to watch a movie
Then adjust the state ~
Don’t stay up late and have fun!
Also, have some light home cooking!
It’s time to have a rest.
It’s almost time for vacation.
Xiaobian sent two important reminders ↓↓↓↓
Reminder 1: I have to go to work this Sunday!
The last day of the holiday is New Year’s Day! I have to go to work on February 18 (Sunday) on New Year’s Day! Going to work! Adjust the alarm clock quickly!
Reminder 2: Holiday overtime pay should be sufficient.
Spring festival holiday
Many people will choose
Stay at your post
● February 10th to 12th is a statutory holiday, and enterprises have to pay three times the daily wage for arranging workers to work;
● Work will be arranged from February 13th to 17th, and enterprises with standard working hours can choose to give workers compensatory time off or pay double daily wages.
But don’t be too sad.
After the Spring Festival holiday
There is still a big wave of holidays this year!
Collect the 2024 holiday raiders.
Tomb-Sweeping Day: We have a holiday from April 4th to 6th, lasting for 3 days. Go to work on Sunday, April 7.
Labor Day: May 1st to 5th, with 5 days’ holiday. Go to work on Sunday, April 28th and Saturday, May 11th.
Dragon Boat Festival: It is a holiday on June 10th, and even closed on weekends.
Mid-Autumn Festival: Take a holiday from September 15th to 17th for 3 days. Go to work on Saturday, September 14th.
National Day: 7 days’ holiday from October 1st to 7th. Work on September 29th (Sunday) and October 12th (Saturday).
Hurry up, everyone
Finally adjust and adjust
Tomorrow will usher in a big start.
Source: yanzhao metropolis daily.

What does the syllabus for the self-study exam include?

As a popular form of continuing education, more and more people choose to take the self-taught examination to improve their academic qualifications. Many people who want to improve their academic qualifications are puzzled and want to take the self-taught undergraduate course, but they don’t know the specific policies of the self-taught examination. What does the self-taught examination outline include?

Click to enter:If you have any questions about the self-study exam, don’t know how to choose the main examination institution and major, and don’t know the local policy of self-study exam, click to learn now > >

What does the syllabus for the self-study exam include?

The syllabus of the self-taught examination generally includes the nature and setting purpose of the self-taught examination course, the examination contents and objectives, relevant explanations and implementation requirements.

Among them, "assessment content and assessment objectives" is the main part of the syllabus, which stipulates the content range and assessment depth of each part of the self-taught course, and is the basic basis for determining the distribution of test questions in each part of the course and assessing the proportion of test questions at different levels of understanding, key points, sub-key points and general knowledge.

"Description and implementation requirements" may involve the types of test questions used in this course (sample questions may also be given), the difficulty ratio of self-taught test questions, the length of the test, etc., and the proposition should also be followed or referred to.

At present, the syllabus of the national unified proposition course for self-taught examination is attached to the designated teaching materials, and candidates should study according to the designated teaching materials and course examination syllabus. However, at present, there is no examination syllabus for some self-taught unified proposition courses in the province, so the candidates can learn from the designated teaching materials.

1. All legal citizens in China, regardless of gender, age, nationality and current academic qualifications, can take the self-study exam, and then they can register at the time and place specified by the local education examination institute.

2. Candidates who apply for the self-taught undergraduate course need to bring their college diploma and their ID cards to the registration point of the self-taught examination when registering for the self-taught examination. Because some undergraduate majors are different from their own specialties, at this time, you need to take courses in related professional examinations.

3. Another point that needs to be emphasized is that if you want to register for the self-taught undergraduate course, you must hold a college diploma recognized by the state.

4. There are some majors that have been suspended, and only candidates who are currently registered can apply for the exam. The specific matters of applying for the exam should be registered in accordance with the relevant documents.

5. Finally, when you receive the self-taught undergraduate diploma, you must hand in the original of your college diploma, otherwise, the school will not apply for your undergraduate diploma. Another point is that junior college students who are studying in the school can also apply for self-taught undergraduate courses. Similarly, they need to hold a junior college diploma when they receive an undergraduate diploma.

The above is related to the adult self-study exam, and candidates can use it as a reference, which is subject to the official announcement! Candidates who want to get more information about the self-taught examination, such as the registration time, examination time, application conditions, preparation knowledge and related news, please pay attention to the online self-taught examination channel of China Education.

Popular recommendation:

If you have any questions about the self-study exam, don’t know how to choose the main examination institution and major, and don’t know the local policy of self-study exam, click to learn now > >

Recommended reading:

In April, 2024, all provinces registered for self-study exams in official website.

Summary of Registration Time and Entrance of Self-taught Exams in April 2024 by Provinces

The first place in Jiangsu liberal arts missed Qingbei. Do you understand the admission rules of the new college entrance examination?

  [Editor’s note] The candidates with the highest score in Jiangsu liberal arts are not allowed to go to Qingbei Nanda because their history subject level is B+. Many people said that they could not understand the current college entrance examination. In fact, in Jiangsu’s current "3+2" recruitment model, Tsinghua of Peking University has been asking for double A or above for many years. But this will be the last year for Jiangsu to use the old model. Jiangsu will implement the new college entrance examination plan next year. 澎湃 Mathematics course took Zhejiang, the first batch of reforms, as an example last year, sorting out the long examination course and 35 subject choices of the new college entrance examination. In a blink of an eye, Zhejiang sent out four new college entrance examination students. With minor adjustments and small patches, local reforms were rolled out one after another, and the reform ideas disassembled in this paper were basically continued.

  In our second and third year of high school, we may have experienced many exams and model exams, but the college entrance examination is only in June of the third year of high school, so it is also called "one exam will set you for life". However, in today’s high schools in Zhejiang, students of Grade Two begin to prepare for the academic proficiency test early, which may become the first record that affects college admission.

  The second year of high school started the college entrance examination, and it took two years to pass the "test"

  Du Yiming, 19, is a senior three student in a first-class key middle school in Zhejiang Province. In addition to the number of words, Du Yiming chose physics, chemistry and biology as college entrance examination subjects. His college entrance examination began in November of the last semester of Senior Two.There are more key exams, and "every time matters, you can’t relax every time".

  Du Yiming took part in the "first college entrance examination" of four subjects: biochemistry and foreign languages in November last year. On the first weekend of April this year, he will take part in the "second college entrance examination" for selected subjects. The results of the materialized students in these two exams will be included in the total score of the college entrance examination according to the grade assignment. By the time of the national college entrance examination in June, Du Yiming will face an exam beyond the number of languages. There is only one chance to get Chinese and math scores, and the foreign language scores will be included in the total score according to the actual test scores, based on the foreign language test results in November last year.

  When the national candidates finished the college entrance examination in early June, Du Yiming was greeted by the "Trinity" exam of Zhejiang University. For Zhejiang candidates, if they want to sprint to some top universities in China, such as Peking University and Tsinghua, it is best to take the "Trinity" exam which is put forward by these universities in mid-June. In the end, the results of this exam will be combined with the scores of six subjects in the college entrance examination and the scores of earlier academic level exams to form the admission transcripts in proportion. Such a "trinity" admission quota may account for more than 80% of the admission channels of these colleges and universities; If candidates intend to enter the above-mentioned colleges and universities solely by the results of the college entrance examination, it is not impossible, but it also means giving up many opportunities automatically.

  Du Yiming’s tense preparation schedule is not an isolated case. Compared with the traditional college entrance examination mode of "one exam determines life", the new college entrance examination reform in Zhejiang has undergone tremendous changes.

  To sum up, there are probably three new features:

  1. Cancel the division of arts and sciences, and use the new rule of "three subjects must be tested except the number of languages, and the other subjects should be selected from 7";

  2. Foreign languages and elective subjects are provided with 2 examination opportunities, and the highest score is included in the total score of the college entrance examination, and the elective subjects are graded according to the ranking;

  3. Not limited to the unified entrance examination, the "Trinity" enrollment scale of universities directly under the Ministry of Education in and outside the province has expanded.

  The road to the new college entrance examination is full of choices besides hard work.

  Option 1: Customize your own exam schedule.

  Every candidate has a dense examination schedule in his hand. Different from the traditional "one exam for life" model, each exam in the above table may affect the final admission.

  Do you want to participate in the "Trinity" enrollment? How many times do you need to take the exam? How many courses do you take each time? For these questions, candidates need to customize their own examination schedule according to their own situations and goals.

  If we take the recruitment path of the general college entrance examination, it will affect the admission of two rounds of elective examinations and the college entrance examination of three subjects other than languages. As for the academic examination, as long as we "pass the exam", it will do.

  If you take the "trinity" recruitment path, all the above exams will affect the admission: you need to get as many As possible A’s (accounting into the "trinity" total score) in the academic exam, take two rounds of elective exams and the college entrance examination outside the language number, as well as the "trinity" in-school test of your favorite university.

  At present, there are 57 colleges and universities participating in the "Trinity" enrollment in Zhejiang, including 49 colleges and universities in the province and 8 colleges and universities directly under the Ministry of Education. Tsinghua University, Peking University, Shanghai Jiaotong University, Fudan University, Zhejiang University and China University of Science and Technology all participate in the "Trinity" enrollment.

  According to the information released by Zhejiang Education Examinations Institute, there are 8,690 "Trinity" enrollment plans for colleges and universities in Zhejiang Province this year, and the "Trinity" enrollment brochures for colleges and universities outside the province and directly under the Ministry of Education have not yet been released, with 1,664 students last year. Since the enrollment plan for the general college entrance examination in 2019 has not been announced, if we refer to the 231,000 college entrance examination enrollment in 2018, the ratio of the two enrollment numbers is about 1:23, and the proportion of the "Trinity" in all enrollment can not be underestimated; It is even more important to occupy more than 80% of the enrollment in some colleges and universities.

  Option 2: 35 combinations of courses, which three subjects to take?

  After the reform of Zhejiang College Entrance Examination, seven subjects were arranged and combined, and 35 different ways of selecting subjects were derived.

  The Paper (www.thepaper.cn) found a general administrative class of "Chemistry+Biology" graduated from a first-class key middle school in Zhejiang Province in June 2018, and recorded the decision of 57 students in this class to choose subjects.

  By comparing the ranking of each student in six large-scale exams in high school for three years, we find that it is very reasonable.Students should first consider the dominant subjects when choosing subjects.. Hao Chenfei, a teacher of the school, said: "Even if there is more room for some subjects in the future, students still choose subjects with their own advantages."

  In this class, we found that eight students chose three subjects with the best grades in Grade One.

  Such new rules may help some candidates to "overtake in corners".

  We find out two all-round academic tyrants and two partial scientific tyrants in our class for comparison. The results of all-round academic tyrants in every subject in Grade One of Senior High School are in the top 20% of the year, and the total scores of seven subjects rank the highest. The scores of the subjects selected by the partial science tyrants are all in the first 20% of the year, but the other subjects are relatively backward.

  Let’s look back at the distribution of the scores of the all-round academic tyrants and the partial scientific tyrants in the first year of high school. The scores of these four students in the selected subjects are relatively close, but judging from the total scores of seven subjects, the all-round academic tyrants are completely ahead of the partial scientific tyrants:

  By choosing subjects, the partial science master got rid of the inferior subjects, narrowed the distance with the all-round learning master, and even surpassed the all-round learning master in the final ranking. According to the grading method, we convert the ranking percentage of the above four students in the six large-scale exams from Grade One to Grade Three into grading, and illustrate the performance curves of these students. If you only look at the two exams in senior three, you can’t even judge who is the all-round academic tyrant and who is the partial scientific tyrant.

  In this class, there are also students who do not choose the dominant subjects completely according to their personal rankings.

  The reason for this phenomenon may be that candidates consider choosing a major in the future. Li Zirui, a senior three student in this school, became interested in computer programming in his freshman year. In order to further his studies in computer science in the future, he "chose physics almost without hesitation when choosing a subject".

  Option 3: How to foster strengths and avoid weaknesses under the customized rules of colleges and universities?

  The new college entrance examination rules also provide colleges and universities withMore recruitment autonomy.

  On the one hand, unlike in the past when there were only two types of students in arts and sciences, there are more targeted requirements for students to choose examination subjects when enrolling students in various majors in colleges and universities. For example, Peking University’s astronomy and psychology majors require candidates to choose subjects that contain physics; The majors of finance and finance in Renmin University of China require candidates to choose subjects containing history or physics; Zhejiang University’s humanities experimental class is not limited to elective subjects.

  According to Zhejiang Education Examinations Institute, in 2019, 6.8% of the subjects required for the examination were one, 8.8% were two, 23.3% were three and 61.1% were unlimited. Compared with 2017, in 2019, some colleges and universities put forward more explicit requirements for the selected subjects for majors with clear training requirements and high correlation with the subjects studied in middle schools, while those with broader basic literacy requirements appropriately relaxed the scope of the selected subjects.

  On the other hand, the "Trinity" comprehensive evaluation enrollment channel has been widened. Colleges and universities can organize on-campus tests more independently, screen students and select the best candidates through written tests, interviews and physical tests.

  Take eight universities outside Zhejiang Province and universities directly under the Ministry of Education in 2018 as an example. The total number of students enrolled by these top universities in Zhejiang through the college entrance examination is 1,696 (including 1,618 from Zhejiang University), while the number of students enrolled through the "Trinity" is 1,664, which is close to 1:1 in overall scale.

  If Zhejiang University is stripped off, the number of people recruited by other top universities in China through the "trinity" comprehensive evaluation has far exceeded the enrollment of the college entrance examination. In other words, if you are a fresh graduate and want to be admitted to the above seven top universities, the safest plan is to participate in the "trinity" comprehensive evaluation enrollment of these schools; Otherwise, when the college entrance examination is filed, even if there is a very good college entrance examination result, the enrollment places of these top college entrance examinations are few and far between. Take last year’s enrollment plan as an example.Tsinghua University enrolled 8 students in Zhejiang through the college entrance examination and 105 students in Zhejiang through the Trinity. Peking University enrolled 23 students in Zhejiang through the college entrance examination and 85 students in Zhejiang through the Trinity.

  In addition to broadening the enrollment channels, colleges and universities also have greater initiative in the on-campus testing stage, and can screen candidates in multiple dimensions such as written test, interview and physical fitness test.

  Taking the written test as an example, in the "Trinity" comprehensive evaluation test of top universities in China, physics, as a "sharp weapon" for screening candidates, has become a compulsory subject for most candidates. Even if the candidate’s college entrance examination subject is not physics, he may be examined in the written test on campus. According to Tsinghua University’s "Trinity" Comprehensive Evaluation Admissions Guide for Zhejiang Province in 2018, in the on-campus test, 77.1% of the candidates were examined in physics during the written test.

  Peking University’s "Trinity" comprehensive evaluation is similar. Regarding the written test content of college tests, Peking University’s 2018 Zhejiang "Trinity" comprehensive evaluation enrollment brochure stipulates that there are five written test subjects, of which three subjects are required to be tested, and two are selected from the four subjects of "physics, history, chemistry and politics", requiring "physics".

  In 2014, Du Yubo, then Vice Minister of Education, used four "most" words to describe the reform of the new college entrance examination: "This examination enrollment system reform is the most comprehensive and systematic reform since the resumption of the college entrance examination, and it is the most important and complicated reform in the comprehensive education reform".

  In a blink of an eye, Zhejiang New College Entrance Examination has sent out two students. In 2019, senior high school students are about to sprint the college entrance examination in June and become the third graduates of the new college entrance examination. In the process of implementation, minor adjustments are still taking place in Zhejiang.

  No matter the front-line teachers and students or the education reform experts, there is no agreement on how to deal with this zero-sum game. In a broader sense, it remains to be seen where the college entrance examination reform in China will go.

  At the request of the interviewee, the teachers and students in this article are all pseudonyms.

Kunming: Fireworks and firecrackers are on sale in the Spring Festival of 2024.

  On January 30th, fireworks and firecrackers started to be sold in five main urban areas and three development (holiday) areas of Kunming in the Spring Festival of 2024, and the retail outlets of fireworks and firecrackers in various urban areas opened their doors one after another.

  On January 31, the reporter went to the fireworks and firecrackers retail point at the intersection of Yuyang Road and Yupu Road in Dianchi Resort. The sales staff were wearing special protective clothing "pure cotton flame retardant clothing" and were busy placing and selling goods in the sales warehouse. Although it was morning, many citizens had come to inquire and buy. "Our retail store has an area of more than 20 square meters, and according to the relevant regulations, it can hold up to 140 fireworks and firecrackers," the salesperson said. "We have more than 200 kinds of fireworks and firecrackers, and only one third of them are placed today. Later, we will pick up the goods from the warehouse according to the sales situation."

  According to the requirements of Kunming Emergency Bureau, all 304 retail outlets in five main urban areas and three development (holiday) areas in Kunming use explosion-proof warehouses for sales, and all of them have installed video surveillance systems to implement 24-hour monitoring. There are signs on the stalls in all retail outlets that "it is forbidden to set off fireworks and firecrackers within 80 meters around the point of sale". The fireworks and firecrackers safety commitment letter and business license and other related documents are posted on the walls of the store, and fire extinguishers, buckets and other fire-fighting facilities are placed outside the store. Through layer-by-layer protection, the awareness of fireworks and firecrackers’ business safety and law-abiding and emergency handling ability are effectively enhanced, and fireworks and firecrackers are strictly "safely closed".

  According to the "Management Measures for Fireworks and Firecrackers in Kunming", the operation and discharge time of the Spring Festival in 2024 in five main urban areas and three development (holiday) areas in Kunming is from the twentieth day of the twelfth lunar month to the fifteenth day of the first month, that is, from January 30 to February 24, for a total of 26 days.

  Yunnan net reporter Hu Yuya’s photo report

The session will not fall! Changan automobile won the double honor [self-reliance through science and technology < 44 >]

On the evening of January 28th.

Central radio and television main station

The 4th China Automobile Fengyun Festival Awards Ceremony

Held at Beijing National Gymnasium.

At this grand ceremony

Changan Automobile Global Design Team, Aouita 12

They were awarded "Pioneer Design Team of the Year"

"Best Intelligent Driving"

Won two honors

Fully demonstrated Changan Automobile.

Hard core strength in the field of design and products

It is understood that

"China Automobile Fengyun Festival" is sponsored by the Central Radio and Television General Station and specially planned by the Financial Program Center of the General Station, aiming at the China automobile market, to select the annual outstanding models with strong products, market guidance and future development trends for consumers, and is known as the "wind vane of the automobile industry".

As the most authoritative event in the domestic automobile industry, it has been held for four consecutive years, and Changan Automobile has never failed.

In 2020 China Automobile Fengyun Festival, Changan Automobile CS75PLUS won the "Best Intelligent Networked Car of the Year".

In 2021 China Automobile Fengyun Festival, Changan Ford EVOS won the "Best Smart Car" and a new generation of Lincoln navigator NAUTILUS won the "Best Power Car".

At the 3rd China Automobile Fengyun Festival, Changan Automobile Force Electric won the "Special Award of Jury" and Deep Blue SL03 won the "Grand Prize of Jury".

Original title: "The session does not fall! Changan automobile won the double honor [self-reliance through science and technology < 44 >].

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