
Kobe Bryant’s former full-time pilot: the helicopter crashed in good condition or because of the weather

  The picture shows the crash site.

  Overseas Network January 27th Local time January 26th, NBA star Kobe Bryant was killed in a helicopter crash in California, USA, at the age of 41. Kurt Deetz, a former full-time pilot of Kobe Bryant, said that the crashed helicopter was like a "luxury car" with a good safety record, and the crash was more likely caused by bad weather.

  According to the Los Angeles Times, Deeds is a former pilot of "IEX Express Helicopters" and worked as a full-time pilot for Kobe Bryant from 2014 to 2016. He introduced that Kobe will take Sikorsky S-76B helicopter nine times out of ten trips. When Kobe retired in 2016, he arrived in downtown Los Angeles by the same helicopter.

  Dietz said that Kobe prefers Sikorsky S-76B and compares this helicopter to a "limousine". Dietz recalled: "Every time I flew with Kobe, he was always quiet, and he would say hello and say ‘ Hi ’ And then give a thumbs up, or say nothing, he is very professional. "

  According to the published flight records, this Sikorsky S-76B helicopter was built in 1991. Dietz flew on this plane for more than 1,000 hours, and called it "excellent". Sikorsky S-76B helicopter is also loved by celebrities because of its comfort and safety.

  The crashed helicopter belongs to "IEX Helicopter Company", and Dietz said that the company strictly abides by the "complete maintenance plan" for helicopter maintenance. Dietz guessed that the crash was more likely caused by bad weather than by engine or mechanical problems.

  Dietz said: "The helicopter seems to hit the ground at a very fast speed, with a speed of about 160 miles per hour (about 257 kilometers per hour). After flying for 40 minutes, there are about 800 pounds of fuel on the helicopter, which is enough to cause a fire."

  At about 10 am local time on January 26th, a helicopter crash occurred in California, USA. Kobe Bryant, a famous NBA star, died in this plane crash at the age of 41.

  At the time of the accident, Kobe was taking a helicopter to Mamba College for basketball training, accompanied by his 13-year-old daughter Jaina Maria. When the plane was flying over Calabaca, it suddenly crashed on a hillside 30 miles northwest of Los Angeles and caught fire for "unknown reasons". The Los Angeles County Police Department told reporters that when the helicopter crashed, there were 9 people on board, including 8 passengers and 1 pilot, all of whom were killed.

  Kobe Bryant was born in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA on August 23rd, 1978. He was selected by Charlotte Hornets in the NBA draft in 1996, and then traded to Los Angeles Lakers as a shooting guard and a small forward. As an adult, Kobe spent most of his life in the coastal area of Orange County in southern Los Angeles. Due to the poor traffic conditions in Southern California, he often takes part in training and competitions by helicopter to save time.

  During his 20-year career, he led the Lakers to win the NBA championship five times and was selected to the NBA All-Star Team 18 times, becoming the third leading scorer in NBA history. On April 14th, 2016, Kobe Bryant announced his retirement after completing the last regular-season game of his career. (Overseas network Zhu Huiyue)

On March 3rd, the 11th World Wildlife Day entered the Wildlife Park.

This article was transferred from tianshan net;
March 3rd, 2024 is the 11th World Wildlife Day. Xiao Bian of tianshan net Popular Science Studio walked into Karamay and visited Karamay, a "wildlife paradise" in early spring through the lens.

Karamaili, located in the east of Junggar Basin, is the native place of wild wild horse Platts, the largest wild habitat and breeding ground in the world. In addition to the rare wild horses of Platts, which are rarer than giant pandas, there are also rare and endangered wild animals such as Mongolian wild donkey, goose throat antelope, argali, lynx, red fox and sand fox, which is a concentrated distribution area of ungulate wild animals in low-altitude desert in China. It has many types of desert vegetation, such as Haloxylon ammodendron and Calligonum mongolicum, and is a typical representative of desert ecosystem in temperate arid regions of the world. There is also a unique natural landscape of clastic rock landform represented by Yadan landform in arid areas.
It is understood that there are 392 species of wild plants and 260 species of wild animals in Karamay.

In April, 2022, the application for the creation of Kalamaili National Park was approved. The creation area consists of three protected areas: Kalamaili Mountain ungulate wildlife nature reserve, Qitai Silicified Wood-Dinosaur National Geopark in Xinjiang and Qitai Silicified Wood desert park in Xinjiang.
Today, Karamay has been upgraded from the traditional "human eye view" to the "celestial eye view", and it has achieved "global patrol and adjustment at any time" from "local patrol". Heavy-duty pan/tilt, infrared camera, unmanned aerial vehicle and satellite communication make it full of scientific and technological sense.
Planning: Ding Tao Yang Tao Ding Wen
Photography: Niu Tai
Text/clip: Ding Wen
Tianshan net popularization of science studio Aisen film
Joint production

Millions of greedy people openly shouted: I didn’t make a mistake! The prosecutor used this trick to silence him.

  CCTV News:Recently, the Intermediate People’s Court of Zibo City, Shandong Province publicly pronounced the case of Lu Zaimo, former member of the Standing Committee of Shandong Provincial People’s Congress and former chairman of the Foreign Affairs Committee of Ethnic Affairs, accepting bribes, embezzling and misappropriating public funds. The defendant Lu Zaimo was sentenced to 14 years in prison and fined 600,000 yuan.

  At the age of 18, he served as the secretary of the Youth League Committee of Rushan County in Yantai, the head of Fushan District in Yantai at the age of 36, the mayor of Jining at the age of 48, and the first director of the Department of Commerce in the history of Shandong Province at the age of 55. Lu Zaimo’s career can be said to be smooth.

  At work, Lu Zaimo was highly effective and conscientious, and was praised as a "good cadre". However, it is this glamorous "star" official who used his position to illegally accept property of more than 4.28 million yuan; It also reimbursed many times the monthly expenses, transportation expenses, meals and other expenses that should be paid by individuals and families for more than 170,000 yuan; Even the public funds of 9 million yuan from Shandong Provincial Department of Commerce were used to buy houses, decorate houses and buy vehicles in Yantai for their personal use.

  At this point, in the face of censorship, Lu Zaimo refused to explain the problem, and even yelled at the case handlers: "I didn’t make any mistakes, you are so unfair to me! I want to report you! "

  However, no matter how tough his attitude is, he can’t change the outcome that he will be caught if he reaches out.

  Restore massive evidence and sit on the "iron case"

  According to Zhang Jingya, the procurator of the Third Public Prosecution Office of Shandong Provincial People’s Procuratorate, in case Lu Zaimo did not plead guilty, the case handlers worked around the clock almost every day, made a pre-judgment of every possible situation, and went back and forth to Jinan and Zibo several times to look for evidence. Finally, I found a key witness, Qi Moumou, who gave Lu Zaimo 1.5 million yuan in cash four times since 2003.

  In August 2016, Lu Zaimo was suspected of accepting bribes, embezzling and misappropriating public funds. The key witness, Zhai Moumou, testified in court, but Lu Zaimo did not look at him. He even insisted that "I don’t know him at all, and I have no impression at all. The bribe of 1.5 million yuan is unnecessary."

  Lu Zaimo (data map)

  Lu Zaimo’s reaction, investigators have long expected.

  In order to confirm the testimony of the witness, the case-handling personnel went to the scene in advance to extract the paper bag used by the witness company to bribe Lu Zaimo. After the test, it was found that it could indeed hold the cash and gifts mentioned by the witness. Bribery money can be found from the company’s finances; Witnesses can clearly explain the purpose of the loan in detail … …

  In this way, more evidence of bribery by Lu Zaimo was restored one by one.

  The investigators also adopted synchronous recording and video recording technology when Lv Zaimo was first arraigned, and kept all the guilty confessions he made before the trial.

  In the face of overwhelming evidence, Lu Zaimo was finally speechless.

  Diet Coke, jiaozi and Longevity Noodles Break the Suspect’s Psychological Defense Line.

  In the face of censorship, some people are arrogant, while others play dumb.

  Qi Guangsen, a discipline inspector at the tenth discipline inspection and supervision office of the Beijing Municipal Commission for Discipline Inspection, has encountered such a situation.

  When conducting a disciplinary review of Yu of the Municipal Public Security Bureau, Yu pretended to be deaf and dumb and said nothing. Qi Guangsen found that Yu did not speak because he worked in the judicial department for a long time and was very aware of the consequences of his violation of discipline and law.

  After careful observation, Yu was most concerned about his elderly mother, so he adjusted his work ideas and conversation strategies in time, focused on family influence and policy, insisted on talking with Yu every day, had dinner together, and carefully prepared a sugar-free coke that Yu loved to drink.

  In the first 20 days, Yu was still expressionless and stubborn, but Qi Guangsen didn’t give up, and finally influenced Yu to truthfully confess his disciplinary behavior.

  In fact, "moving people with emotion" has long been a common method for case handlers to break through the psychological defense of the censor.

  According to previous media reports, at the beginning of 2014, a cadre of a unit in Xicheng District of Beijing seriously violated the law and was taken "double regulations" measures. Just before the Spring Festival, in order to stabilize the mood of the investigated cadres, the staff of the Commission for Discipline Inspection of Xicheng District of Beijing ensured that he ate jiaozi on the New Year’s Eve, and let him watch the Spring Festival Gala if conditions permitted.

  Similarly, when investigating a case a few years ago, the day when the Xicheng District Commission for Discipline Inspection took the subject to the "double regulations" happened to be his birthday. The staff first gave him a bowl of longevity noodles during the meal. Seeing the noodles, the cadre burst into tears. The follow-up investigation of this case was very smooth.

  Judge the facts of a crime in English

  In order to avoid the organization’s inquiry, what’s more, they came up with a "crooked trick" to communicate and talk with the case handlers in English.

  In the interrogation room of the Dazu District Procuratorate in Chongqing, there was such a scene: the prosecutor Lu Duandong conducted an exchange trial of the suspect in English.


  Lu Duandong (right) discusses the case with colleagues.

  It was a corruption case that Lu Duandong’s case-handling team took over. After the case arrived, the suspect Liu refused to cooperate. During the trial, Liu even insisted that the interrogators communicate with him in English.

  Lu Duandong found that Liu had the habit of persisting in learning English because of his master’s degree and his daughter’s studying in Canada, and his oral English level was also high.

  Grasping this point, Lu Duandong asked during the trial: "If we interrogate in English, you will honestly explain the facts of the crime?"

  Liu didn’t expect the prosecutor on the other side to ask this question, and smiled silently.

  Therefore, after work, Lu Duandong began to suddenly train his listening and speaking skills, preparing for the next contest with Liu.

  The second interrogation of Liu, Lu Duandong calmly and fluently talked with him about English, Liu’s psychological defense line was broken a little bit, and more and more criminal facts were confessed.

  During the trial break, Liu asked, "What do you think of using ‘ Fight back ’ Is it appropriate to describe my current situation? "

  "No, I think ‘ The trapped beast still fights ’ This word is more suitable for you. " Lu Duandong said.

  After listening to the word "trapped beast still fights", Liu was silent for a long time and confessed all the criminal facts.

  Facts have proved that no matter how cunning a fox is, it can’t compete with a resourceful and good hunter. Any act of resisting censorship and inquiry will ultimately be nothing more than shooting yourself in the foot. Corruption and violation of discipline are like stepping into a swamp, sinking deeper and deeper, and breaking free with brute force can only accelerate the fall. (Text/Chen Xin)

Today, beginning of autumn, this autumn, I wish you all the best.

The wind blows a leaf.
Everything has surprised autumn.
The breeze gently brushed the treetops.
The solar terms in beginning of autumn came quietly.
Data Map: The park is full of green shadows and flowers. Photo by Wang Jiaoni
"Make autumn ten days in advance"
The arrival of this solar term in beginning of autumn
Doesn’t mean the heat is over.
Often have to wait until the "summer" comes.
Is the basic farewell to summer
Beginning of autumn is the first solar term in autumn.
"Li" means "start"
A beautiful and moving autumn picture
Spread out slowly on the earth
Data Map: The picture shows the sky in Daxing ‘anling, Inner Mongolia in autumn. Photo by Li Ming
The summer heat slowly dissipated.
It’s a little cooler in the autumn wind
Crystal clear dew
Dotted with green leaves
Welcome the morning sunshine
Milk crow scattered jade screen empty.
A pillow is cool and a fan is cool.
Beginning of autumn will "chew the autumn" after that.
Some places are also called "biting autumn"
Eat a delicious watermelon.
Welcome the arrival of autumn.
Data map: The picture shows the "autumn" placed by the staff with watermelons. Photo by Chen Chao
It is easy to have a bad appetite in summer
Remember to "paste autumn fat"
Braised pork, hotpot …
Have a good meal.
Reward yourself for your diligence.
The weather is getting cooler after beginning of autumn.
A balanced diet is needed.
Eat less spicy and greasy food.
Eat more lotus seeds, tremella, etc.
Data Map: The picture shows the hot pot in Chongqing. Photo by Liu Xian
"Autumn begins with yin, so everything is harvested."
The prelude to the large-scale autumn harvest opened.
People are filled with joy.
Dry the harvested crops.
Autumn is a poetic season.
When the rice is ripe, the fruits are fragrant.
Once hard work and sweat.
Will be richly rewarded.
Data map: Colorful harvest results such as peppers and corn are placed on the drying rack under aerial photography. Liu Zhankun photo
Autumn is peaceful and quiet.
Clouds and clouds are clear and clear.
Just like life.
After experiencing all kinds of things in the world
Love life more maturely.
He Xiang Xiao wan Xia
Chrysanthemum gas enters the new autumn
Say goodbye to summer
Welcome the picturesque autumn
Data Map: The picture shows the beautiful scenery composed of snow-capped mountains, red leaves, meadows and pines. Photo by Wang Jiang
Beginning of autumn is coming
Willing to work hard for you
Meet all the beautiful things in autumn!
(Reporter Shangguan Yun)
Everyone is searching.
May you harvest in autumn. Autumn is the season of harvest. May you harvest in autumn is the season of harvest. May you harvest in autumn. May you harvest your dream. Autumn is cool. Harvest is just the first sentence of harvesting in autumn.


Xi le nian Hua 3KA

You also reap all the good things! !





Brother Lao Du, Kunming, Yunnan






Yunbai Xiahou 7I

May all our good things come as scheduled!





Mizhenxuan 94

Beginning of autumn is coming
Willing to work hard for you
Meet all the beautiful things in autumn!





Yi yi1236669Y

Illustrated with pictures and texts, they complement each other and are beautiful





Xingxinchang 078

May everything be beautiful in autumn!





Invincible old darling

A touch of autumn dispels fatigue and troubles, a touch of autumn embellishes life, and a little happiness resides in the heart. Beginning of autumn, I wish each of us feel comfortable and happy!





Flower and berry water giant nearly 00

In the harvest season, may the beautiful dream come true.





Ancient poetry fragrance

How time flies! It’s beginning of autumn in a flash!
In the distant mountains, autumn clouds rise at first, and Ping Ye gradually turns yellow. The melon in the yard is ripe and the tea at hand is slightly cold.

Willing to work hard for you

Meet all the beautiful things in autumn!






Return of overseas wanderers





There is no more.

Seasonal fruits have been listed one after another, and the national fruit price has dropped slightly.

CCTV News:After long summer, the temperature in various places has risen, and it is the season when a large number of seasonal fruits such as cherries and watermelons are on the market. What about the recent fruit prices? Let’s look at the reporter’s investigation.

In Beijing Xinfadi Agricultural Products Wholesale Market, fruit merchants told reporters that after the May 1 holiday, a large number of watermelons were listed in Shandong, Jiangsu, Beijing and other places, and the prices went down. On May 9, the average price of watermelons in Xinfadi Market was 4.82 yuan per kilogram, which was 20% lower than that on April 29, and 33% lower than that on April 9, while the varieties with higher prices in the previous period also dropped significantly recently.

Ma Jing, a fruit merchant in Beijing Xinfadi Market:Cherry from Dalian, Liaoning, and cherry from Shandong are on the market in large quantities. Last month, it was a kilo in 60 yuan, and now it is a kilo in 40 yuan.

Xu Jingju, a fruit merchant in Beijing Xinfadi Market:(Originally) high prices are now declining, such as litchi, which started at more than 200 yuan a box, and now it has dropped to 70 yuan (a box).

The data shows that in April, the average wholesale price of six kinds of fruits monitored by the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs was 7.90 yuan per kilogram, up 0.3% from the previous month and 10.5% from the same period last year. After May, with the warmer weather, seasonal fresh fruits such as watermelons and melons in the south, cherries, strawberries and mulberries in North China and Central China entered the harvest period one after another, and the market supply and varieties of fruits increased.

Wang Yunjuan, chief fruit analyst of the agricultural product market early warning team of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Affairs:Since May, the national average wholesale price of fruits has declined slightly, mainly due to the large number of melons and other fruits listed, of which the weekly average price of watermelons has dropped by 6%, down by 25% year-on-year. It is expected that fruit prices will enter a seasonal decline channel in the later period.

Why run?

This work was recommended to me by my good friend. At that time, I signed up for a relay race together, and he mentioned it to me. However, after watching three episodes, I didn’t have much interest. It seemed to be just an ordinary straightforward account, so I shelved it.

Later, before the relay race, he mentioned this work to me again. At the end of the relay race, I once again recalled and thought about my relay race (I won the fifth place in the team, barely ranked, and the top six had certificates)

So, I started from episode 4 and kept watching; At the same time, I started running, aiming at 5 km PB.

Watch the fan and run, simultaneously.

I thought that running was just an ordinary sport. After these dozens of days, I have experienced a lot of thinking, and I have improved a lot in psychology, physique and all aspects. Of course, any sport is not simple, and it is extremely worthy of respect. Let’s talk about several animation scenes that I feel deeply:

Running is a wonderful thing to imagine. Even so, we have to face all kinds of affairs in life, even some annoying and frustrating things. These will affect our mood and our willingness to run.

Naked king

What Grey Er said made me think for a long time. I have always liked running, and I am not slow. However, in the first 11 months of 2021, I only ran 92.86km. This is really too little, the daily average is only 0.28km, too little. Maybe I will blame the study task, etc. Many things are meaningless. I just want to ask myself, why not go running? Most of these running distances are also about people to run. Why don’t I run myself?

On the other hand, my running amount in the last 30 days is 90.05km, which is 11 times of the previous one. And I consciously control the amount of running, and I have run once every 1~2 days. I don’t know that this period of time is full of final exams, and it is unheard of to practice running in the final week.

To sum up, everyone’s situation is different, but for me:It’s good to run with reality.

This training form, I am very concerned about:

Training table

Perhaps, of course, everyone should have everyone’s personal tailor training, but it is not possible for ordinary players. In the animation, the track and field teams and high school teams of other universities, every ordinary person can only practice with the big troops. In my experience in junior high school and senior high school, there has never been a scene of special guidance.

From this, it can be seen more.Grey’s good intentionsIt is reasonable for everyone to improve their grades. (I have to mention that everyone’s meals are also handled by the gray two! )

Many people will be confused. Why do they like running?

In fact, if you don’t like it, you don’t like it, but it’s hard to give an exact reason for liking it. You may say "running is good for your health" and "running is very comfortable", but this is not very convincing and does not touch the essence. So in this regard, I can only give the reason of "simply liking", although it seems to be unknown so. In the animation, the prodigy said this:

The words of a prodigy

So, during this time, so have I. What is like? Or, what is love?

Like is serious.

When I carefully run every step, warm-up and stretching, related equipment, water supply, energy supply, pace frequency, stride length, breathing, posture, pay attention to every detail, be serious and unfocused, so as to enjoy it more and like it more.

Going to the kitchen is ecstatic!
Grey said to Ah Zou

This reminds me of the sentence "Go slowly and enjoy!"

Although running is running, it is not just running.

JOJO terrier

Is the prince a success? Not necessarily, depending on the specific definition of "success" here.
Is the prince a hard worker? There is no doubt that it is.


What is the prince trying to tell us? His achievements are unremarkable, but we see the significance of hard work from him. Without hard work, he can’t stand on the track in Hakone, and he can’t experience twists and turns, so beautiful as he wants.

KING’s monologue, in my opinion, is the most perfect monologue in this work, which perfectly interprets the spirit of this work.

KING’s monologue

This is the meaning of Hakone’s biography in this work. Why are 12 players allowed, but Grey II only found 10 players? Grey II tells us what the close relationship between individuals and groups should be.

Are you ready to press the answer key?

Successful people, without exception, are working hard. -the prince
It is arrogant to think that you can do everything by hard work. -Grey II


Hard work is not a guarantee of good grades. The real experiences of Hirosuke and Fujioka tell us this.

There is no need to answer.

Spring in Ma ‘an Village

Xinhua News Agency, Guangzhou, February 27th (Reporter Wang Ruiping) When the Sanhua plum beside the village road blooms a little bud, Ma ‘an Village is also ushered in spring with more than 30,000 mu of bamboo forests around it.
Ma ‘an Village, Pingtang Town, Xinyi City, Guangdong Province, located in the depths of Yunkai Mountain, is more than 800 meters above sea level and more than 1,000 meters above sea level. The mountains are high and the valleys are deep, and the land is barren. The villagers once used "nothing but steep slopes" to describe their remoteness and poverty.
"I have to walk on the dirt road hanging on the ridge for more than an hour every day when I go to school. I bring my own rice and leftovers. At noon, I use three bricks to build a stove to cook." Zhou Qinglian, born in 2002, recalled that her childhood journey to school was full of bitterness. Today, although her face looks immature, she has been working for almost two years after graduating from college and is a reserve cadre of Ma ‘an Village Committee.
Zhang Yujiao also chose to go back to the village for employment. In 2023, she graduated from Guangdong Ocean University majoring in economics and joined the Ma ‘an village tourism development and operation enterprise, becoming the "new generation" of local rural revitalization. "I used to study hard to get out of this mountain, but I didn’t expect to return to my hometown after graduation." Zhang Yujiao, dressed in fashionable clothes, wore Chinese hairpins and a horse-faced skirt, while receiving tourists, told reporters the story of employment at home.
It depends on the earth-shaking changes in Ma ‘an Village to attract college students to return to their hometowns for employment. In June, 2021, Yunmao Expressway was officially opened to traffic, which ended the history of no expressway passing through the eastern mountainous area of Xinyi City, narrowed the time and space distance between the mountainous area of western Guangdong and Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao Greater Bay Area, and Ma ‘an Village also ushered in a new life.
The new look of Ma ‘an village (photo taken on February 12, drone photo). Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Ruiping photo
More than 30,000 mu of bamboo forest around Ma ‘an Village is the biggest local feature. In August 2022, the rural revitalization project of "Ma ‘an Zhuhai" officially started construction. As an important node in the "Demonstration Zone of Rural Revitalization along Yunmao Expressway" carefully built by the local government, the project is jointly invested by the government and enterprises with a proportion of 250 million yuan, and the construction and management are not lower than the national 4A-level tourist attractions.
"The first exit of Yunmao Expressway in Xinyi is our Pingtang Town. We have the largest bamboo forest in western Guangdong, with alpine meadows, lakes, clouds and patches of virgin forests."
Xiao Yingbei, secretary of the Party branch of Ma ‘an Village, took the reporter across the rest pavilion hanging with "cooking tea around the stove" from the entrance of the renovated village Committee, along the asphalt road, through the hydrophilic platform with flowing water, climbed up the hotel and homestay in the middle of the mountain, and went around to Zhuhai Square in the middle of the village. As he walked, he introduced that Pingtang Town used to be the "leftover material" of Xinyi City, and Ma ‘an Village was the "leftover material" of Pingtang Town. Now the traffic is good.
The scene of Yunmao Expressway passing through Yunkai Mountain (photo taken on February 11th, photo of drone). Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Ruiping photo
"Just after the Spring Festival, several friends from other places wanted to visit our village and asked me if there was a traffic jam." Yang Xiangwen is usually engaged in logistics and distribution work in Baiyun District of Guangzhou. After dinner with friends, he walked to Zhuhai Square. He took the reporter’s hand and said, "Now I am very proud to tell others about our village. There are many videos of our village on my mobile phone, which others envy!"
Tourists took a group photo in Ma ‘an Village (photo taken on February 12). Xinhua News Agency reporter Wang Ruiping photo
In the reception room of Ma ‘an Village Committee, the wall is a new panoramic photo of Ma ‘an Village. Xiao Yingbei broke his fingers and analyzed the situation of the scenic spot after it was opened to reporters. In 2022, the collective income of our village was only about 170,000 yuan, and it has increased to 963,000 yuan in 2023. "Ticket income, house rental, parking fees, operating share of hotels and homestays, plus homestays run by villagers, restaurants and canteens can all increase villagers’ income."
According to the planning of Ma ‘an Village, after the "Ma ‘an Zhuhai" scenic spot is opened normally this year, the per capita annual equity dividend of villagers can reach 2,000 yuan, providing 200 jobs, and more villagers will also find jobs at their doorsteps.
"In the past, the village was a winding mud road, but now it has expanded into a 5.5-meter two-way lane." Zhou Qinglian said that every time the hometown road is widened, the life of the villagers will become better.
Driving from the top of the mountain to Yunmao Expressway, the clouds spread over the bamboo sea from the valley, and countless bamboo shoots were buried in the soil at this time, calling for spring rain. When the spring thunder rings, these spring shoots will bring different spring to Ma ‘an village.

Why did the author of the original novel "The Beginnings" fall on the "satyr" and cyber violence?

A 15-episode lightweight online drama "The Beginning" exploded at the beginning of the year, boosting confidence in the Chinese drama market in 2022. During the Spring Festival holiday, the popularity has risen instead of falling, and topics such as "Aunt Pot", taking the bus and ringing tones of Cannon’s mobile phone have become the "hard currency" for gathering and socializing with high mention rate. Recently, the Beijing Youth Daily reporter interviewed the author of the original novel "The Beginning" and the screenwriter of the TV series Prayer Jun, looking for answers to the topics that the audience is still discussing.

  Why did you choose the bus bombing?

  Beiqing Daily: Please tell us about the creation process of Beginnings, such as "infinite flow"? Why did you choose the bus bombing?

  Prayer Jun: Over the years, I have seen many videos about "bus accidents" on the Internet, which have had a great impact on me. When I first saw this, I thought, why can’t anyone stand up and stop these tragedies like those heroes in film and television works? Later, I began to imagine what I could do if I were on these buses. In these associations, I began to think again, are my ideas reasonable? Who will be on the bus together? Can these people help me? In the process of this series of thinking, verification and rethinking, my inspiration sparked and I drew up the outline of the beginning.

  The biggest difficulty is how to balance the dramatic and logical contradictions in the novel at the same time, and how to set the whole progressive process from the first cycle to the end of the cycle. For example, this bus explosion, at first, no one knew it was an explosion. It was only after the protagonist group got more information through the circulation that it changed from a "traffic accident" to a "criminal case", from "investigating the real murderer" to "locking the real murderer" and then to "finding the hidden plot". These are all the logical and logical turns in advance. So in order to "break the game", I began to add the element of "time cycle" to the beginning. In the written stage, "infinite flow" has become the most conspicuous label of "Beginning".

  Beiqing Daily: After watching several episodes, the most attractive content of Beginnings no longer relies on "surrealism", but returns to down-to-earth reality. Please tell us about the creations of ordinary passengers such as Lao Jiao and Lu Di, and what intentions have you placed on them?

  Prayer Jun: At first, I modeled passengers according to two possibilities: quantitative and indefinite. I will definitely take action when I encounter danger, that is, quantitative. For example, the character "Lao Jiao" is in the quagmire of life, but he will still be "courageous" again and again. As for the role of "Lu Di", he is a young man who loves cats with social phobia. As long as he is aroused to identify with his own group, he will change from "variable" to "quantitative". Any passenger in the car can change from "variable" to "quantitative" as long as they can gain their "trust". "Trust" is the cornerstone of success. After that, I began to think, what is the difference between people? I began to try to answer this question through the way of "control group". For example, the old coke "Jiao Xiangrong" and the driver "Wang Xingde" are actually some kind of echo and contrast. In the car, the driving force behind Wang Xingde’s "crime" is his daughter; Drive Lao Jiao "The driving force behind "being brave" is also for my daughter. These two are both fathers and daughters, but they have made different choices, and these two different choices represent different human nature. Another example is "Lu Di", a secondary group that "speaks at once", and the police who "don’t believe" no matter how many times you say it, are also a control group. At the beginning of shaping, these passengers not only have the common ground of being ordinary people, but also represent the thinking mode and life experience of some groups in society. Everyone can play his role at a specific time. No matter how ordinary a person is, once he makes an extraordinary right choice, he is a "hero". This is what I want to express most when I shape them.

  What are the differences in characterization?

  Beiqing Daily: "Aunt Guo" went out of the circle and became a new topic. What experience can you summarize in your resumption?

  Prayer Jun: Apart from Tao Yinghong’s complete portrayal, the actor’s understanding and reinterpretation of this role is the real reason for his success. No matter in the original work or at the beginning of the script creation, the image of Tao Yinghong is "numb" and "crazy", and she is a "broken person" after the collapse. Now the "Aunt Pot" on the screen is a process of remoulding according to her own understanding after thinking by the actor Liu Dan. Her persistence makes Tao Yinghong not only the "injurer" of the "broken", but also allows every audience to see the dignity, preciseness and love for her daughter that Tao Yinghong had before the "broken", which makes her identity as both "injurer" and "victim" more convincing.

  Beiqing Daily: It is reported that the names of young CP Li Shiqing and Xiao Heyun coincide with Liu Yuxi’s Autumn Poems. What do these two characters imply?

  Prayer Jun: Yes, the names of Li Shiqing and Xiao Heyun are taken from "Autumn Ci". This is a poem I like very much, because its artistic conception is broad and lofty, which is in line with the minds of two young people I originally wanted to shape. "Poetry" is romantic. Li’s poetry is not in contact with too much society. Her romance can make her tolerant, kind and empathetic. "Crane Cloud" is high-spirited, eager to soar, and has the potential of "blockbuster". In addition, "A crane in a clear sky rows clouds, which leads poetry to Bixiao" is also a cycle from beginning to end, and a crane cloud named Xiao (Xiao) is embedded.

  Interpretation and speculation of hidden plots are endless.

  Beiqing Daily: The final case "bottom" fell on the bus "pervert" and cyber violence. How did these two ideas come into being?

  Prayer Jun: As a woman and a mother, I have been thinking about how to teach my daughter to "protect" herself and learn how to "ask for help" when she meets something wrong in this complicated world. The purpose of designing the plot of "pervert" is to make readers and audiences understand that different people have different degrees of tolerance by comparing the different reactions of two girls with different personalities, Wang Mengmeng and Li Shiqing. Maybe what seems like a big deal to you will have completely different results for people with different degrees of tolerance.

  The element of "cyber violence" is more about my thinking and reflection on my own experience over the years. Do people who cause "cyber violence" have to "harm" something in the first place? After thinking about these problems, I stayed away from the internet and warned myself that writers should speak with their works. It is these feelings and reflections that made me shape the plot of "cyber violence" in "The Beginning" and the "beginning" that made Tao Yinghong’s family "the tree wants to be quiet but the wind does not stop".

  Beiqing Daily: This drama has caused netizens to chase the drama, and various interpretations and speculations about the cycle, details and hidden plots have emerged one after another. Which ones can you come forward for official certification?

  Prayer Jun: Many details have been guessed by readers, and I am very touched. For example, Tao Yinghong was going to die on the day of her daughter’s death, but because Tao Yinghong was testing detonators in the garage and caused a fire, the fire department paid attention to it, so the fire department began to check the garage. This fire caused the old coke to be retired, and Wang Xingde, who was working normally, was caught off guard by Tao Yinghong’s temporary boarding. In the original plan of the husband and wife, there should be no one in the car that day, just taking the bomb to the designated place to die.

  I also saw the speculation about officer Zhang. Officer Zhang did not enter the cycle. To enter the cycle, he must meet several requirements. First, he had to fall asleep in the car (there was a path to enter the cycle), second, he had to die in the car (once existed normally in the cycle), and then he had to survive in the cycle (left the cycle). Lao Zhang and others in the car did not meet these conditions. He will let it go lightly, just based on his own experience and the normal reaction of a police officer without evidence. Li Shiqing and Xiao Heyun’s "catching the pervert out of the car" is the beginning of Xiao Heyun’s cycle, and it is also the only possibility to turn Tao Yinghong’s "variable" into "quantitative". In Tao Yinghong’s subconscious, she hoped that her daughter would be as strong as the poetry she resisted in the car, and she could resist and even subdue the pervert.

  Beiqing Daily: What impact will the success of the film and television of Beginnings have on your future creation?

  Prayer Jun: First of all, it has strengthened my confidence in continuing to create "stories of ordinary people". Before I wrote the Kai series, my famous works, Mulan Without Eldest Brother and Everyone Loves Ma Wencai, were either emperors or princes, or geniuses and heroes. When I wrote the Kai series, I was in my thirties, and it was a transition period when I was thinking about what I could leave for the world. The Beginnings, the Lottery and the Opening of the Kai series were actually stories about how ordinary people broke the shackles and completed their self-growth. In fact, this theme is not the mainstream of online novels, and it lacks a sense of coolness. I have never known whether my "transformation" is valuable, and now I have at least taken a reassurance. Good works, in fact, the theme is not important, the most important thing is to tell a good story.

  Text/reporter Yang Wenjie

[Network China Festival] Lantern Festival: Regaining the breath of life and waiting for the reunion of thousands of families.

  The stars and the moon are burning in the sky, and there are two yuanxiao on earth. Every year, it’s Lantern Festival again.

  Lantern Festival, also known as "Shangyuan Festival". In this festival, in addition to eating dumplings, enjoying lanterns and solve riddles on the lanterns, there are also countless literati who have left many poetic poems. These poems, or trigger the resonance of missing, or contain similar warmth, as well as countless inner attachments. These beautiful images hidden in ancient poems have amazed the time and the soul.

[Network China Festival] Lantern Festival: Regaining the breath of life and waiting for the reunion of thousands of families.

  Today, let’s walk in poetry and feel the Lantern Festival in poetry.

  Ouyang Xiu wrote in the Northern Song Dynasty: "On the Lantern Festival last year, the flower market was lit like a day. The moon rose above the willow tree, At dusk he had a tryst with me. The lantern festival on the fifteenth day of the first month of this year, the moonlight and the lights are still the same as last year. I didn’t see last year, and my tears wet my spring shirt sleeves. " Just a few crosses create a hazy, quiet, graceful and soft artistic conception, which makes people feel the charm of China’s traditional poems.

  "Jin Li Fang Yan, Lan Hongyan in his early years. The color is far away, and the light is far away. After the Chinese suspect that the stars are falling, the building is like a moon hanging. Don’t have a thousand gold smiles, come and reflect the nine branches. " Lu Zhaolin, one of the four outstanding figures in the early Tang Dynasty, wrote a poem "Watching Lights at Fifteen Nights", which made the colorful Lantern Festival lights unique and brought people into the enchanted fairyland.

  The poet Su Weidao wrote in the poem "The fifteenth night of the first month": "The fire tree and silver flowers are combined, and the star bridge is locked. The crowd surged, the dust float in the sky under the hoofs of the horses; Moonlight all over every corner, where people can see the moon overhead. Prostitutes are all ruined, and songs are all ruined. Jin Wu can’t help but stay up at night, and the jade leaks. " The poem describes the scene of lights scattered and crowds surging on the Lantern Festival night in Chang ‘an, and people still don’t want to leave at midnight. Read it carefully, and you will have a wonderful feeling of being in the capital of Datang and sleepwalking in the sea of people and lights.

[Network China Festival] Lantern Festival: Regaining the breath of life and waiting for the reunion of thousands of families.

  Yuan midnight snack, between the lights. "Find him thousands of baidu in the crowd. Suddenly looking back, the man was there, and the lights were dim. " Xin Qiji, a poet in the Southern Song Dynasty, is well-known for this word in "Qing Yu An Yuan Xi". In fact, in ancient times, Lantern Festival was also a romantic festival. Lantern Festival provides an opportunity for unmarried men and women to get to know each other, and it is also a good opportunity for young men and women to meet their lovers.

  In the Song Dynasty, the anonymous poet "Partridge Sky Shang Yuan" said: "At dusk, we welcome the auspicious to the Royal Return, and the palace flowers carry the brocade in piles. The whip sounded by the bridge in Tianjin, and the shadow was opened in front of Xuande Building. Play Shun music, enter the Yao Cup, and announce that the car will go to Tianjie immediately. The king likes to have fun with the people, and he comes with shock on all sides. " It describes the grand occasion of the Lantern Festival in the capital city of Song Huizong, where the emperor enjoyed the fun with the people, the officials and petty officials swarmed around, and the people flocked to it. Everyone wore all kinds of flowers on his head, and all the way, it was colorful and dazzling, as if it were a sea of flowers.

[Network China Festival] Lantern Festival: Regaining the breath of life and waiting for the reunion of thousands of families.

  Photo by Beijing Daily reporter Pan Zhiwang.

  Tang Bohu, a cynical and talented six-legged layman, also wrote a beautiful work "Yuanxiao". "A moon without lights is not entertaining, and a moon without lights is not spring. Towards everywhere spring comes as seen here with lady fair, Over bright moonlit night flashing lanterns set off the moon as pure silver. All over the street, Zhu Cui swims around the village girls, singing and competing with the social gods. If you don’t show your respect and smile, how can you get rid of this good time? " The Lantern Festival written by him is not only beautiful in artistic conception, but also lively and touching. The lights and the moon are shining, the songs are everywhere, and even the village girls wear red and green to travel. The scene is very spectacular and moving.

  The beauty of poetry lies in its rich flavor of the times and life. The romance of poetry lies in its engraving of human experience and customs changes. Therefore, it can cross the long river of time and let us regain the memory of culture. No matter how time and space change, Lantern Festival is still a spiritual symbol that we can’t give up, and people are still used to reunion in festivals.

  "At the Lantern Festival last year, the flower market lights were as bright as day. On the first night of this year, only the moon remains. " On this day, which should be a family reunion, too many people can’t do so because of the unexpected visitor "COVID-19 epidemic". This sudden epidemic has disrupted the rhythm of everyone’s reunion and disturbed our pace of going home. At this moment, on the Lantern Festival, let’s say a word to the "soldiers" who are fighting against the epidemic: take care and be safe! Say a word to all my family and compatriots: Happy holidays!

  The fight against the epidemic has entered the stage of Armageddon, and we look forward to the early dispersal of the epidemic and the family reunion as soon as possible! (Guangming. com reporter Yuan Qing)

Another first time in 34 years: the Chaozhou opera "Watching Lights" made its debut at the CCTV Lantern Festival.

  CCTV’s 2019 Lantern Festival Gala will be held soon. Southern Reporter learned that Chaozhou Opera, one of the four famous dramas in Guangdong, will be on CCTV Lantern Festival Gala, and Zhang Yihuang, winner of China drama "Plum Blossom Award", and others will show the charm of Chaozhou Opera "Watching the Lights". The famous artists who appeared in this performance are Zhang Yihuang, Lin Chufa, Ant yan dan and Zhang Shutong. Like the Spring Festival Gala, the CCTV Lantern Festival Gala has also attracted much attention. This is another famous Guangdong drama on CCTV Lantern Festival Gala after Guangdong Cantonese Opera on CCTV Spring Festival Gala.


  Chaozhou Opera, one of the four famous operas in Guangdong (Cantonese Opera, Chaozhou Opera, Han Opera and Lei Ju), was named after its formation in Chaoshan area of Guangdong, commonly known as "Chaodiao", "Chaoyin Opera" and "Baizizi Opera". It was widely circulated in Zhao ‘an, Yunxiao, Pinghe, Dongshan, Zhangpu and Nanjing in southern Fujian in the late Ming Dynasty, and was closely related to Liyuan Opera. In 2006, it was selected into the first batch of national intangible cultural heritage list. Known as "southern flowers".

  "Watching Lights" Dressed Rehearsal

  Plays: Meet a beautiful woman under the Lantern Festival, and a beautiful marriage is made by a mirror.

  The performance program is "Watching Lights" from the classic drama "Li Jing Ji" of Chaozhou Opera.

  Li Jing Ji originated from Chaozhou and Quanzhou in southern Fujian, mainly in the form of Qupai (script), and was performed by drama. The Chaozhou opera Li Jing Ji, also known as Chen San Wu Niang, is written in Chaozhou dialect and Quanzhou dialect, which is the earliest publication in Minnan language and the most representative traditional repertoire of Chaozhou opera.

  The story tells that Chen San, a native of Quanzhou, Fujian Province in the Ming Dynasty, sent his brother and sister-in-law to Guangnan to take office. On the Lantern Festival, he passed through Chaozhou, Guangdong Province, and met Huang Wuniang, a rich daughter, at the Lantern Festival. They fell in love at first sight and loved each other. Huang’s father was greedy for money and love power, and allowed Wu Niang to marry Lin Da, a rich man. Wu Niang was dissatisfied and depressed. Chen San came to Chaozhou again and passed by Wuniang Xiulou, where Wuniang threw lychees and handkerchiefs to show her love. Chen San disguised himself as a mirror grinder and entered Fu Huang. When Chen San was grinding the mirror, he deliberately broke the mirror and sold himself into slavery on the pretext of losing the mirror. After twists and turns, Yichun tactfully helped pull strings, and Chen San and Wu Niang finally escaped and eloped back to Quanzhou. This drama has a distinctive color of rebelling against feudal ethics, eulogizing the free marriage of men and women, and breaking the vulgar marriage arrangement of men and women in feudal society. The whole drama has strong local cultural characteristics and has been performed for a long time. Watching Lights, Collecting Books, Keeping an Umbrella and Contracting in the drama have become immortal classics of Chaozhou Opera.

  Fang Zhanrong, a national representative inheritor of Chaozhou Opera and former head of the 2nd Troupe of Guangdong Chaozhou Theatre, introduced that the performance of "Li Jing Ji" and "Watching Lights" at the CCTV Lantern Festival was a brilliant scene and a classic fragment, among which, four professions representing Chaozhou Opera will be presented to the national audience one by one. Fang Zhanrong is a famous and ugly Chaozhou Opera. He devoted himself to its promotion all his life. He said that Chaozhou Opera is more difficult to promote than other local operas because it is performed in dialects. "But this is also our ambition. As an ancient opera, it is great that local operas in languages that are not easy to learn can be put on the CCTV Lantern Festival." Fang Zhanrong introduced that Chaozhou Opera has also been put on the central opera channel many times. He said that CCTV Lantern Festival Gala is a national event.

  Do you know this famous Chaozhou opera?

  Wu Niang Zhang Yihuang


  Zhang Yihuang, who plays Wu Niang in "Watching the Lights" in the Chaozhou drama "Li Jing Ji", is a national first-class actor and a plum blossom award winner. He is currently the vice president of Guangdong Chaozhou Theatre, the top-notch talent in Shantou, the vice chairman of Guangdong Dramatists Association and the chairman of Shantou Dramatists Association.

  Zhang Yihuang, a native of Nan ‘ao, Guangdong Province, graduated from Shantou Opera School in 1989, majoring in Chaozhou Opera Performance, and graduated from China Opera Academy in 2002.

  As a leader in the field of Chaozhou opera performance, Zhang Yihuang has successively starred in more than 30 dramas, such as Yaniang, Dongwu Princess, Fireworks Woman and Champion Lang and Yutangchun, which are deeply loved by Chaozhou opera audiences at home and abroad. In 2001, he went to Japan to hold a concert of Zhang Yihuang Chaozhou Opera, and published Zhang Yihuang Chaozhou Opera Art Album and Masterpiece Golden Melody — — Zhang Yihuang’s Singing Album, Chinese Chaozhou Opera Masters — — Selected Works of Zhang Yihuang’s Singing, etc., are deeply loved by Chaozhou opera audiences at home and abroad.

  Chen San Lin Chufa


  Lin Chufa, played by Chen San, is a national first-class actor, a junior in Guangdong Chao Theatre and a director of Guangdong Dramatists Association. In 1993, he graduated from Shantou Culture and Art School, and in 2002, he graduated from China Theatre Academy. Successfully played more than 30 different characters such as Liu Bei in Dongwu Princess and Zhu Jingwu in Yaniang. In recent years, he has taken many large-scale Chaozhou opera art films and Chaozhou language film and television works, such as "The Legend of the Moon" and "The Bride of the Champion". He has won many awards, such as the second and third drama performing arts competitions in Guangdong Province, the first prize for young and middle-aged singing in Shantou City, and the first prize for young and middle-aged performing arts competitions in Guangdong Chao Theatre in 1998 and 2002.

  Yichun ant yan dan


  Yan dan, the actor of Yichun, is a second-class actor of Guangdong Chao Theatre. He graduated from Shantou Culture and Art School with a major in Chaozhou Opera performance. After graduation, he has been an actor in Guangdong Chao Theatre. Since she was an artist, she has played the role of Chuncao in Chuncao Rushing into the Hall, and the wife on the way home has played the leading role and important role. As a choreographer in many plays and cultural evenings. He has won the bronze prize in the 4th Drama Performing Arts Competition in Guangdong Province, the second prize for young singers, writers, directors and vocalists in Guangdong Chao Theatre, and many other awards.

  Ugly Li Jie Zhang Shutong


Ugly female Li Jie Zhang Shutong (right)

  This time, the role of the ugly Li Jie was played by Zhang Shutong, a group of ugly actors and directors in Guangdong Chao Theatre. He has played the role of Hu Lian in Noisy Chai, Sun Fu in Capture Sun Fu alive, and Li Laosan in Chai Fang Hui. In 2008, he went to the advanced editing and directing class of Shanghai Theatre Academy to study, and then independently directed plays such as Capture Saburo alive, Hu Bugui Weeping the Grave, and All the Children Cry. In 2001, he participated in the basic skills competition of young and middle-aged actors in Guangdong Chao Theatre and won the first prize. In 2006, he directed and acted Saburo alive and won the gold medal in the 5th Guangdong Drama Performing Arts Competition.

  Reporter Li Chunhua