标签归档 西安耍耍

New energy vehicles will be piloted in five cities including Shanghai with special number plates.

  CCTV News:The reporter learned from the Ministry of Public Security that in order to better promote the development of new energy vehicles, better distinguish and identify new energy vehicles, and implement differentiated traffic management policies, from December 1, 2016, the Ministry of Public Security will be in Shanghai, Nanjing, Wuxi, Jinan and Shenzhen. Five cities will take the lead in piloting the use of special number plates for new energy vehicles. 

  Different from the "blue" license plate used by ordinary passenger cars now, the special license plate for new energy vehicles takes "green" as the main tone, which embodies the meaning of "green environmental protection". The background color of small new energy vehicles adopts gradient green, while that of large new energy vehicles adopts yellow-green double color.

 Figure 1 Small new energy vehicle number plate style

  In order to better implement the national new energy vehicle industry development and differentiated management policy, the new energy vehicle license plate is managed in sections according to different vehicle types.The letter "D" stands for pure electric vehicles, and the letter "F" stands for non-pure electric vehicles (including plug-in hybrid vehicles and fuel cell vehicles).          

 Fig. 2 Number plate style of large-scale new energy vehicles

  At the same time, the number of special number plates for new energy vehicles has been increased by one, from 5 to 6 for ordinary cars, with increased number plate capacity and richer resources. The new energy vehicle license plate fee remains unchanged, and the current national standard for ordinary vehicle license plate fees is still implemented, and each license plate is 100 yuan.

  During the pilot period, new energy vehicles newly purchased by the masses will be registered in five pilot cities, and special number plates for new energy vehicles will be issued; For registered new energy vehicles, according to the principle of voluntary renewal, the owner can choose whether to renew the new number plate. In order to avoid the crowded queue caused by centralized license change, the pilot cities will adopt the Internet service platform to make an appointment to change the license plate, at the same time, add a green channel or special window for the license plate business of new energy vehicles, set up on-site license plate production points, provide delayed or Saturday and Sunday license plate change services, and provide free license plate installation services to meet the needs of the masses to the greatest extent. In addition, the public security traffic control departments of the pilot cities will simultaneously launch a unified motor vehicle number plate selection system to ensure the open, fair and just issuance of number plates.

  It is understood that up to now, the number of pure electric vehicles registered nationwide has reached 555,500. According to the State Council’s Industrial Development Plan for Energy Saving and New Energy Vehicles (2012-2020), new energy vehicles mainly include pure electric vehicles, plug-in hybrid vehicles and fuel cell vehicles. By 2020, the cumulative production and sales of pure electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid vehicles will exceed 5 million.

  The person in charge of the Traffic Management Bureau of the Ministry of Public Security said that on the basis of the pilot, it will constantly sum up experience and practices, gradually expand the application scope of special number plates for new energy vehicles, and strive to promote their use throughout the country in the second half of 2017. In addition, the Ministry of Public Security will also study and improve the style of ordinary car number plates to further enhance the informationization, scientification and standardization of motor vehicle management. (CCTV reporter Qi Chenghai)

How does the Ministry of Communications define a car ride?

  The purpose of the network car is to make a profit. Passengers propose a travel plan, calculate mileage, and charge by time. The ride is not for profit. The driver mainly proposes a travel plan and shares part of the travel expenses. Graphic production/Deng Ning

  On July 28th, two taxi industry reform documents, Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of Taxi Industry and Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Management Services, were released. Relevant persons of the Ministry of Transport re-interpreted the issues of concern to the audience, such as the implementation of local policies, the definition of network car and free ride, and fair competition of taxi network car. The relevant person in charge made it clear that the Ministry of Transport will guide local governments to formulate practical plans and set up a transition period for reform.

  On July 28th, two taxi industry reform documents — — "Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of Taxi Industry" and "Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Management Services" were issued, which aroused widespread concern. Yesterday, in the Voice of China special program "I am on duty today", Zeng Jia, deputy director of the taxi management office of the Transportation Service Department of the Ministry of Transport, elaborated on issues such as policy implementation, definition of carpooling, and competition and development of taxi network.

  Hotspot 1

  How do local policies land after the introduction of the New Deal?

  The Beijing Youth Daily reporter learned that the new regulations have a clear positioning for the development of taxis and the standardized operation of online car, but the specific implementation rules still need to be formulated and clarified by local governments. The interim measures are clear, and the new regulations will be implemented on November 1, 2016. All localities can formulate specific implementation rules according to these measures and local conditions.

  Zeng Jia, deputy director of the taxi management office of the Transport Services Department of the Ministry of Transport, said that there is a reason for delegating the specific rules of taxi management to the local authorities. Taxi management belongs to local power, and the reform adheres to the principle of territorial management, and the city government bears the main responsibility of management. Cities have different levels of economic and social development, such as traffic structure, population size, public transport level, and the number of taxis available, which can only be determined by the people’s governments of local cities according to their own actual conditions. There is no problem of delegating the power of price setting and quantity control to local governments, because this is the power of local cities, which requires local governments to adjust measures to local conditions and cities.

  The Ministry of Transport also made arrangements for the implementation of the policy. First, it held a video conference with relevant departments to mobilize the reform of the taxi industry and mobilized the reform work; Second, a training course will be held in the near future to publicize the main contents and spirit of the two documents to local management departments, clarify the operation methods of related issues in the documents, and work with local governments to promote the reform of the taxi industry; The third is to guide local governments to formulate practical plans and grasp the policy scale; The fourth is to guide local governments to do a good job in the transition plan for the transition period of reform.

  Hotspot 2

  What is the difference between a car and a ride?

  Zeng Jia believes that the network car is similar to a taxi, providing time and displacement services, which takes up road resources. However, hitchhiking makes full use of road and vehicle resources and does not increase the consumption of road resources, which is a typical way for urban transportation to reflect the sharing economy.

  What needs to be clear is that, first of all, the hitchhiking service provider generally releases the travel plan in advance, or the person who has the same travel route after the passenger releases it responds, rather than responding according to the passenger’s travel needs. Secondly, the ride reflects the goodwill and mutual assistance between people, which is obviously different from the network car operation. Finally, the ride is not for profit, and part of the travel cost is limited to fuel cost and traffic cost, rather than charging by mileage and timing.

  In addition, this reform document clearly defines the opinions of encouraging support, but all localities should formulate detailed policies in light of local actual conditions.

  Hotspot 3

  How to compete fairly between taxis and online cars?

  Zeng Jia believes that before the introduction of the policy, there were many reasons for the conflict between the old and new formats, and the lack of fair competition in the market environment was a very important reason.

  There are great differences between online car rental and traditional taxis in terms of access standards, price mechanism, vehicle safety, scrapping management, insurance system and tax payment. In particular, in order to seize the market, network platform companies seize the market through continuous huge subsidies, which in fact causes unfair competition between the two.

  Therefore, the interim measures for management have clearly defined the licensing conditions for the network car, and set licensing requirements for platforms, vehicles and personnel. At the same time, it is required not to hinder fair competition in the market, not to engage in unfair price behaviors that crowd out competitors or monopolize the market, disrupt the normal market order at a price lower than the cost, and harm the national interests or the legitimate rights and interests of other operators, and not to commit price violations. All these are aimed at forming a level playing field.

  Zeng Jia pointed out that in the long run, to solve the conflict between the two sides, it is still necessary to deepen the reform of traditional industries and standardize the development of online car rental as soon as possible to achieve healthy competition and coordinated development of the two formats. First, speed up the reform of traditional taxis, loosen the burden on traditional taxis, get rid of the disadvantages of the system and mechanism, and realize the transformation and upgrading of the traditional taxi industry by taking measures such as dynamic regulation of operation scale, restriction of taxi operation period and free use, reform of interest distribution mechanism, and adjustment of freight rate mechanism; Second, for the new format, by setting business boundaries, subdividing markets, providing high-quality services, realizing differentiated operations and gradually deepening integrated development.

  Beijing will formulate detailed rules in light of actual conditions.

  On July 28th, two new regulations on taxi reform at the national level, Guiding Opinions on Deepening Reform and Promoting the Healthy Development of Taxi Industry, and Interim Measures for the Management of Online Booking Taxi Management Services, were officially promulgated. Yesterday, the relevant person in charge of the Beijing Municipal Transportation Commission said that Beijing will resolutely implement the spirit of the two documents, seriously study and understand the requirements of the documents, and formulate relevant implementation opinions and detailed rules in light of Beijing’s reality.

  Yesterday, the relevant person in charge of the Transportation Administration Bureau of the Municipal Communications Commission introduced that the new regulations on taxi reform have an important guiding and standardizing role in the transformation and upgrading of the taxi industry in Beijing and promoting the healthy development of online taxis. Beijing will resolutely implement the spirit of the two documents, conscientiously study and understand the content requirements of the documents, formulate relevant implementation opinions and detailed rules in light of Beijing’s reality, promote integrated development, improve service levels, and meet the travel needs of the people.

  At present, there are no relevant documents for the development of online car. However, as far as carpooling is concerned, as early as 2013, the Municipal Transportation Commission issued the Opinions on Passenger Car Ride in Beijing, which made it clear that passenger car riding should follow the basic principles of giving priority to public welfare carpooling, voluntary mutual assistance among the people, safeguarding legitimate rights and interests, standardizing carpooling behavior and prohibiting illegal operation, so as to promote its healthy development.

  Six departments jointly talked about four online car companies.

  Yesterday morning, Beijing Youth Daily reporter learned from the Ministry of Transport that the Ministry of Transport, the Central Network Information Office, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, the Ministry of Public Security, the State Administration for Industry and Commerce, the State Bureau for Letters and Calls and other departments have jointly talked about Didi, Uber, Shenzhou and Yizhi, and asked them to clean up unqualified vehicles and drivers in accordance with the new regulations.

  Liu Xiaoming, Vice Minister of the Ministry of Transport, said that the reform and development of the taxi industry is not only a livelihood issue, but also related to social stability. After the promulgation of the two documents on deepening the reform of the taxi industry, relevant enterprises should study carefully, strictly implement relevant regulations and rectify existing problems. It is required to strictly abide by relevant laws and regulations, especially in accordance with the requirements of the newly issued two documents on deepening the reform of the taxi industry, earnestly fulfill the main responsibility of enterprises and assume social responsibility, speed up the cleaning up of vehicles and drivers that do not meet the requirements, standardize market operation behavior, operate in good faith according to law, and seek long-term development.

  He particularly emphasized that relevant enterprises should keep their promises and keep their promises. After the transition period, relevant functional departments will jointly enforce the law, intensify the crackdown on illegal operations and other illegal activities, and maintain a good market order in the taxi industry; The platform company’s failure to implement relevant requirements, violation of laws and regulations and incitement to disturb social order will be dealt with according to law, and the relevant enterprises and their responsible persons will be seriously investigated for responsibility. If the circumstances are serious, the relevant qualifications will be banned.

  This group/reporter Liu Wei

Industry standard "navigation" and "speed-up" of China’s autonomous driving technology commercial track

  Developing autonomous driving technology is an important content of building a transportation power. In recent years, with the rapid development of new technologies such as artificial intelligence, 5G and big data, the application of autonomous driving technology in the field of transportation has been accelerated, and the rapid iteration from closed site testing to road testing and from pilot demonstration to commercial trial operation has been realized.

  The Ministry of Transport recently issued the "Guide to Transportation Safety Services for Self-driving Vehicles (Trial)" (hereinafter referred to as the "Guide"), which made it clear for the first time from the national policy level that intelligent networked vehicles can be used for transportation business activities, and pressed the "acceleration button" for the commercial application of self-driving technology in China.

  What is the development of autonomous driving technology at present? How to improve the safety guarantee ability of autonomous driving? The reporter interviewed the relevant person in charge of the Ministry of Transport and relevant experts.

  The market scale is growing rapidly, and it is steadily moving towards commercial application.

  "With the joint efforts of all parties, in recent years, China’s autopilot-related industries and market scale have shown a rapid growth trend, and autopilot technology has steadily moved from testing and demonstration to commercial application." Zhang Jinhua, chairman of China Automotive Engineering Society, introduced.

  The industrial development environment continues to improve. At present, 17 national-level test demonstration zones, 7 national-level vehicle networking pilot zones and 16 "Shuangzhi" pilot cities have been built nationwide, with a cumulative open test road of over 22,000 kilometers and a cumulative test mileage of over 70 million kilometers. Beijing, Shanghai, Guangzhou, Shenzhen and other cities have introduced policies to allow self-driving cars to engage in commercial trial operation of urban public buses, taxis, logistics and distribution in specific areas and at specific time periods, and the application scale has been expanding.

  In Shunyi District, Beijing, hundreds of bright yellow automatic delivery vehicles appeared in the streets and lanes, waiting for traffic lights side by side with pedestrians, or avoiding other vehicles safely on the road. "After years of iterative upgrading, unmanned delivery vehicles can not only ‘ Get ’ , can provide consumers with ‘ Send it quickly ’ Service experience. " The person in charge of the automatic delivery department of Meituan said that at present, in Shunyi, the daily delivery orders of automatic delivery vehicles of Meituan have reached thousands.

  In the Economic Development Zone of Wuhan, Hubei Province, open the "radish run" taxi software, and you can quickly call an unmanned self-driving car by setting the starting point and the ending point. Passengers click "OK" on the back screen, and the vehicle can travel according to the established route. "The fisheye camera and laser sensor on the roof device can help the vehicle avoid obstacles accurately and automatically adjust the speed according to the road conditions." According to the person in charge, 300 driverless cars have been put into operation since the unmanned self-driving travel service was opened in Wuhan in August 2022, covering a population of over 4 million.

  The application of industry innovation has accelerated. Scene-level autonomous driving solutions have accelerated to maturity, and some autonomous driving products have reached the conditions of mass production application, and have been applied to transportation service scenes such as urban travel and freight logistics on a certain scale, and new formats such as autonomous parking service and unmanned distribution have emerged continuously. At present, there are more than 200 self-driving city buses, more than 1,500 self-driving taxis and about 1,000 self-driving trucks in China. Baidu Apollo autopilot test has a total mileage of more than 78 million kilometers, and its travel service covers more than 10 cities.

  With the continuous expansion of market scale, it is urgent to strengthen industry norms. "At present, the basic requirements for using self-driving cars for transportation operations are still unclear, which is not suitable for the healthy and orderly development of self-driving cars, and the safety pressure is increasing." The relevant person in charge of the Transportation Service Department of the Ministry of Transport said that the Guide clarified the basic requirements for using self-driving cars to engage in transportation business activities under the framework of current laws and regulations, and guided the healthy development and standardized application of self-driving cars in the field of transportation services in an orderly manner while ensuring transportation safety.

  Build a security system to provide compliance for business activities.

  Transportation services are related to the national economy and people’s livelihood. Continuously improving the safety and security capability is the primary goal of transportation services, and it is also the basic requirement for the promotion and application of self-driving cars in transportation services. Sorting out the measures in the Guide, the word "safety" runs through.

  "Adapting to the development trend of autonomous driving, the Guide focuses on ensuring the transportation safety of autonomous vehicles. Under the condition of meeting the requirements of relevant departments for the access and road traffic of autonomous vehicles, it puts forward requirements for the production conditions and qualifications of transportation operations, dynamic supervision and emergency handling of vehicle operation, and operational supervision, and guides the transportation safety services of autonomous vehicles in all directions and in the whole chain." Zhang Jinhua said.

  In terms of technical standards, the Guide clarifies the technical requirements for self-driving cars, emphasizing that "self-driving cars engaged in taxi passenger transport, road passenger transport and road cargo transport should also meet the requirements of technical standards for operational motor vehicle safety in the transportation industry". "This move has achieved the connection with the management boundary of self-driving cars in the departments of industry, information and public security." Li Bin, vice president of the Highway Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport, said.

  In terms of personnel allocation, the Guide specifically puts forward the concept of "safety officer" in view of the safety problems during driving.

  "The on-board driver or operation safety guarantee personnel of the self-driving car is ‘ Safety officer ’ 。” Li Bin said that the Guide fully considers the business models of self-driving transportation with different formats, and provides for the allocation, skills and qualification requirements of safety officers engaged in different transportation business activities by classification on the premise of ensuring safety. Among them, in view of the application scenario of fully self-driving cars engaged in taxi passenger transport, the form of personnel support for remote safety officers is put forward in particular, and it is clear that "with the consent of the people’s government of the district and city, remote safety officers can be used when operating in designated areas, and the ratio of people to vehicles of remote safety officers should not be less than 1: 3".

  "Overall, the Guide has built a safety guarantee system from six aspects: safety production system, transportation safety guarantee, running state information management, vehicle dynamic monitoring, safety notification and emergency response." Li Bin believes that under the premise of being consistent with the current road transportation management, the Guide fully combines the new characteristics of self-driving car transportation, and provides compliance for self-driving cars to engage in road transportation business activities safely.

  Classified scenarios provide normative guidance to accelerate the application of technology.

  As a new technology, autonomous driving has been widely used in various transportation service scenarios. Different scenarios have different design and operation conditions, different security risks and different risk level requirements. In order to further ensure safety, "classified policy" has become a highlight of the Guide.

  The Guide clarifies the application scenarios of self-driving cars to carry out road transport services. For urban public buses and trams, related passenger transport business activities can be carried out under the scenes of physically closed, relatively closed or simple road conditions with fixed lines and controllable traffic safety; For taxis, passenger transport business activities can be carried out in the scene of good traffic conditions and controllable traffic safety; At the same time, self-driving cars are prohibited from engaging in road dangerous goods transportation business activities. At the same time, the Guide clarifies the requirements for "self-driving transport operators", and taxi passenger transport and road passenger transport should be insured with carrier liability insurance according to law.

  "Standardizing the application of self-driving cars in the field of transportation services by classification, scene and level will effectively guide all kinds of transportation service business activities to carry out self-driving applications, effectively ensure the safety of self-driving transportation services, and promote the healthy and orderly development of commercial applications of auto-driving." Wang Advanced, vice president of the Research Institute of the Ministry of Transport, said.

  The overall scale of China’s automobile industry remains in the forefront of the world, and the production capacity and application technology level have been greatly improved. As an important breakthrough to improve the level of industrial intelligence, autonomous driving has been valued and supported by relevant departments.

  In 2020, the Ministry of Transport issued the Guiding Opinions on Promoting the Development and Application of Road Traffic Autopilot Technology; In 2021, the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology issued the Opinions on Strengthening the Access Management of Intelligent Networked Automobile Manufacturers and Products; In November 2023, four ministries and commissions, including the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, issued the Notice on Launching the Pilot Work of Intelligent Networked Vehicle Access and Road Access, which covered the key links of vehicle use, such as production access and road management of automobile products, and the management policies for the production and use of self-driving vehicles were gradually established … … In recent years, various ministries and commissions have accelerated the research on policies related to the commercial application of autonomous driving and issued a series of policy documents.

  "The increasingly perfect industrial development environment has made it possible for self-driving cars to accelerate their application in transportation services." Wang Advanced said that the release of the Guide has established a safe bottom line for the application of self-driving cars, and also left enough room for the innovative application of autonomous driving, which will further promote the application of autonomous driving technology in the transportation field.

How does the market guarantee supply? How to promote holiday consumption? -Multi-sectoral interpretation of measures to promote consumption during the Spring Festival

Xinhua News Agency, Beijing, February 6th Question: How does the market guarantee supply? How to promote holiday consumption? -Multi-sectoral interpretation of measures to promote consumption during the Spring Festival

Xinhua News Agency reporter Wei Hongyi

The Spring Festival is the traditional peak season for consumption. At the press conference of the State Council Office held on the 6th, the Ministry of Commerce, the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, the State Sports General Administration and other departments introduced relevant information and answered reporters’ questions on ensuring the supply of the Spring Festival market and promoting holiday consumption.

The national consumer market was stable and orderly before the holiday.

Sheng Qiuping, Vice Minister of Commerce, said that on the occasion of the Spring Festival in year of the loong, commercial departments at all levels continued to improve various measures to strengthen the production, marketing and supply of people’s livelihood commodities during the festival. Generally speaking, the operation of the pre-holiday consumer market presents the following three characteristics:

Sufficient supply. Large-scale wholesale markets of agricultural and sideline products around the country have sufficient stocks of daily necessities such as grain, oil, meat, eggs, milk, fruits and vegetables, and the stocking of daily necessities in key wholesale markets and supermarkets is 10% to 30% higher than usual. Major e-commerce platforms continue to provide distribution services during the Spring Festival.

The price is stable. Relevant statistics on February 5th show that the average wholesale prices of grain, edible oil, beef and mutton in 100 large-scale agricultural and sideline products wholesale markets in China have remained stable since the beginning of February, and vegetable prices have shown a seasonal increase.

Sales are booming. With the growing flavor of the year, major shopping malls, supermarkets and online platforms have ushered in sales peaks. In late January, the sales of retail enterprises monitored by the Ministry of Commerce increased by 19.9% month-on-month. In January, sales of key monitoring e-commerce platforms increased by 20% year-on-year.

Ensuring that the supply in the holiday market is not out of stock and uninterrupted is the key point of ensuring the supply and price stability in the market. In terms of strengthening the construction of the system of ensuring the supply of daily necessities, Xu Xingfeng, director of the Department of Market Operation and Consumption Promotion of the Ministry of Commerce, said that the Ministry of Commerce will constantly improve the three networks of "monitoring, dispatching and storage" to keep abreast of the basic situation of the production, circulation and consumption of key varieties of daily necessities, improve the emergency response capability, increase the commercial inventory according to the times and circumstances, and ensure that the reserved commodities are "adequately stored, transferred and used".

Multi-departmental measures to promote consumption during the Spring Festival

With the change of people’s lifestyle, China’s consumer market presents many new features. Xu Xingfeng said that these characteristics mainly include four aspects: more pursuit of green health, more prominent personality diversity, more prominent cultural characteristics, and more favor for scientific and technological intelligence.

Based on these characteristics, many departments have launched targeted measures to promote consumption-

The Ministry of Commerce promotes the linkage between urban and rural markets, online and offline, and jointly organizes online Chinese New Year Festival, "Happy Shopping in Rural Areas" and other activities, and organizes a series of activities such as sales promotion, rural tourism, skill display and cultural communication, and carries out a series of thematic activities around new consumption such as digital, green and health.

The Ministry of Culture and Tourism organizes cultural and tourism activities on the theme of "Happy New Year". Miao Muyang, Director of the Industrial Development Department of the Ministry of Culture and Tourism, said that related activities include launching a special program of "Literary China" in the Spring Festival, launching a series of "Village Evening" exhibition projects in conjunction with various localities, and launching a series of special courses, boutique routes and theme activities for study tours to make the festival more festive and cheerful.

Wang Xiaopeng, head of the Sports Economics Department of the State Sports General Administration, said that the State Sports General Administration will focus on the consumption characteristics of "green health" and do a good job in deepening the integration of business travel, culture and sports through a series of events of the "outdoor sports vitality landscape" action plan.

Continue to meet the consumer demand of the people

Sheng Qiuping said that the Ministry of Commerce has designated 2024 as the "Year of Consumption Promotion". The Ministry of Commerce will adhere to the "policy and activity" two-wheel drive, run a series of consumption promotion activities well, and introduce more policy measures to promote consumption from post-epidemic recovery to continuous expansion.

Sheng Qiuping introduced that the Ministry of Commerce will achieve "there are themes in the season, there are activities in the month, and there are scenes in the week". Four major theme activities will be held throughout the year, and 12 key activities will be carried out, including a series of activities such as the National Consumption Promotion Month and the International Consumption Season. Optimize consumption supply and innovate consumption scenarios to fully meet the diversified consumption needs of ordinary people.

In addition, around the goal of actively cultivating the consumption growth point of domestic products, the Ministry of Commerce will focus on time-honored brands and organize a series of activities to promote the consumption of domestic products. At the same time, taking the pedestrian street as the carrier, we will guide the pedestrian streets, business districts, and quarter-hour convenient living circles around the country to combine the peak consumption season and strengthen the promotion of domestic "trendy products" according to local conditions.

Wang Xiaopeng said that in order to promote the quality and efficiency of the ice and snow industry and meet the diversified consumption needs of the people, the State Sports General Administration will hold high-level competitions and accelerate the improvement of ice and snow services to provide more and better quality services for the people to participate in ice and snow sports.

In view of the phenomenon that culture and tourism consumption have continued to be hot since New Year’s Day in 2024, Miao Muyang concluded that it is necessary to persist in exerting efforts at both ends of supply and demand, promote overall planning, strengthen the construction of a service-oriented government, and adhere to the concept of sharing between host and guest. It is necessary to expand the supply of high-quality products to meet the consumer demand of the masses, innovate products and services in line with the consumer demand of the masses, consolidate the guarantee system of cultural and tourism policies and systems, standardize and rectify the order of cultural and tourism markets, and improve the supply quality and service level of cultural tourism.

The "Belt and Road" international music season ended successfully, explaining and conveying the connotation of Silk Road with music.

  sznewsNews On the stage of Shenzhen Concert Hall on the evening of April 14th, "Chanting West and East" — — The closing concert of the 2019 Shenzhen "Belt and Road" international music season was staged in shock, and artists from all over the world presented a carnival of vocal music art, which brought the music season to a successful conclusion. During the 22 days from March 24th to April 14th, 809 world-renowned musicians from 41 countries and regions gathered in the 2019 "Belt and Road" international music season in Shenzhen, bringing 23 high-level wonderful performances and 7 supporting art extension activities to the general public in Shenzhen to jointly play the wonderful music in spring.

  On the occasion of the upcoming second "Belt and Road" international cooperation summit forum, the 2019 Shenzhen "Belt and Road" international music season played a prelude. Since it was held for the first time in 2017, the Music Festival has responded to the national "One Belt, One Road" initiative, focusing on "promoting the spirit of Silk Road and promoting mutual learning among civilizations". By providing an opportunity and a broad platform for countries along the "Belt and Road" to fully display and gather their outstanding national music arts, it has enhanced the integration, exchange and interaction between countries and China cultures, and explained and conveyed the connotation and development concept of Silk Road spirit with music, and reached consensus.

  This season’s art feast has written a wonderful note of harmonious coexistence and harmony between the people of China and the people of the world, effectively promoted the communication and common prosperity and progress of different civilizations in countries and regions along the Belt and Road, and even in the global field, and made Shenzhen a veritable "la la land".

  An important platform for exchanges and dialogues among different civilizations.

  Looking at the well-known art festivals with great influence in China, beijing music festival and Shanghai International Art Festival all belong to the category of big art, and their artistic forms are all-encompassing; The Silk Road International Art Festival in Xi ‘an and the Maritime Silk Road International Art Festival in Quanzhou, which also focus on the Silk Road, respectively focus on the separate display of the Silk Road on land and the Maritime Silk Road due to their geographical advantages.

  Different from the above-mentioned art festivals, the "One Belt, One Road" international music season in Shenzhen adheres to the spirit of "peaceful cooperation, openness and tolerance, exchange and mutual learning, mutual benefit and win-win", and takes the two silk roads of land and sea as the main line of the music season, showing and promoting the traditions and development of countries along the "Belt and Road" and countries around the world in the field of music and art, and playing a symphony of mutual understanding and cooperation in the community of human destiny.

  The theme of the "Belt and Road" international music season is "connecting China and foreign countries and communicating with the world", which fully reflects the cultural responsibility of Shenzhen. At the beginning of the music season, it received great attention and support from all walks of life, and was praised and praised by fans all over the world. In this year’s 23 performances, there are not only classic music such as Franz Wilser-Most concert with Cleveland Orchestra in the United States, but also folk music presented by Indonesian, Qatari, Vietnamese and Georgian art groups along the Belt and Road Initiative.

  Music season is not only a music festival, but also an important platform for exchanges and dialogues between different civilizations in the world. As one of the important extension activities of this year’s music season, the "High-end Dialogue on Modern Dance between China and Israel" takes music as a clue, extends to the field of modern dance, bases itself in Shenzhen and radiates across the country, which promotes the ideological exchange, academic mutual learning and win-win cooperation between China and Israel in the field of modern dance, and will effectively promote modern dance to become an important carrier for consolidating cultural exchanges between China and Israel. Classics and pop, East and West, tradition and contemporary, have merged into colorful art scrolls in Shenzhen, and the theme of "playing Silk Road music together and learning from each other" in the music season has been vividly interpreted.

  After three years of unremitting efforts, the "One Belt, One Road" international music season in Shenzhen has become an important art festival platform for "gathering the world’s top art, encouraging all kinds of artistic creation, focusing on tradition and modernity, and condensing humanities and creativity from all over the world", and it will surely become an important business card for Pengcheng Shenzhen International Music.

  Originality and innovation are different from other festivals.

  Holding the "One Belt, One Road" international music season is an important measure to echo the national "One Belt, One Road" initiative, implement the "Shenzhen Cultural Innovation and Development 2020 (Implementation Plan)", build a global regional cultural center city and an international cultural innovation and creativity pioneer city, and is a brand-new pioneering work to create Shenzhen’s international cultural business card. In the previously released "New Top Ten Cultural Facilities" construction plan of Shenzhen, a number of major cultural and sports facilities such as Shenzhen Opera House and Shenzhen Conservatory of Music have condensed the deep expectations of Shenzhen people; This season’s music season is also actively helping Shenzhen’s new positioning as a "global city", building a music "New Silk Road" starting from Shenzhen, and continuing to enhance city soft power.

  Han Wangxi, deputy director of the "Belt and Road" International Music Festival Executive Committee, said that the city of Shenzhen is full of imagination and creativity, and the melody of music is flowing in its veins. Originality and innovation are the highlights of the music season that are different from other art festivals, and they are also the embodiment of Shenzhen’s urban cultural characteristics.

  In this year’s music season, originality is the soul of music development, whether it is the original concert tailored by Ye Xiaogang, chairman of the China Musicians Association, and many composers, and performed by the National Symphony Orchestra, or the light of the future created by Thai composer Pang Narong, or the brand concert "Mei Lan Zhu Ju" in the music season. Providing a platform for outstanding artists, especially young artists, in countries along the Belt and Road has further condensed the common feelings of countries and people along the route and promoted the consciousness of "community of human destiny".

  The creativity of the "Belt and Road" international music season is also reflected in the relationship between inheritance and innovation. The innovative expression of Cantonese opera works, the cross-border integration of percussion and Beijing opera, the Slovenian symphony carnival, the Polish artist’s rock Chopin and so on are all presented on the basis of classical and traditional art, with the modern expression that young people like, which makes the art have a wonderful chemical reaction in Shenzhen.

  Artists invited to participate in the music season also expressed the concept of "Belt and Road" in a variety of ways with their infinite creativity. Musicians from Vietnam, Georgia, Russia, Qatar, Thailand, Indonesia, Hungary, Slovenia, India, Poland and other countries along the route fully demonstrated their colorful national music art. Artists from other countries and regions use their own musical forms to express their understanding of the Belt and Road Initiative — — Piano master Cazalis, a French citizen, connected the music of 25 countries along the route into a silk road picture through adaptation and creation; Cleveland Orchestra played Ye Xiaogang’s "Guangdong Suite" on his return, and made his own thoughts on the origin and connection of China’s art.




  In 2019, the "Belt and Road" international music season in Shenzhen has the participation of artists from Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, both in the opening concert and in the setting of sections. Zhang Heyun, director of the Shenzhen Municipal Bureau of Culture, Radio, Film, Tourism and Sports and deputy director of the Music Festival Executive Committee, said that Shenzhen is adjacent to Hong Kong and Macao and plays a core engine role in Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area’s "9+2" urban belt. Culture, tourism and sports, especially culture, need to continuously strengthen cooperation and exchanges in this area under the background of Greater Bay Area. You have me and I have you. "Although it is one country, two systems, we are a family, and there are more and more cultural exchanges."

  In addition, the cultivation of young audiences is also a highlight of this year’s music season. In order to let more young audiences enter the concert hall, the lowest student ticket price in 80 yuan was set for all the performances in the music season. Except for Cleveland Orchestra, the ticket price of all other performances below 180 yuan accounted for 30%, and four Huimin performances were open to the public free of charge. In addition, there are young musicians with great positive energy and educational function, such as Emma Doicher, a British prodigy, who provide reference for Shenzhen teenagers to learn art. Various lectures, extended activities and open rehearsals provide a platform for young audiences to communicate with masters at close range.

  In this season’s performances, more and more audiences easily walked into the elegant art hall, enjoyed high-level wonderful performances at close range, shared the light of the city, and enjoyed tangible cultural benefits for the people. (Shenzhen Business Daily reporter Qi Qi/Wen Han Mo/map)

Shipments increased by more than 100% year-on-year, and the price reduction of folding screen mobile phones led to "new war"

"With the continuous increase in R&D investment by Android manufacturers and upstream supply chains, the hardware technology has improved and matured, the application of software systems has been optimized, and the consumer experience has been continuously improved. The further decline in prices has also made more consumers willing to use folding screen mobile phones early. "

On February 20th, the latest quarterly tracking report of mobile phones released by International Data Corporation (IDC) showed that in the fourth quarter of 2023, the market shipment of folding screen mobile phones in China was about 2.771 million units, up 149.6% year-on-year. A number of new products from Huawei, OPPO and Glory promoted the rapid growth of the folding screen market in this quarter.

In 2023, the China folding screen mobile phone market shipped about 7.007 million units, up 114.5% year-on-year. Since the launch of the first product in 2019, the folding screen mobile phone market in China has grown by over 100% year-on-year for four consecutive years.

However, folding screen mobile phones still often appear "the screen is not resistant to falling, the maintenance price is expensive, and the screen itself is prone to problems". Guo Tianxiang, senior analyst of IDC China, told the Beijing News Shell Finance reporter that with the continuous progress and maturity of technology, especially the increasing participation of domestic supply chains, some problems related to folding screens will continue to improve. "But it still takes more time to completely solve it."

The price of folding screen dropped to 400-600 dollars.

The market share of transverse folding products increased to 68% again.

The price of folding screen mobile phone continues to drop. According to IDC data, in 2023, the share of mobile phones with folding screens above $1,000 has dropped from 81.0% a year ago to 66.5%, down 14. 5 percentage points year-on-year. In addition to the overall cost reduction, the products in vertical folding form are relatively cheaper, which also makes the price of folding screen drop to the price range of 400-600 dollars in 2023.

In terms of product form, horizontal folding products are more popular with consumers in China. Although the price of vertical folding products is relatively lower, horizontal folding products have been favored by more consumers in China because they can better reflect the big screen experience of folding screen mobile phones. In 2023, the market share of transverse folding products increased to 68.1%, up by 10.4 percentage points year-on-year.

At present, the vertical folding products are not only easy to carry, but also consumers still lack the necessary use scenarios. At the same price, there is also a clear gap between the use experience and the straight board machine, and there is still room for improvement in product quality.

IDC pointed out that the importance of horizontal folding products in the mobile office scene of high-end business people is increasing. At the same time, the high-end people pay less attention to the price, and are more willing to choose the horizontal folding products with full product configuration.

Recently, it has been reported that individual mobile phone manufacturers have stopped planning to release new small folding models this year. In this regard, Guo Tianxiang said to the Shell Finance reporter that it is mainly a demand issue. "There is no rigid requirement for vertical folding usage scenarios. The sales volume is not up, the price is not high, and the product quality problems lead to great after-sales pressure, and the final cost is high, and most manufacturers are losing money. Individual manufacturers are not saying that they will not do it at all, but they will be suspended. When the supply chain technology is more mature and the cost and quality are better, they may come back. "

Huawei occupies the first place in the domestic folding screen market in 2023.

Folding screen is still the key product of various manufacturers in 2024.

In terms of the market performance of folding screen mobile phone manufacturers, the above report pointed out that Huawei Mate X5 series has been in a state of price increase since its listing, and the supply is in short supply, helping Huawei firmly occupy the first position in the domestic folding screen market in 2023, with a market share of 37.4%.

OPPO gained 18.3% market share and ranked second in the overall folding screen market; Among them, the market share of vertical folding products ranks first with 36.3%; The horizontal fold Find N3 series has been widely praised around the world.

Glory made great efforts in the folding screen mobile phone market in the second half of 2023, and won the third place in the folding screen mobile phone market for the whole year with the hot sales of Magic V2 and other new folding products, with a share of 17.7%, and the shipment volume increased by 467.0% year-on-year, with the fastest growth rate.

Samsung occupies more than half of the global folding screen mobile phone market, but ranks fourth in the highly competitive China market with 11% market share. Vivo ranks fifth, and its first 5G horizontal folding product X Fold 2 released in 2023 is about to be replaced.

Guo Tianxiang concluded that "thinness" has become the primary factor affecting consumers’ choice of folding screen mobile phones. However, if the pursuit of "thinness" blindly leads to the decline of reliability, it will directly affect consumers’ long-term choices in the future. However, the use scenario of vertical folding products has not been fully discovered, and products that position potential users as "fashionable young women" will form direct competition with Apple.

"Folding screen mobile phones are still the key products of various manufacturers in 2024. The participation of more manufacturers and the launch of more products will continue to promote the rapid development of the folding screen mobile phone market. " Guo Tianxiang said.

In addition to the flexible size of the screen itself, will there be some new innovation highlights compared with the straight board machine? In this regard, Guo Tianxiang responded to reporters that vertical folding products are more convenient to carry after folding. Horizontal folding products are mainly the advantages of large screen, but more need to be reflected by the adaptation of software system applications.

Beijing News Shell Financial Reporter Sun Wenxuan

Editor Yue Caizhou

Proofread Liu Baoqing

Search in a circle without jumping into Samsung Galaxy S24 series, opening up a new way of mobile phone search.

People’s demand for accurate and fast access to information is growing day by day. Whether it’s proper nouns in the field of work or new bags they see during the drama, they need to know more details quickly. With the continuous development of AI technology, mobile phone applications are also constantly innovating to provide users with more convenient and intelligent services. Samsung Galaxy S24 series pioneered the function of "search by circle", which combines AI technology with search experience, and brings users a brand-new search method with intuitive interaction, which can obtain valuable information more efficiently and quickly.

In the past, when I saw unknown things on my mobile phone and wanted to explore them in depth, the first thing I had to do was to leave what I was browsing, open a browser or a specific APP, type in keywords, and even take screenshots and upload pictures to complete the search. The function of "circle and search" greatly simplifies this process, which is deeply integrated into the system. Therefore, users do not need to leave the screen they are browsing, just press the Home button for a long time, and then circle the content of interest on the screen with their fingers or S Pen. Samsung Galaxy S24 series will intelligently analyze the circled content with the help of high-precision image segmentation, OCR recognition and large model understanding, and quickly return the search results in the current window. You don’t need to take photos or take screenshots, and you don’t have to rack your brains to think about what keywords to use to search. You can immediately understand the unknown world through simple gestures.

Thanks to the unimaginable convenience experience, the instant search function of Samsung Galaxy S24 series allows you to obtain useful information at any time. If you are planning a trip and want to know the attractions, food and local customs of the destination, you can directly circle other people’s travel notes, pictures or videos when browsing travel blogs or social media by using the instant search function of Samsung Galaxy S24 series. AI will analyze the content of the circle selection, provide detailed information that can be used for travel strategy, and help to understand the destination in depth and plan the itinerary.

Shopping is an indispensable part of people’s daily life. Browse the street photos of the new season on the Internet, or you are interested in the clothes of the people in the drama when you are chasing the drama. At this time, the function of "circle search" can also provide convenience. No matter whether you are browsing pictures or videos, as long as you press the Home button and circle the items you are interested in, the system will identify and search related products through AI to help make more informed shopping decisions.

News report is one of the important ways for people to get current affairs information. When reading news articles or watching news videos, sometimes you will encounter interesting topics or want to know more about them. At this time, the function of "circle search" can help to get more relevant information quickly. Just press the Home button for a long time and circle the key content, that is, circle and search, which can help to understand the event more comprehensively.

Samsung Galaxy S24 series pioneered the function of circle-to-circle search, which combined artificial intelligence technology with search engine, realized intelligent identification and rapid acquisition of information, and provided users with a brand-new search experience. In daily life, whether planning a trip, shopping for goods or reading news, the function of circle-to-circle search can give full play to its advantages, provide users with search services more conveniently and accurately, and greatly improve the efficiency and experience of information acquisition.

Whether you see flowers you have never seen before when traveling in a foreign country, or encounter unfamiliar terms when delving into scientific research topics, the instant search function of Samsung Galaxy S24 series can quickly find the information you need without interrupting the browsing experience. In addition, the Samsung Galaxy S24 series is also equipped with rich AI applications such as real-time call translation, note taking assistant, transcription assistant, and generative editing. The vast world empowered by Galaxy AI is waiting for you to explore.

Disclaimer: The market is risky, so you should be careful when choosing! This article is for reference only, not as a basis for trading.

Spicy Interview | Hong Ying, the original author of Lanxin Grand Theatre: Lou Ye was born for movies

Text | AnnaKarina

Edit | AnnaKarina

On September 4, 2019, The Lanxin Grand Theatre premiered at the Venice International Film Festival, which was the first time that Hong Ying, the author of the original novel Death in Shanghai, saw the film twice a day.

Writer Hong Ying commented that "Lanxin Grand Theatre" filmed the original content of the novel, and also photographed something that sank at the bottom of the text. It is a film."Pure art film with spy war shell", at the same time, is a."Pure feminist film".

Feminism, which is what Lou Ye is most interested in "Death in Shanghai". From the original work to the film, feminism is a personal choice finally made by Yu Yan under the influence of the times, and it is the sharp knife that Baiyun Shang stabbed Mo Zhiyin’s lower body.

However, Hong Ying’s fascination with Shanghai and her concern for women make her attach great importance to the restoration of time. Even in Lust, Caution by Ang Lee, she is not satisfied with the background and characterization. But Lou Ye didn’t slack off, so there was the "island" Shanghai in "Lanxin Grand Theatre". In the eyes of Hong Ying, "Lou Ye was born for movies, and it is important to regard movies as the first thing in life.He is not sociable and saves more time to study movies. “

Going to the cinema in Lou Ye always makes people nervous, and the shift of "Lanxin Grand Theatre" seems to be expected. After nearly three years, it finally meets the audience. butLou Ye and Hong Ying, who have known each other for many years, began to cooperate in the 1990s, and it was not until the Lanxin Grand Theatre nearly 30 years later that the interweaving of words and images was completed..


Shanghai, Shanghai

The death of Shanghai, pun intended.First, the opening part reveals the tragic ending of the heroine Yu Yan jumping from the top floor of the international hotel, leaving no room; The second refers to the city of Shanghai, which has fallen into"Double Death"In the middle.

"In the deafening sound of guns, Shanghai was swallowed up piece by piece. Sad cries come out of underground water holes and linger in the air. "In Hong Ying’s description, Shanghai was" dead "in the process of building a strong ship and sharpening its guns; However, "the mountains and rivers are broken, and the citizens are more addicted to pleasure … even if the land in Shenzhou is sinking … people on the isolated island are more drunk than before … Shanghai has become a freak in the war … China may survive, but this Shanghai is hard to survive", which is its second death.

In Lan Xin Grand Theatre, Tan Na, the director played by Mark Chao, directed a play and invited Yu Yan, played by Gong Li, to return to Shanghai from Hong Kong to play the heroine. The play is called.Saturday novel. This play is adapted from the novel Shanghai by Japanese writer Yokomitsu Liyi. The work describes the May 30th Movement in 1925, and Lou Ye changed the story of "romantic affairs" in the original work into a tragic tragedy. The English title of "Lanxin Grand Theatre" directly uses "Saturday Fiction", which is very obvious.

One is Shanghai in the war years. The protagonists in the film are all intellectuals and artists. They go in and out of hotels and theaters and live a decent and prosperous life for the middle class. In the play, it is a more real story of the left-wing bloody struggle. Lou Ye admits that this is a class supplement to the main story; In addition, Lou Ye has also set up two important scenes, one is a prostitute warming herself outside the hotel, and the other is a laundry and ironing lady in the hotel, so that we can get a glimpse of a more three-dimensional Shanghai.

The second is to show the cowardice and powerlessness of the left-wing director Tan Na. He hopes to be a revolutionary like Yu Yan, but as an artist, his body retreats in the face of violence, and he can’t reach the front line, so he can only support the workers’ movement through drama. He was forced to get involved, as he himself said, he was a pawn, butIn this life-and-death war, who is not a pawn that has been used and sacrificed?

Lou Ye played the role of the play to the extreme, and his deeper intention was to criticize the "Saturday School". "Saturday School" is a literary school in the early years of the Republic of China. It is the aftermath of "Yuanyang Butterfly School", a replica of Crescent School, and an interesting literature that promotes games and recreation.

At that time, Tan Na’s left-wing troupe was in opposition to Saturday School, but Lou Ye used a left-wing director to direct a drama called Saturday Novel to tell an anti-imperialist strike of workers, in which the irony was concrete and brilliant.In the current context, isn’t this an accusation against frivolous mainstream entertainment and the supremacy of pleasing?

Although "Lanxin Grand Theatre" is a black-and-white film, it is a color film in Lou Ye’s view, because he thinks that the workers’ strike situation explained in "Saturday Novel" is "Chromatogram of Shanghai in 1941",remove the surface color, the gray level between black and white needs more rigorous treatment.

In the black-and-white presentation, Lou Ye used the consistent hand-held lens to "shake" the uneasy environment and the confusing fate of the characters, and extended the inner world of the characters to history and politics to complete the real expression. Therefore, Lou Ye expressed his sympathy for this "isolated island" in his way, even though he didn’t spend too much time on the urban landscape of Shanghai.


Yu Yan, Qiu Lan

"At sea, the lighthouse does not exist in the darkness for a person. Butterflies fly freely, which is actually the same fate as being a specimen. But in the process of flying, no god can dominate this fate. "

Hong Ying, a writer, regarded this passage in the original work as a key to open this story. She privately thought that the lighthouse was the spark of revolution, while the butterfly was a woman in troubled times like Yu Yan. This passage implied their unknown fate, and at the same time, they could make rational judgments independently and their free will was not bound.

In Shanghai in December, the dark clouds were overwhelming and the rain was complicated. This rain has been falling from the original book to the film, which is a painful note behind this seemingly glamorous city. In the film, Yu Yan returned to Shanghai in the heavy rain. The "panic" lens swept through the cold and damp, capturing her tightly wrapped face. The flash of the reporter’s camera was like a lightning bolt that cut through the darkness, indicating that her return was doomed.

From then on, she had two names, one was Yu Yan, who was well known, and the other was Qiu Lan, who led the workers’ strike in the drama.At the same time, she has multiple identities, such as star, spy, ex-wife, lover, daughter and woman, which makes her have to be watertight in front of others and treading on thin ice behind.

Hong Ying mentioned that "spy plays are mostly literary plays, and knives are used at most", while spy missions are the front lines in the battlefield behind enemy lines. In this wrestling field where multiple forces are mixed, everyone’s face is vague, but everyone with tasks is as agile as an eagle.The charm of Lou Ye’s "shaking" lens is that everyone who is deeply involved in it can’t see the overall situation, and the audience doesn’t have God’s perspective, but you can always feel the weight of a sharp eye in those flashes of focus.

But Yu Yan is not a cold-faced killer, nor does she rely on selling her beauty for information. In the film, from seeing Ni Zeren, the detained ex-husband, to hugging Tan Na after being forcibly photographed by the Japanese army, to hypnotizing Japanese intelligence officer Tanya Saburo, and the decisive battle on Saturday night, Yu Yan cried four times, without crying, all silently, letting tears flow on her face.

The next morning after she hypnotized Bai Yunshang, Bai Yunshang knelt beside her and leaned her head on her chest. After Tan Na stopped the Japanese from taking a photo, he buried himself in her shoulder. Compared with lust, the author sees more powerful and affectionate motherhood, which may benefit from Gong Li’s own charm, because Yu Yan in the original book is only 27 years old and does not have this weathered beauty.

The image of rain is like violet’s wet face, and the tears gush out again before they are dry.In the torrential rain on the night of the decisive battle, the literary drama set the stage, and the martial arts drama ended. Yu Yan pulled out her gun and walked alone in the Lanxin Grand Theatre. She knew that she was going to be a butterfly that was made into a specimen, so she shed tears and shot at the same time, and reason was not dominated by compassion.

On the other hand, in order to force the United States, which is on the sidelines, to show its position, her free will finally made her choose to "betray" her faith (adoptive father) for greater justice, and at the same time, she chose to go to more specific love when she could get away with it (Tan Na).This is a sacrifice, but also a double suicide.. This is the complete embodiment of modernity in pansy.


Lou Ye, the movie.

In the face of Lou Ye’s films, what is certain now is that he is not afraid of no audience.

At first, Lou Ye seems to have had doubts about his market appeal.

In 1993, the first film "Weekend Lover", which took more than 40 days to shoot, was finally released on a small scale at midnight on weekends after two years of review. Shanghai first appeared in Lou Ye’s lens through "Weekend Lovers".

Censorship, underground, is the shadow attached to Lou Ye’s films from the beginning.

Frustrated, Lou Ye couldn’t escape the confusion of the dislocation between art and business: "It is becoming more and more difficult to decide whether antonioni’s film or Jackie Chan’s" The Red Fan District "is closer to the essence of the film."

A film that can’t meet the audience, part of its meaning will be dissolved. Perhaps it is to realize this, or it is the pressure of reality. Lou Ye turned to the system and filmed a thriller suspense movie "Girl in Danger", soLou Ye has never rejected commercialization, but he always "smuggled goods" under the framework of genre. Even today, if the concepts of stream of consciousness, vanguard and artistry are put into commercial genre films, not many viewers will buy it.

After several searches, Lou Ye came to Suzhou Creek, focusing on Shanghai again. On the oldest black and smelly water body in China, the love story of Motor and Peony was born from Lou Ye’s Super 8 camera.

Then came the 30-million-yuan production of Purple Butterfly, and on the eve of the outbreak of War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, Shanghai merged into the faces of Zhang Ziyi and Liu Ye; Then came Yu Hong, the Summer Palace became synonymous with prohibition, and Lou Ye began to become a "fighter" in everyone’s mouth.

"Confusion and trial and error of intellectuals in social transformation" is the state of the characters in the film and a portrayal of Lou Ye himself, but is he really that confused? Not necessarily. In 2014, the poster of "Massage" was impressively printed.The slogan "Individual travelers should do it" is the insistence of the characters in the film, and it is also the reference of Lou Ye’s loyalty to himself in reality.

From the beginning to the present, he has never given up his pursuit of image style and personal expression. In terms of commercialization and artistic presentation, he has long been able to make a clear distinction: "Cooperate as much as possible on the bottom line and resolutely quit under the bottom line. I try to be happy. "

In front of Lou Ye, there are only movies, and in his eyes, movies are not just about telling a story.

The city is always Louyedian.Shadow business card,Magic Shanghai, lost Beijing, shaky Wuhan, turbulent Guangzhou, Lou Ye’s lens carved a landmark full of emotions. He once said: "The city is the skin of the film, and it is best to be combined with the story and have uniqueness."And it is always people who are placed in the foreground of this huge background board.It’s motor and peony, Yu Hong, Yu Yan, and what surrounds them is the torrent of the times and the historical process.

At the same time, Lou Ye is still exploring the audio-visual and structure.

Lou Ye has publicly expressed his disappointment with Rome directed by Alfonso Cuarón. He thinks that the black-and-white image of Rome is too exquisite and beautiful. "Then a film about the proletariat uses a completely bourgeois image.". When he came to Lanxin Grand Theatre, Lou Ye broke the exquisiteness of the picture with rough images that he was always good at. At the same time, he dispelled the bourgeois tendency of the film by supplementing the class and satirizing the "Saturday School".

Structurally, Lanxin Grand Theatre makes the play in the play to the extreme, allowing the audience to "magically" shuttle between reality and illusion, but if you are careful enough, you will find that Tan Na’s glasses are the password to unlock this magic. Structural addition to linear narrative and "blank space" in narrative through a large number of skipping clips greatly increase the richness of the story.

Looking back, this is just a story from Monday to Sunday, from the day of return to the night of decisive battle.Subtitles constantly remind the audience of the urgency of time like flipping through a calendar, but the "effective information" of the spy war action is not directly fed to the audience, and the audience needs to disentangle themselves from the struggles, passions and secret fragments of the characters.

So, this is just Lou Ye once again. "In the name of typology, do the opposite of typology."that’s all,This is the threshold of Lou Ye’s films. When you no longer regard the text as the first essence of the film, and regard the form and content as a narrative whole, audio-visual language is no longer an auxiliary expression, and at the same time capture the ideographic meaning outside the narrative, you will truly become his audience.Lou Ye once said: "You can believe it, because it happened in my lens;" You can also not believe it, because there are other things happening outside the camera lens. "

Lou Ye is not a fighter, he is just a film writer."Lanxin Grand Theatre" In the end, when the Japanese army broke into the stage with guns, the protagonist was in crisis, and the drama and reality were highly coincident in an instant. This is the art of violence intervention. We didn’t know the danger was coming until the stray bullet hit the audience.

Lou Ye said:All narratives of history are narratives of today.This is the modernity of Lanxin Grand Theatre.


Banks raise the threshold of free SMS notification. To save money, you have to use mobile banking.

  The picture shows a Nanjing citizen showing her bank cards of different banks. (Profile photo) Photo by China News Service reporter Li Bo

  BEIJING, Beijing, August 13 (Zhong Qing) Did not receive the SMS reminder from the bank by swiping a credit card to buy a box mask? Is there something wrong with the banking system? Or didn’t the deduction succeed at all? According to a survey conducted by a reporter from Zhongxin. com, in order to develop the mobile financial business, the bank once again raised the threshold of free SMS notification, and switched to the client and WeChat WeChat official account to provide a series of free services to guide users to use mobile banking.

  Investigation — —

  After debit card, banks raise the threshold of free SMS notification for credit cards.

  "Recently, I always didn’t receive SMS prompts when I swiped my card. At first, I thought that the system was slow and delayed, and then it appeared several times." Xiao Wang, who is usually very restrained in spending, will check text messages and calculate accounts from time to time.

  Later, Xiao Wang called the bank for consultation and learned that it was the bank that increased the credit card SMS reminder quota, and no longer sent SMS messages after spending 300 yuan.

  The reporter found that many banks are gradually raising the threshold for free SMS reminders of credit cards. Industrial and Commercial Bank of China since August 1st,Stop sending credit card RMB transaction amount below (including) 300 yuan balance change reminder SMS., instead of sending information through the e-linked mobile phone client.

  “Including the use of credit cards at ATMs, as long as it does not exceed 300 yuan, it will not send free SMS reminders."ICBC customer service staff said that the initiative has been launched nationwide.

  China Merchants Bank also set up the 300 yuan threshold. The customer service staff told the reporter: "Since February 2014, China Merchants Bank has cancelled the SMS reminder for credit card consumption within 300 yuan, butEach consumption detail can be sent to users through WeChat WeChat official account, and WeChat official account also has the functions of checking the amount and repayment in installments."

  The SMS prompt of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank’s credit card triggers a higher amount. Starting from July 20th, the trigger amount of short message notification for online credit card transaction under personal name of Shanghai Pudong Development Bank was adjusted to 500 yuan.If cardholders want to know the whole story of each transaction through SMS, they need to buy this service at the price of 4 yuan every month.

  The SMS reminder service for debit cards remains basically unchanged. After adjustment in recent years, at present, most domestic banks charge a monthly SMS reminder fee ranging from 2-4 yuan for ordinary debit card accounts with this function.

  Tracing the cause — —

  Respond to the impact of third-party payment and make efforts in the field of mobile finance

  "On the one hand, banks adjust the SMS reminder method to reduce the cost of sending SMS through mobile operators; On the other hand, sending information in a closed loop in the banking system can improve security, "Guo Jing, an analyst at Analysys Financial, explained to the reporter of Zhongxin.com..

  Take ICBC’s e-link mobile phone client as an example. If users want to receive free balance change reminders, they need to bind the bank card with the client and turn on the automatic push function of the software.

  Some insiders believe that with the rapid development of the mobile Internet,The banking industry has suffered from the impact of new financial models such as third-party payment platforms. The ultimate goal is for banks to cancel the free SMS reminder service for small changes and guide consumers to form the habit of using electronic channels such as online banking and mobile banking..

  Guo Jing said that compared with the traditional short message service and counter service, WeChat WeChat official account and mobile client make financial services more flexible and convenient. "Mobile finance has the advantages of network-wide interconnection, high-speed data exchange and self-service completion, and it also has the mobility and portability of anytime and anywhere interconnection, making it easier for customers to accept and master."

  In his view, the development of mobile finance is an extension of bank outlets and an expansion of service channels; It can not only give full play to its convenience advantages, but also create personalized services according to customer needs.

  Depth — —

  Mobile banking transfer and remittance step into the era of "free"

  On December 25, 2015, the People’s Bank of China officially issued the Notice on Improving Personal Bank Account Services and Strengthening Account Management, proposing that "commercial banks are encouraged to exempt depositors from handling fees for transfer and remittance services below a certain amount through online banking and mobile banking".

  The introduction of the policy ended the "individual combat" of banks, laid the foundation for online banking and mobile banking transfer fees to enter a comprehensive free stage, and banks began to "group" to promote the new regulations.

  On February 25th, ICBC, Agricultural Bank, China Bank, China Construction Bank and Bank of Communications.The "five major banks" rarely joined hands and announced that they would waive the handling fee for individual customers’ transfer and remittance services through mobile banking.; Transfer and remittance services of less than 5,000 yuan handled through online banking are free of handling fees.

  On July 28th, China CITIC Bank and China Merchants Bank.Twelve joint-stock banks set up the "Commercial Bank Network Finance Alliance", announcing that all users of the alliance banks can handle inter-bank transfer business through electronic channels (mobile banking and personal online banking) free of charge..

  Recently, the reporter learned from the announcement of "Five Major Banks" in official website and the customer service staff that the "Five Major Banks" have implemented the fee concessions for individual customers to transfer money through mobile banking and online banking.

  Extension — —

  Middle-aged and elderly customers are embarrassed to open exclusive services or the general trend.

  "Now banks are encouraging online operations. In the future, the cost of going to outlets to do business will definitely be higher and higher. Even many high-yield wealth management products are exclusive to mobile phones, which is a bit embarrassing for middle-aged and elderly people."

  Ms. Wu, who just retired from a public institution at the beginning of the year, said that it is no problem to read news and send messages with smart phones, but online shopping only chooses cash on delivery. "The behavior involving money is still not used to being done on mobile phones."

  "It is the general trend to open exclusive mobile financial services for the elderly." Guo Jing pointed out that China has entered an aging society. According to data from the Ministry of Civil Affairs, as ofBy the end of 2015, there were 222 million elderly people aged 60 and over in China, accounting for 16.1%. "It is a pretty big blue ocean for banks, and there is no reason to give up."

  Guo Jing suggested developing a dedicated online bank or client for the elderly, and introducing corresponding security functions, such as setting a hard limit for online banking and mobile banking transfer and remittance; At the same time, provide regular financial knowledge training and cognitive assessment for the elderly to raise their awareness of safety protection. (End)

Time and Space Technology: Yang Yaohua plans to reduce his holdings by no more than 2.98 million shares.

The chairman of Time and Space Technology is Gong Gonghai, male, 50 years old, with a bachelor’s degree background; The general manager is Jiang Huapeng, male, 47 years old, with a junior college education background.

As of press time, the market value of Time and Space Technology is 1.7 billion yuan.

1. In the past 30 days, no organization has conducted research on space-time technology;
2. Time and Space Technology last announced its reduction on July 15, 2023, and fell by 0.48% on the second trading day. Time and Space Technology issued two reduction announcements in the past year.

(Reporter Cai Ding)