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What kinds of weather are there? How many kinds of weather are there in the world?


Weather refers to the specific state of the atmosphere near the surface of a certain area in a short time, and the phenomenon of light precipitation can be divided into 11 types. Here are how many kinds of weather are compiled by Xiaobian for everyone, and you can share them if you like!


How many kinds of weather are there?

I. Precipitation phenomena (11 kinds)

Liquid precipitation; Rain, shower, Mao Mao rain; Solid precipitation; Snow, snow showers, graupel, rice snow, ice particles, hail; Mixed precipitation; Sleet, intermittent sleet

Second, the ground condensation phenomenon (4 kinds)

Dew, frost, rime and rain

Third, visual range obstacles (9 kinds)

Fog, light fog, snow blowing, snowstorm, smoke screen, haze, sandstorm, sand blowing and floating dust

Four, lightning phenomenon (3 kinds)

Thunderstorm, lightning, aurora

V. Other phenomena (7 kinds)

Strong winds, squalls, tornadoes, dust storms, ice needles, snow and ice.

How is the weather predicted?

The first step is to collect data

The first step is to collect Ji Guang, air pressure, temperature and other data on the ground or sea surface through the equipment of some professionals. The World Meteorological Organization will further coordinate these data and finally successfully formulate a standard.

Data from meteorological satellites are more important. It can successfully collect data from all over the world and help meteorologists learn more about it. By observing and detecting clouds, we can know cloud top temperature and make predictions. Of course, ground data is more important. Specialized weather radar can obtain rainfall information, such as area and intensity.

The second step is data assimilation

Data assimilation is to combine the collected relevant data with the basic digital model, make some meteorological analysis, and get the basic answer. The final result is the optimal solution, which can not only know the temperature and humidity, but also know the pressure, wind speed and wind direction at a glance.

Step 3 Data Weather Forecast

Then the atmosphere is simulated by computer, mainly based on the data assimilation results. However, because the equation is relatively complex, only computers can make predictions.

Step 4: Output processing

After calculating the results, people can understand the meaning of the data through processing, in which errors should be eliminated and some basic adjustments should be made to the data results.

These tasks used to be done by meteorologists, but now they are much simpler, the weather forecast is more accurate than before, and meteorologists can finish their work more easily.

Step 5: Final display

The first four steps are behind the scenes, all preparing for step 5, and step 5 is also the most important step, which is to display the calculation results, so that everyone can know the future weather and make corresponding preparations.

Ancient weather forecasting methods

For thousands of years, sailors, fishermen, farmers and hunters have looked at clouds, wind, sky and objects to predict the weather and explore weather forecasting. Weather forecast has become a folk art. Ancient people looked at the sky and measured the wind and cloud. The former is the sky condition that can be observed by naked eyes and simple instruments. It not only observes the changes of the sun, the moon and the stars, but also records all kinds of past and current natural phenomena, and combines the summarized experience with current observations to make weather forecasts.


Counting the big show, the fragrant-shouldered dice queen Ada incarnates the amorous feelings of "female gambler"

As a sequel, the comedy fantasy film produced by Cinema Media, Anle Film and Blue Star Film was released in Chinese mainland on the first day of the New Year’s Day. It was released for seven days, and the cumulative box office has exceeded 1.719 billion, bringing joy to tens of millions of families. Starring Tony Leung Chiu Wai, Bai Baihe, Jing Bo Ran, Chris Lee and Ada, the film mainly tells the story of Tianyin and Xiaolan’s family reunion in Hu Ba.


Ada became a "female gambler" with a variety of amorous feelings.


In the film, Ada, a popular actress, plays a master of enchanting beauty and incarnates into a "female gambler" with all kinds of amorous feelings. She confronts Tu Sigu, played by Tony Leung Chiu Wai, and presents a very gorgeous fancy gambling. She wears a thin pink blouse with a sapphire skirt, half veiled and half fragrant shoulders, and her elegant collarbone sets off her breasts, which is domineering and provocative. Fans who have seen the film pointed out that Ada’s "goddess of gamblers" is very similar to Raquel’s role as the Queen of Dice in the film and Japanese actress Michiko Nishiwaki, who also played the King of Dice in Hong Kong’s hot movies in the early years.


Raquel’s eyes are full of murderous look.


In the movie "storm riders in Macau", Raquel, a 90-year-old girl in Tsing Yi, also plays the "female gambler" dice king. She confronts the pony played by Nick Cheung. She is dressed in a black and red kimono, with a small dew shoulder and a variety of amorous feelings, and her over-the-shoulder dragon tattoo is the most amazing highlight of the audience. When confronting Nick Cheung at the gambling table, Raquel’s eyes are full of charm and murderous look. Although there are not many appearances, it is the most memorable role in the film.


Michiko Nishiwaki modeling becomes the designated action of rolling dice.


In the early years, in the classic movie "God of Gambling", Japanese actress Michiko Nishiwaki also played the role of "God of Gambling", also wearing a kimono. When the dice were about to be rolled, she tore off her button and exposed her tattooed shoulders. This scene can be called the most classic scene in "God of Gambling", which is still memorable after many years. So far, this shape has also become a roll in the film.


Later, Raquel’s dice queen model in the movie storm riders, Macau and Ada’s beauty master model in Catch the Demon 2, all three of them also play a variety of female gamblers, who are equally skilled and show off their shoulders, and also compete with the film’s male actor. The difference is that their shapes in the film are more amazing and more brilliant than each other. Please pay attention to Catch the Demon 2.

Light up the urban culture and enjoy the beauty of culture in Guangzhou on New Year’s Day | 2024 New Year’s Day Cultural Travel Activities

Southern Network News (Reporter/Zhou Cun Correspondent/Sui Wenguang Travel Announcement) During the New Year holiday, Guangzhou organized and planned a series of public cultural activities to celebrate the arrival of the 2024 New Year. Public cultural places at all levels bring splendid cultural feasts to the citizens, including exhibitions, lectures, courses, reading clubs, cultural performances and other forms, enriching the cultural life of citizens and tourists on New Year’s Day holidays.
Under the careful planning of cultural centers and libraries at all levels in Guangzhou, various theme exhibitions during New Year’s Day presented the beauty of culture from many angles, bringing cultural feasts to the citizens.
Among them, in 2023, the joint exhibition of Guangzhou Library and Guangzhou Cultural Center, a public welfare work of aesthetic education in Lingnan, which is a non-genetic study, focused on the theme of Guangfu folk custom, paper-cutting, arcade culture, South Lion and other non-legacy projects, focusing on the achievements of voluntary service of aesthetic education and cultural tourism. "Beauty of Porcelain"-Wenchuang Art Exhibition integrates modern elements through the re-innovation of ancient porcelain, showing the integrated beauty of decoration, use and appreciation of ancient porcelain.
During the New Year’s Day holiday, a group of people’s favorite cultural activities to benefit the people were staged wonderfully. For example, the 11th China (Guangzhou) Street Dance Trend Culture Season and the 2023 Guangdong-Hong Kong-Macao City Street Dance Competition, the "Dream in the Garden, Anime Adventure"-Anime Culture Carnival, and the "Chaoxuan Haizhu Dancing Teenager" 2023 Haizhu District Campus Street Dance Competition, which are deeply loved by young people, not only incorporate the trend elements, but also bring different experiences to young people and trend lovers. In addition, cultural parks, Lihu, Zhucun, Changling, Guanzhou, Lianma and other places held performances to benefit the people on New Year’s Day, creating a happy and peaceful New Year atmosphere.
During the New Year’s Day holiday, major libraries enrich the cultural service experience in the form of classic reading sessions, poetry reading sessions, and experience sharing sessions, so that citizens can share the pleasure of reading. Panyu 365, with a long rhyme, welcomes the new year —— Panyu 2024 New Year Music Poetry Club, which integrates the concept of "Guangdong Music+",combines traditional culture with New Year’s festive elements, and displays the cultural atmosphere of every family in Panyu reciting poems in a parent-child way, making the local accent "new" and "heart-warming". The 2024 Welcome Poetry Meeting of Huangpu District Library "Innocent Children’s Rhyme with Fragrant Snow" will greet the new year with poems recalling innocent childhood memories.
Guangzhou also organizes various cultural interactive experience activities for citizens to personally participate in and feel the charm of traditional culture. Health preserving in TCM-making experience of Chinese herbal sachets, fruitful welcome to the New Year-activities such as colorful drawing experience, reading Huangpu creative handmade DIY New Year greeting cards, weaving Chinese knots to send blessings on New Year’s Day, and professional experience camp for little librarians were launched one after another during New Year’s Day, creating a strong festive atmosphere.
It is reported that in order to meet the diverse reading needs of citizens and tourists, libraries at all levels in Guangzhou provide citizens with more convenient reading services and richer reading resources during the New Year holiday. For example, Guangzhou Children’s Library’s Shuxiangmen "hands in" and enjoys reading-"Booking books to deliver books to your door" New Year’s Day activities can deliver books to your door for free. Huangpu District Library integrates public cultural services into all kinds of high-tech enterprises through the brand activity of "Huangpu has a story", and invites relevant experts, scholars and entrepreneurs to enter the library to share their work experience, social experience and life sentiment in Huangpu and show Huangpu’s unique cultural heritage.
Photo courtesy of correspondent

Many foreign media paid attention to "Ukraine celebrated Christmas for the first time on December 25th", and Zelenski delivered a Christmas speech.

[Global Network Report] "Ukraine celebrated Christmas for the first time on December 25th." Many foreign media, such as the British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC) and Qatar Al Jazeera, are concerned about Ukraine’s latest move on "de-russification".
According to the report, many Ukrainian Orthodox Christians are preparing to celebrate Christmas on December 25th instead of January 7th, the traditional Orthodox Church. Al Jazeera commented that this is the first time Ukraine has done this in a century, which means "breaking the Russian tradition".
Caption: On the 24th local time, Zelenski delivered a video screenshot of Christmas speech on social media. Source: Social Media X.
According to BBC, Ukrainian President Zelenski said in his Christmas speech on 24th that all Ukrainians are now united. "We celebrate Christmas together. On the same day, as a big family, as a nation, as a United country. " Zelenski said.
Since the conflict between Russia and Ukraine, Ukraine has taken a series of measures to speed up "de-Russification". Buildings and monuments related to the Soviet Union and Russia were demolished in many places in Ukraine, and city streets were renamed after Ukrainian historical figures, artists, poets and soldiers. According to previous reports, in July this year, the website of the Verkhovna Rada (Parliament) of Ukraine said that Zelenski signed a law to adjust the official Christmas date of Ukraine from January 7th to December 25th.
With regard to a series of "de-Russification" moves in Ukraine, the website of Russian newspaper Izvestia reported that belik, a member of the International Affairs Committee of the Russian State Duma, once said that various measures taken by the Ukrainian authorities were aimed at creating chaos and division among the Ukrainian Orthodox Church and the people. The Wudang Bureau did not hesitate to abandon values and traditions in order to follow the West, which showed that it could betray people’s beliefs and interests for the support of the West. The Russian "news.ru" news network commented that the Ukrainian authorities have shown increasingly fierce provocation against Russia. In response to the rescheduling of Christmas, the branch of the Ukrainian Orthodox Church (UOC) announced that it would not follow the bill signed by Zelenski. Climent, spokesman of UOC, said, "What can be guaranteed is that the vast majority of Ukrainians, regardless of their religion, will celebrate Christmas as before."

The second batch of theme education is nearing the end and Fuyang has held a special "achievement exchange meeting"

Chao News Client Reporter Li Rui Sharing Alliance Fuyang ying chen Li Xiaopeng
The second batch of theme education is nearing the end. Recently, Fuyang, Hangzhou held an exchange meeting on the research results of the theme education of the district Committee.
Leading cadres in this area reported the exchange results with their own leading educational research topics, and discussed the positive cases and related negative cases of "accelerating the development of strategic emerging industrial clusters", and made practical strategies and measures for Fuyang industrial strong area from different perspectives by means of "dissecting sparrows".
Since the theme education was launched, it has insisted on asking for the needs of the people, asking questions for the people, and asking for the benefits for the people. Fuyang has iteratively upgraded the working mechanism of "investigating one thing", and gradually formed a closed loop of the whole chain of "visiting day and talking at night", "double-line linkage" and "responding to people’s needs", which effectively improved the accuracy, pertinence and targeting of the transformation and application of research results, and formed a number of practical achievements, theoretical achievements and systems.
At the same time, Fuyang requires each district leader to carry out in-depth "research on one thing", lead one or two research topics in combination with the work in charge, find problems through research, analyze problems, seek countermeasures, and finally solve problems and improve work.
Holding this special "achievement exchange meeting" at the end of the year is not only a "look back" on the achievements of theme education, but also a plan and prospect for the next stage of work.
Next year is the tenth anniversary of Fuyang’s withdrawal from the urban area, and it is also a crucial period for the establishment of modern industries in this area. At the exchange meeting, how to accelerate the development of strategic emerging industrial clusters became the focus of discussion. The main person in charge of Fuyang District Committee made an exchange speech in combination with the research topic of "Thinking about the Path of Building" Zhejiang Optics Valley Fuchun Core City ".
In the development of strategic emerging industrial clusters, Fuyang’s "light" industry has a solid foundation and started early. In recent years, Fuyang has further promoted the project of "integrating Hangzhou into a corridor", actively participated in the industrial division of metropolis, gathered a large number of photoelectric enterprises, and is gradually forming a whole industrial chain system with coordinated development of the upper, middle and lower reaches.
"We must grasp the precious window period, speed up the climb and strive to seize the highland in the competition of industrial clusters." The person in charge said that Fuyang should clearly define its industrial orientation, identify the subdivision track, implement work measures, and accelerate the creation of "Zhejiang Optics Valley Fuchun Core City"; At the same time, it is necessary to improve the innovation ecology, focus on the industrial division of labor, adhere to the project as the king, promote the integration of production and city, and build a strategic emerging industrial cluster.
At the exchange meeting, everyone held a thick research report in their hands. Some focus on the opportunities of the Asian Games and put forward the goal of "revitalizing the city of sports and leisure"; Some set their sights on the incubation system of entrepreneurial innovation and put forward a series of valuable and operable policy suggestions …
Outside the exchange meeting, a large number of practical cases, which come from all over Fuyang, originated from investigation and research, and matured in theme education, have really brought to the people, such as speeding up the development of building economy, guarding empty nesters living alone, preventing poverty from returning to poverty due to illness, creating a distinctive commercial display, promoting the auto parts industry to "share resources", innovating "Fuchun Little Brother Code" to create a new service mode for new employment groups, and launching the "Longyang Auntie" domestic service brand.
"In the next step, Fuyang will transform and apply the research results with high standards and high quality, do in-depth research on the second half of the article, and drive’ solving a class of problems’ through’ dissecting a sparrow’ to continue to promote the theme education." The person in charge said.
"Reprint please indicate the source"

The 5th Hainan Island International Film Festival

The 5th Hainan Island International Film Festival, co-sponsored by China Central Radio and Television General Station and Hainan Provincial People’s Government, will be held in Sanya, Hainan Province from December 16th to 22nd, 2023.
Hainan Island International Film Festival (in English: HainanIsland International Film Festival, abbreviated as HIIFF) aims at "year-round screening, island-wide screening, movie viewing by the whole people, and the whole industrial chain", helping Hainan Free Trade Port to improve its cultural soft power and efficiency. By gathering and allocating resources through film festivals, we will promote world film exchanges and cooperation and create a professional, market-oriented and international film festival.
Organizer: Hainan Provincial People’s Government, Central Radio and Television General Station.
People’s Daily (19th edition, December 14th, 2023)

40 suggestions about life that may be useful.

October 10th is World Mental Health Day. In modern society, the pace of life is fast, the burden is heavy, and the pressure is high … If negative emotions are allowed to accumulate, they may become the "last straw" to crush you. Therefore, when the mental pressure is high, it must be promptly channeled and resolved.Life may not be that easy, but there are always some ways to make it better.
How to live
-40 suggestions that I find useful
Author/[UK] Matt Hagrid
Matt Hagrid, an English writer, suffered from depression at the age of 24, and later embarked on the road of self-salvation through writing. In the book "Reasons to Live", he shared 40 life suggestions that he found useful, and the excerpts are as follows. This dose of "good medicine for others" is given to everyone who is trying to live.
When happiness appears, enjoy it.
Take a sip and drink slowly, don’t wolf it down.
Be gentle with yourself.
You can’t change everything in the past.
This is the basic physical principle.
"Reading and writing are discovered by human beings so far.
The most nutritious form of meditation. "
This sentence is correct.
Listen more and talk less.
Don’t feel guilty when doing nothing.
But it can perfect your idleness,
Let it be aware.
Feel that you are breathing.
No matter where and at any time,
Everyone should try to discover beauty.
A face, a poem,
Clouds, graffiti, wind fields outside the window.
Beauty can purify the mind.
Hate is a meaningless emotion.
It’s like punishing a scorpion that stung you.
And eat it.
Go for a run and do some yoga.
Take a shower before noon.
Looking at the sky.
Remind yourself how vast the universe is.
Seize every opportunity to feel vast and distant,
This will make you see your own smallness.
Realize that ideas are just ideas.
If you feel the idea is unreasonable, argue with it.
Even if you can’t find the reason.
You are the observer of your mind, not the victim.
Don’t watch TV aimlessly.
Don’t go to social networking sites aimlessly.
Be conscious of what you are doing,
Why do it?
Unrestrained entertainment will distract you.
Sit down, lie down, don’t move and do nothing.
Observe and listen to the voice of your head.
Instead of judging what’s going on in your head, let it be,
Just like Snow White in Frozen.
Don’t worry too much.
Look at the trees, get close to them and plant them.
(Because trees are great)
Listen to the yoga instructor,
"Walk as if you were kissing the earth with your feet."
Life, love, let go.
The mathematics of wine is "power operation".
The more you drink, the more you want to drink.
If it’s hard for you to stop at one drink,
Then it is even more impossible to stop at three cups.
Addition is multiplication.
Be careful of that gap.
Where you are now.
And where you want to go.
Just think about it, and that gap will widen,
You might fall into it.
Read a book.
Don’t try to finish reading it, just read it.
Enjoy every word, sentence and paragraph.
Don’t expect it to end, or never end.
Be kind to others.
At the deepest level, there is no medicine in the universe.
It makes you feel better than being kind to others.
Listen to Hamlet-
The most famous depression patient in literary works—
Say that sentence:
"There is no distinction between good and evil in the world, but it is made by thought."
Allow others to love you.
And believe in this love.
You don’t need the world to understand you.
It’s okay.
Some people will never really understand
Things they haven’t experienced,
But some people will understand,
Be grateful to those who understand you.
Jules verne wrote "Infinite Life".
It is a world of love and affection as vast as the sea.
If we immerse ourselves in it, we will find infinity,
Find the space you need to survive.
Three o’clock in the morning is not the time to try to sort out life.
Remember: you are not weird at all.
You’re human,
Everything you do and feel is natural,
Because you are an animal in nature.
"Normal" is actually subjective,
There is no standard answer.
There are 7 billion people on this earth, and there are 7 billion kinds of normality.
Don’t believe in good or bad, win or lose,
Win or lose, high tide and low tide.
At your lowest and highest places,
Whether you are happy or desperate, calm or angry,
There is a core "you" that is always the same.
This "you" is the most important thing
Don’t worry about the time lost in despair.
After overcoming despair, the value of time will double.
Be transparent to yourself.
Build a glass room for your mind. Observe.
Read everything you want, just read it.
Books are possibilities, not escape routes.
When you have no choice, they give you a chance.
For the displaced mind,
Every book is a home.
On sunny days, if you can be outdoors, you should be outdoors.
Remember: the key to life on earth is change.
Cars rust, pages turn yellow,
Technology will be outdated, caterpillars will become butterflies,
Night will turn into day, and depression will dissipate.
When you feel too busy to have a rest,
It’s when you need to find time to rest most.
Negative emotions are things smaller than you.
It has always been smaller than you,
Even if it feels huge sometimes.
It runs inside you, and you don’t run inside it.
It may be a dark cloud floating in the sky,
And you are the whole sky.
There was a sky before the dark clouds appeared.
Dark clouds cannot exist without the sky,
And the sky is still the sky without dark clouds.
Be brave, be strong, breathe and live.
You will thank yourself today.
Text/excerpt from The Reason to Live Jiangxi People’s Publishing House
The content was slightly deleted.
In addition to suggestions,
Here’s another copy"list of good things"
Please check it,
Submit your answers.
Sunrise and sunset, the thousands of stars shining in the dark sky and the world they shine on.
Books. Cold beer. Fresh air. Dogs. Horses. Yellowing paperback book.
A long, affectionate and meaningful kiss; A short, shallow and polite kiss. (All kisses)
When the cinema lights dimmed, there was a bucket of warm popcorn on my leg.
The smell of pine and cypress in the warm evening in Italy. Drink water after a long run.
I thought I was sick, but it turned out to be a false alarm.
-Matt Hagrid
Sun-dried quilts, newly bought books, five dollars in jeans, and someone sent an umbrella when it rained.
Ice cream and coke, share a pack of spicy strips, a newly updated comic play, and the paws of a cat’s flesh.
Mom’s cooking, gay friends’s best friend’s talk, the boss’s praise, and a good morning every day.
—— @ 京京京京京
When I came out of the bathhouse after taking a shower, the cool wind blew on me.
See the sunshine in the Woods. (Tyndall effect)
Eat jelly.
The streets began to get busy in the morning.
Eat meat.
Power supply all night.
Go home to eat breakfast noodles, Dalian noodles, Regan Noodles, pickled beef noodles, pickled duck soup noodles, beef offal noodles, steak noodles and various breakfasts.
See a lovely girl.
Write calligraphy in the afternoon.
Received express delivery.
The smell in the box of the new digital product.
—— @ Wancheng Wenjie
When I returned to my distant home, the house was warm, the food was very hot, and my parents smiled sweetly.
Niece and nephew grab the phone. My niece said, Aunt, I miss you. My nephew has just turned 17 months old, so he can only keep screaming when he grabs the phone, aunt! Auntie! Auntie!
Run to the canteen after class, and have meat dishes.
In the dead of winter, put on thick down jackets, cotton trousers and cotton shoes.
On a snowy day, I came out of the bath, warm and shiny with snowflakes.
I want to tell you that there are still many beautiful things in this world:
The new sunshine in the morning, the corner of plain clothes blown by the breeze,
New soil in spring, warm bed in winter,
Deep alleys are covered with green tiles and plum blossoms, and the front of the court is covered with loquats.
A bonfire with stories, poems full of the moon,
The blushing of girls’ cheeks, the pear vortex of teenagers’ corners of their mouths,
And me.
—— @ 京京京京京京
After reading today’s push
If you think
The fatigue eased a little.
The pressure is reduced a little.
I feel a little happier.
That’s the meaning of these beautiful things.
In the cool October
May the world be beautiful.
Interlocking with you
Source/CCTV news finishing
Picture/worm creativity
Editor/All-China Women’s Federation Network Information Center Li Siqi
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What to buy for football: a professional guide helps you find the best choice.

Football is the most popular sport in the world, and it has a broad mass base, whether as a leisure or professional competition. If you are a football fan, or you just want to play football in your spare time, it is very important to choose a good football. This article will provide you with some professional guides to help you find the best football.

1. Material: The material of football is mainly divided into leather and synthetic materials. Leather football is usually more durable and feels better, but the price is also higher. Synthetic football is cheaper, but it may not be as durable as leather football. You need to choose the right material according to your budget and frequency of use.

2. Size: The size of a football is usually marked by its diameter. Generally speaking, the diameter of a standard match ball is 21.5 cm. However, for beginners, it may be better to choose a bigger football because it can help them control the ball better. If you are an adult or a teenager, you can choose a smaller football.

3. Weight: The weight of football is also very important, because it will affect your performance in the game. Generally speaking, the standard football weighs about 410 grams. If you often train for a long time, then you may need to choose a heavier football.

4. Brand: There are many well-known football brands in the market, such as Adidas, Nike and Puma. These brands of football have certain quality assurance, but also have their own characteristics in design. You can choose a brand according to your personal preference and budget.

5. Price: The price of football varies greatly, ranging from tens of yuan to hundreds of yuan. Although the higher the price, the better the quality of football, but you don’t need to spend a lot of money to buy a good football. Generally speaking, 100-200 yuan football is enough to meet the needs of most people.

6. Test: Before you buy a football, you’d better try it yourself. You can try a few kicks on different courts to see how the ball feels. In addition, you can also ask your friends to try it and listen to their feedback.

Generally speaking, it is not difficult to choose a good football. The key is to choose according to your own needs and budget. I hope the above suggestions can help you.

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Why do women "change their temperament" in menopause?

This is due to the secondary neuroendocrine changes caused by the decline of ovarian function. Women’s gonad organ "ovary" has two important functions, one is to secrete eggs, so that women have reproductive function; The other is the secretion of female hormone-estrogen. Just as human aging is inevitable, so is ovarian aging. Most women’s ovaries began to age after the age of 40, and the secretion of estrogen began to decline, especially before and after menopause, when the fluctuation of estrogen decreased most obviously.

During this period, it is the most common time for women to have emotional problems, that is to say, the age between 40 and 55 is the age group with high incidence of emotional disorders such as depression and anxiety. Symptoms such as depression and anxiety in menopause may have various reasons, most of which are the changes of hormone levels, especially the obvious decrease of estrogen levels.

In addition, during this period, women are faced with changes in their relative roles, such as children leaving home, children going to school for employment, changes in husband-wife relationship, job adjustment, changes in economic situation, major changes in parents’ health, and changes in their own health. These psychological and social factors may cause emotional obstacles for women. (Peking University Third Hospital)

Source: Beijing 12320 is listening


On November 1st, in the final round of the second stage (Group B) of the Asian Women’s Football Qualifier for the Paris Olympic Games, China drew 1-1 with South Korea, and failed to advance to the Paris Olympic Games.

On November 1st, China coach Shui Qingxia (former) led the players to greet the audience after the game. Xinhua News Agency reporter Jiang Kehong photo

On November 1st, China team player Wang Shanshan (right) struggled in the competition. Xinhua News Agency reporter Wei Peiquan photo

On November 1st, China team player Zhang Linyan (second from left) broke through with the ball in the game. Xinhua News Agency reporter Jiang Kehong photo

On November 1st, China team player Yang Lina cried after the game. Xinhua News Agency reporter Wei Peiquan photo

Source: Xinhua News Agency